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Ferguson Police Open Fire Into Peaceful Protest, America is a Dictatorship


Jun 26, 2012
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Russian Federation
Recorded Via Livestream from Ferguson;
Ferguson police fire rubber bullets and tear gas canisters into peaceful protest and local neighborhood, no crimes have been committed and the only violence that occurred was after police started firing into the crowd. This attack was unprovoked.

This is part 2 after they had fired tear gas & rubber bullets into the crowd and the crowd had moved down almost 2 city blocks from the original protest location. The crowd of course gets upset.

A angry city that wants answers turns into a warzone from police action. What does a police state look like? This is what a police state looks like!

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:rofl: You done?

Someone gets shot by Police, its gotta be the Cop's fault right?

You throw rocks, cocktails, charge police lines, loot small businesses, set fire to small businesses. What should you get?

Rubber Bullets, and Tear Gas whats wrong with that?

The only thing missing now is some White man staying at his business or house shooting some looter.

Why don't you go search some videos of Riots in Russia?
:rofl: You done?

Someone gets shot by Police, its gotta be the Cop's fault right?

You throw rocks, cocktails, charge police lines, loot small businesses, set fire to small businesses. What should you get?

Rubber Bullets, and Tear Gas whats wrong with that?

The only thing missing now is some White man staying at his business or house shooting some looter.

Why don't you go search some videos of Riots in Russia?

dont mind these people what do these people know, protestors were blacks
no one cares about your crappy American movies

Well they don't exactly care much about Russian movies...Tanner.

Apostrophes, cris et tapage
Poussés jusques à la fureur !
Car c'est la fête du courage !
C'est la fête des gens de cœur !
Allons ! en garde !
Allons ! allons ! Ah !

Toréador, en garde ! Toréador !
Toréador !
Et songe bien, oui,
songe en combattant
Qu'un œil noir te regarde,
Et que l'amour t'attend,
Toréador, l'amour, l'amour t'attend !
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no one cares about your crappy American movies

Hollywood is in the top 3 in every film market covered by the UNESCO survey: Feature films : Exhibition - Indicators - look at the spreadsheet "Origin of top 5 countries of all feature films exhibited", and #1 in most of them.

Further, Russia itself has passed a law to limit the number of non-Russian films shown, indicating the local film industry is not competitve. Legislation Being Readied to Reduce Number of Foreign Films in Russian Cinemas | News | The Moscow Times

Per that article, 17% of the films Russians watch are Russian. Wanna bet what most of the others are?

So, I think your statement is factually incorrect, at least the caring part. People watch them, but perhaps they are still "crappy", that would be a subjective call on your part.
Hollywood is in the top 3 in every film market covered by the UNESCO survey: Feature films : Exhibition - Indicators - look at the spreadsheet "Origin of top 5 countries of all feature films exhibited", and #1 in most of them.

Further, Russia itself has passed a law to limit the number of non-Russian films shown, indicating the local film industry is not competitve. Legislation Being Readied to Reduce Number of Foreign Films in Russian Cinemas | News | The Moscow Times

Per that article, 17% of the films Russians watch are Russian. Wanna bet what most of the others are?

So, I think your statement is factually incorrect, at least the caring part. People watch them, but perhaps they are still "crappy", that would be a subjective call on your part.

and how many films you think are german which germans are watching? I am pretty sure its below 17%. Russia is going in the right direction, this bill will decrease the number of american films and put more money into russian pockets. American movies are just another way of propaganda anyways, like the politician says they defirm russians and russian culture. They are racist and should be decreased. If braindamged westernized russians still want to watch their crappy american movies they have to pirate it, so they have money to spent on other things like getting a GF and repopulate instead watching crappy movies.

Also what coincidence i actually bought some russian anime today, i will watch it and make a thread about it if i like it so i put my money where my mouth is.

:rofl: You done?

Someone gets shot by Police, its gotta be the Cop's fault right?

You throw rocks, cocktails, charge police lines, loot small businesses, set fire to small businesses. What should you get?

Rubber Bullets, and Tear Gas whats wrong with that?

The only thing missing now is some White man staying at his business or house shooting some looter.

Why don't you go search some videos of Riots in Russia?

even the mass protests in 2012 were much more peaceful than this

If you were smart you would know that they are members of SWAT. You would have noticed if you looked closely at the first pic clearly saying TACTICAL OPERATIONS, but your more emphatic at getting attention.


even the mass protests in 2012 were much more peaceful than this

Those Mass Protests were clogging up Public Space, became infested with rats/mice/ pests, heaven for drug use, and marches at night involved riots/ looting/ arson.

The Protesters had no set demands on changing anything. After a while it became apparent they were protesting to protest.
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Most Americans are unhappy with the behavior of the police there. Note a couple of things:

1) This is a local police force, not a national or state police force.
2) The local police force have been criticized heavily by both media and politicians of both major parties.
3) The governor of the state has ordered the state police to take over crowd control duties - and the complaints of police brutality (and looting) have dropped off to effectively zero since. Demonstrations continue - it's legal to demonstrate here.
4) Investigation is ongoing - it is too early to say that there will not be justice (or what justice should look like). There will be claims and counter-claims, and it will take a bit of time to sort it out.
5) The "hands up" posture of the demonstrators is deliberate on their part, as a way of mocking the police. The police are not requiring them to put their hands up.
when will the EU blast the US for using excessive force on protestors? during the Gezi protests in 2013 the EU (and ironically the US too) accused Turkey (Erdogan) of being a tyrant/dictator for using similar force (like tear gas and water) against some protestors who were throwing molotovs at police, destroying public property like cars and shops, putting up barrages in streets, but now they turn a blind eye of course. hypocrites.
when will the EU blast the US for using excessive force on protestors? during the Gezi protests in 2013 the EU (and ironically the US too) accused Turkey (Erdogan) of being a tyrant/dictator for using similar force (like tear gas and water) against some protestors who were throwing molotovs at police, destroying public property like cars and shops, putting up barrages in streets, but now they turn a blind eye of course. hypocrites.

Neither the US nor the EU should have accused Turkey as being a tyrant Dictator during the Gezi protestors.

Anyways if the US is a dictatorship, what is North Korea? :cheesy:

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