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Syrian regime sending militias to Iran for training

2006 war was false, Hezbollah and Israel controls South Lebanon and they butchered Palestinian refugees so as Lebanon just like in 1982. What is happening in Syria, thanks god Hezbolllah Secretary General said "If Assad falls, we'lll either make peace with Israel or side with Israel". FINALLY they admitted it even though we suunis already knew they were with the Jews for long time.

I can't talk with you Shias because you are already brainwashed by your ayatollahs. Worst Iranian regime, bunch of Muttahs. Don't worry we'll save you and the Iranians will be freed by the regime. :victory:

I'm pretty sure you work for Aljazeera or Alarabieyh... you are one bad liar like them...
when did Hezbollah say that?
enough lies...
im sure this Egyptian wahhabi puts other Egyptian members in shame.damn...lets call Iranian embassy in Australia for preparation against a wahhabi suicide attack right now.
@Soheil :يا حبيبي! اَ اتخذتَ الكتابي في ليل السابق؟اي ميلي؟ lol
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haha brother, where's your comeback? Every Shia is being owned by me in every post they speak against Suuni. :omghaha:
your videos are from an anti iran source and doesn't worth a sh~t. nothing in them are real.
The source is Reuters, not Israel.

Wrong no where it says taken from Reuters

Reuters interviewed four fighters who said they were taken on the combat course in Iran, as well as opposition sources who said they had also been documenting such cases.

All it says Reuters interviewed four fighters ?but clearly says opposition sources.

[B said:

haha brother, where's your comeback? Every Shia is being owned by me in every post they speak against Suuni. :omghaha:

You are a Ignorant fool.

Here is a Gift for you go ahead and own this.

Dubai police chief charges that Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood linked to an alleged plot to topple the UAE government.DUBAI - Sunni Muslim-ruled Gulf Arab states are often wary of subversion from their powerful Shi'ite neighbor Iran, but Dubai's veteran police chief reserves most of his wrath for the "dictators" of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Dhahi Khalfan's suspicions focus mostly on the Egyptian branch of the Sunni Islamist organization, propelled to power in the most populous Arab country in elections since the overthrow of President Hosni Mubarak in a popular uprising in 2011.

Iranians R sowing seeds of hatred for them in the hearts and minds of Syrians by supporting the butcher Asad. It won't fare well for their long term interest in ME and syria. Scum Asad's fall is inevitable.
Iranians R sowing seeds of hatred for them in the hearts and minds of Syrians by supporting the butcher Asad. It won't fare well for their long term interest in ME and syria. Scum Asad's fall is inevitable.

Wrong. Iran is playing protecting role of Syria. By supporting Syrian government (and people) that are doing everything in its power to stop these terrorists come to power, that would butcher so many more Syrians than that have died thus far (which is also the terrorists fault).
And Im positive most Syrians do not hate Iran because of that, but rather very grateful.

Iran+Syria bond will not be broken, so take your BS elsewhere.
HAHA, you're sending me Jerusalem post, stop sending me Israeli media, you must be too scared to give me an Aljazeeraor al arabiya links aren't ya? ALmost the entire Western medias are run by Jews you do know that?

Btw, the Iranians were interefering every region in the Gulf and they were punished far more than the Brotherhood, said the Saudis. I don't need to send you link because I know you know that.
Iranians R sowing seeds of hatred for them in the hearts and minds of Syrians by supporting the butcher Asad. It won't fare well for their long term interest in ME and syria. Scum Asad's fall is inevitable.

I hear Saudis are kicking out Bangladeshis cause they consider them criminals what are thoughts on that? plus there are places in Qatar where Bangladeshis are not allowed cause they are Bangladeshi?

I would really appreciate your thoughts on that since these Two countries are also supporting terrorist in Syria. So if i am to believe what you are saying that means they are right and Bangladeshis are criminal ?

HAHA, you're sending me Jerusalem post, stop sending me Israeli media, you must be too scared to give me an Aljazeeraor al arabiya links aren't ya? ALmost the entire Western medias are run by Jews you do know that?

Btw, the Iranians were interefering every region in the Gulf and they were punished far more than the Brotherhood, said the Saudis. I don't need to send you link because I know you know that.

Whole GCC is run by Jews whats your point.
Wrong. Iran is playing protecting role of Syria. By doing everything in its power to stop these terrorists come to power, that would butcher so many more Syrians than that have died thus far (which is also the terrorists fault).
And Im positive most Syrians do not hate Iran because of that, but rather very grateful.

That's the iranian point of view that Syrian rebels are terrorist. Demon asad don't have any legitimacy to rule over syria and he is typical sicular low life dictator. Iran should have helped kill this scum to safe the 100s of lives lost in syria everyday. That could have helped U have a pro-iranain or at least neutral gov in Syria. How exactly R U protecting syrians by supporting that sickular scum?
I hear Saudis are kicking out Bangladeshis cause they consider them criminals what are thoughts on that? plus there are places in Qatar where Bangladeshis are not allowed cause they are Bangladeshi?

I would really appreciate your thoughts on that since these Two countries are also supporting terrorist in Syria. So if i am to believe what you are saying that means they are right and Bangladeshis are criminal ?

