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Pakistan Nuclear & Missile Project/Program and Capability ahead of Indias (US Report)

DARKY is known for his half cooked stories. Bombard another person with technical fantasies that he couldn't verify it properly and negate the other persona argument without doing proper research of his own.

Instead of correcting him you are encouraging stupidity.

The Physics and Material Science doesn't allow making of a Thermonuclear Bomb by just using Plutonium... for that you need Tritium.

India own the only working mass production facility for Tritium.. after US.
Here is how Its done in India.... we have even exported it to some countries.

Tritium from Power Plants gives India an H-bomb capability
Basically you are moron who keep opening mouth without properly searching on Google. DARKY stop making fool of yourself.

Khushab Tritium Production Facility | Facilities | NTI

The fact is Pakistan is shifting it's nuke warhead from uranium to plutonium based. Pakistan is producing tritium. Pakistan has super computers which can simulate any scenario properly.

And you are a moron of highest degree

Do you even Understand what is Tritium ?

Tritium is an important component in nuclear weapons. It is used to enhance the efficiency and yield of fission bombs and the fission stages of hydrogen bombs in a process known as "boosting" as well as in external neutron initiators for such weapons.

Tritium - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And then you need Deuterium.. All of which are being mass produced from Heavy water processing facilities here in India.

Now go and cry a river for being an absolute moron.
@DARKY, you may engage me. Yes we have been making Tritium for a very long time. Anything else need to know?
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@DARKY, you may engage me. Yes we have been making Tritium for a very long time. Anything else need to know?

Can't you do a simple favor to you and others... "Talk Sense".

Making some in Lab and mass producing are two different things entirely... If you produce could 100-200 Fission Bombs just using Lab processed Plutonium and HEU then why did you import reactors from China for mass production ?
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Can't you do a simple favor to you and others... "Talk Sense".

Making some in Lab and mass producing are two different things entirely... If you produce 100-200 Fission Bombs just using Lab processed Plutonium and HEU then why did you import reactors from China for mass production ?

Yeah a procedure started 26 years ago and still Pakistan making some in Lab. Go put some sense in you moron before talking sensibly here.

Show where Pakistan is making some in Lab? Even you didn't knew Pakistan is making tritium moron and when you were disgraced with a proper fact, than you start making moronic rants that India is mass producing and Pakistan is producing some in Lab which you got no proof of what is Pakistan production capability and than you say we are morons and your the most senile poster here. Imbecile DARKY

Do you even Understand what is Tritium ?

Tritium - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And then you need Deuterium.. All of which are being mass produced from Heavy water processing facilities here in India.

Now go and cry a river for being an absolute moron.

Why are you changing subjects moron. You misinformed and spread false propoganda Pakistan is not producing Tritium. Now where did mass production by India came from which was not the point of discussion btween you and me....

Diversive tactics employed by imbecile Darky asusual.
Yeah a procedure started 26 years ago and still Pakistan making some in Lab. Go put some sense in you moron before talking sensibly here.

Show where Pakistan is making some in Lab? Even you didn't knew Pakistan is making tritium moron and when you were disgraced with a proper fact, than you start making moronic rants that India is mass producing and Pakistan is producing some in Lab which you got no proof of what is Pakistan production capability and than you say we are morons and your the most senile poster here. Imbecile DARKY

Tritium is produced in small quantities in University labs.... I am amazed how pathetic you people are... I never meant that it is entirely not produced in Pakistan... the difference comes with mass production facilities in quantities which can be used in a Thermonuclear bomb along with Deuterium.

What Pakistan has got is a laboratory level production facility which at best produces a few grams for research... The Device Itself was provided by Some German company.
Tritium is produced in small quantities in University labs.... I am amazed how pathetic you people are... I never meant that it is entirely not produced in Pakistan... the difference comes with mass production facilities in quantities which can be used in a Thermonuclear bomb along with Deuterium.

What Pakistan has got is a laboratory level production facility which at best produces a few grams for research... The Device Itself was provided by Some German company.

