Then you are talking as if he was elected to both office based on his merits and competence. All politicians in PRC are career politicians, you don't get to the top position without proving yourself from the bottom, unlike in domecracy where you can come out of nowhere by just have enough influencial people around you and have enough political capitals.
No, you convince people to vote for you.
So what? I trust the decisions like who gets to the president or party secretary to those professionals that knows how to run a country and understand what is more important for the country. Leaving those decisions to the general public is just like throwing a monkey wrench into politics. Although GWB was voted one of the worst presidents in the US history, he was still elected into the white house for two full terms, and that is one more term than his daddy did.
And yet in the short history it has, the US have accomplished so much despite electing incompetents like B43, who is probably is far more competent as governor and President than the previous generation of China's leaders that produced the economic and social disaster that was Cold War China.
Let us look at what you said again:
I trust the decisions like who gets to the president or party secretary to those professionals that knows how to run a country and understand what is more important for the country.
You have no problems trusting the political elite few in China to make decisions for China, but you do not trust the American public, via democratic processes, to decide who makes decisions for America.
So basically, you support political elitism in China. The new royalty. They exclude commoners like you simply because you have no political experience. You do not even deserve to make any opinions of them, and if you do make any opinions of them, you are ignored anyway since you do not matter, not even in the least.
Not only that, by virtue of what you said,
ALL democratically elected leaders must be nowhere as able executives as the career politicians in China, including the ones who are corrupt and incompetent. After all, someone who was someone important trusted these corrupt and incompetent executives enough to elevate them into offices in the first place, right?
But somehow you agreed with those reporters without doing your own homework. I gave you more credits than you deserved here.
Why should I not agreed with those reporters? Even if we all turn out wrong in the future, that in itself is nothing extraordinary. But given the fact that you support political elitism in China, what make you think little miss Mingze will not someday sneer down her nose at you from the palaces of Beijing? If her old man and the Party approves her ascension to the Dragon Throne, would you trust their decisions?