Bro, this thread is not about saudis. And current BAL regime has ruined relations with all countries including USA. Relations with muslims countries haven't been this worse. Only India (BAL's master) is the exception. The kicking out of BDs has more to do with bad relations with BAL gov than anything else and also I don't support illegal workers.Also BAL gov itself don't care about expatriate BD workers. Relations will boom after the ouster of BAL scums. Don't worry.

And Syrian rebels need support from external forces to succeed and lower the bloodshed. Yeah GCC may have its interest in mind along with Turkey but atleast they R helping ousting a butcher. I don't understand your reason for supporting asad. Hasn't he killed enough already. Now don't say the genocide by asad is all propaganda. A civil war lasting more than 2 years cannot be propaganda.
That's the iranian point of view that Syrian rebels are terrorist. Demon asad don't have any legitimacy to rule over syria and he is typical sicular low life dictator. Iran should have helped kill this scum to safe the 100s of lives lost in syria everyday. That could have helped U have a pro-iranain or at least neutral gov in Syria. How exactly R U protecting syrians by supporting that sickular scum?

Wrong again. Not all of the opposition are terrorists, not at all.
There is an internal element of opposition that genuinly wants reform within the system. But that element have been marginalized by the terrorists coming from outside.
And Iran has called for the end of all violence on both sides, and let Syrians vote who they want in power. This process can be observed by international bodies to avoid any fraud.
But the West dont want that. Because they fear Assad will be elected.
Wrong again. Not all of the uprising are terrorists. There is an internal element of opposition that genuinly wants reform within the system. But that element have been marginalized by the terrorists coming from outside.
And Iran has called for the end of all violence on both sides, and let Syrians vote who they want in power. This process can be observed by international bodies to avoid any fraud.
But the West dont want that. Because they fear Assad will be elected.

Yeah the west did screwed up at the beginning with their rigid stance of "asad has to go". Now they can not backtrack as the violence makes it impossible to have any sort of negotiation. Asad now has to go for a peaceful Syria. Also with asad still in power no election is possible. RUssia and Iran backing such a dictator would have given him and his cult party the power of intimidation and influencing the election results. Dictators don't leave easy.

Also Iran was never serious or took a strong stance on Asad. Still supplying arms to them. What would U guys do when he will be ousted and their may not be a friendly gov in syria. Rater U should have tried to ensure that a neutral (not pro-western) gov come to power in syria. Iran failed IMO.
Bro, this thread is not about saudis. And current BAL regime has ruined relations with all countries including USA. Relations with muslims countries haven't been this worse. Only India (BAL's master) is the exception. The kicking out of BDs has more to do with bad relations with BAL gov than anything else and also I don't support illegal workers.Also BAL gov itself don't care about expatriate BD workers. Relations will boom after the ouster of BAL scums. Don't worry.

When it comes to Syrian conflict you cant leave Saudis Out They are the reason this is happening . Second punishing people who go do hard days work for the policies of the government shows what kind of people they are.

My point is simple brother on one hand they do every thing UN Islamic on the other hand claim to be protectors of Muslims really?

They don't even treat fairly people from Bangladesh pakistan and other poor countries while kissing westerns a.ss are all of sudden spending billions for the Sunnis in Syria who don't want nothing to do with this.

Yet the same Syrians are forced to prostitution and other meaning less jobs to pay for every days living in refugees camp.how come Qatar and house of saud isn't spending the same billions on these refugees.you know why because they couldn't care less for these people.

70 year old saudi men are traveling to these camps and buying underage girls and parents are pretty much helpless as they need to money to survive is this what you call freedom.

THis is disgusting by every imagination and nothing to do with Islam.
When it comes to Syrian conflict you cant leave Saudis Out They are the reason this is happening . Second punishing people who go do hard days work for the policies of the government shows what kind of people they are.

My point is simple brother on one hand they do every thing UN Islamic on the other hand claim to be protectors of Muslims really?

They don't even treat fairly people from Bangladesh pakistan and other poor countries while kissing westerns a.ss are all of sudden spending billions for the Sunnis in Syria who don't want nothing to do with this.

Yet the same Syrians are forced to prostitution and other meaning less jobs to pay for every days living in refugees camp.how come Qatar and house of saud isn't spending the same billions on these refugees.you know why because they couldn't care less for these people.

70 year old saudi men are traveling to these camps and buying underage girls and parents are pretty much helpless as they need to money to survive is this what you call freedom.

THis is disgusting by every imagination and nothing to do with Islam.

People always suffer due to the acts of their gov. Relation with USA is on a downward spiral and our garments export may be heavily effected. Now US won't think about the million of garment workers while punishing the autocratic lunatic acts of BAL gov. Relations with china is becoming colder now.

As for saudis, well yeah the monarch don't follow complete sharia but then again which country does. The KSA at least has implemented many good aspects of sharia and I appreciate that. Their proclamation of protecting muslims has political interest in it , and sometimes hypocritical as well specially in the case of Jordan and Qatar. But KSA and GCC role here in syria has to be appreciated. They have huge faults but then again Iran is no saint either. At least in syrian case GCC is protecting muslims in Syria IMO and is the lesser evil than Iran who is supporting asad.
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