Says who? I am amazed how pathetic you are by making such statements without any proper evidence

A production facility setup in a military grade nuclear facility 27 years ago is still making few grams of tritium for research purposes while at the same time they are building further plutonium based reactors for producing small quantity of plutonium for research purposes i guess. I'm arguing with a moron here basically

Last but not the least,,, Humay phuddu samjha howa hay kia tu nay that you did not meant when you said Pakistan does not have tritium producing facilities and suddenly make a u turn and start arguing Pakistan does not have mass producing tritium production facilities without backing up your statement with any source or evidence..

German firms provided us with proper production facilities not some laboratory grade equipment to produce few grams. If you have data to refute than bring fort or else STFU. It's better to STFU than spread lies
i think i had just wasted my precious time replying him

*Pakistan had no super computer in past
sir jii pak had Supercomputer even in 1983 during kirana hills tests

*Ok pak had computer but even at the moment the one they have is below 1teraflop
sir ji as usuall your wrong being an indian it is in your nature to be a propagandist.ok sir ji this is a proof..pak is having a super computer with 132teraflop speed.even the comsat is having one with 18teraflop speed..let alone comsat..even the kohat uni has one.

*Ok you do have but we are exporting this and that.we are superior.we have alien brains.
ok sir you do this is why we dont compare ourselves with you guys becuase you are aliens

*you are a fool..you dont know anything..pakistna dont have the capability to produce tritium
mafiya replies..you will remain a moron.pakistan is producing tritium from the past odd 3 decades

*this is for research purpose
26 years and research..is there anything left to not officially call you a indian(typical indian)

we are now waiting for a new underestimation reply from him
So why indian government don't pay heed to this advice of yours first?

India have stopped thinking about Nuclear now, Our Nuke arsenal are fixed (in number) and safe. We are not expanding our nuclear arsenal.

By the way how far TTP is from your Nukes?? :azn: :devil:

Mere pyaare bhai jaan Pakistan nuclear doctrine doesnt fall under Minimum credible deterrence like the rest of the nuclear state

Nuclear doctrine of Pakistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Then I can say "MAD" pakistan.. Hope you know what this MAD means.. Enjoy keep making Nukes , and hopefully export them to Korea and Iran..
The heavy water research reactor at Khushab is a central element of Pakistan's program for the production of plutonium and tritium for advanced compact warheads.

All three of the new facilities aim to support Pakistan’s production of plutonium and none of them are safeguarded by the IAEA. The capabilities of the new reactors combined would allow Pakistan to produce enough plutonium to manufacture more than 12 nuclear weapons a year. Pakistan’s production levels allow for roughly 7-14 nuclear weapons per year. But with all four plants operational, nuclear weapons could be produced at a rate of as many as 19-26 weapons per year, nearly twice the rate

Khushab - Pakistan Special Weapons Facilities

by the end of this decade pak if the pace is continue will have atleast 400 warhead
@DARKY , you remind me of Mal from Inception. So hell-bent and persistent; claiming Prithvi to be similar to Iskander, underestimating Pakistan's capabilities (I wouldn't be surprised if the next thing you say is Pakistani missiles have a CEP of 1000m), claiming all Ghauri launches to be failures (whereas 3 have been hinted as failures out of 10 total launches) and claiming all the goodies to be in India's pocket just because BR has some good photoshop experts.

I hope the other knowledgeable members clarified your doubts.

The only Plutonium based design tested by Pakistan was a 12KT yield pure fission warhead on assistance with NK somewhere in Balochistan deserts away from the test site which conducted 1st four tests all HEU based fission and one boosted fission 30-35KT large warhead.

:cheesy: The last argument you got with you is China :china: and case closed.

For some reason, you accept only the western version of reporting about Pakistan's nuclear weapons. However, for India you immediately resort to BR.
The idea was to discuss the operational capabilities of both countries, not supercomputers, plutonium stocks or thermonuclear weapons. There is no use in continuing the discussion further.
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@DARKY , you remind me of Mal from Inception. So hell-bent and persistent; claiming Prithvi to be similar to Iskander, underestimating Pakistan's capabilities (I wouldn't be surprised if the next thing you say is Pakistani missiles have a CEP of 1000m), claiming all Ghauri launches to be failures (whereas 3 have been hinted as failures out of 10 total launches) and claiming all the goodies to be in India's pocket just because BR has some good photoshop experts.

I showed you why.
Where did I underestimate.... I cannot say that Pakistan has Megaton Yield warheads and ICBMs... like many others want to hear.
CEP for most Pakistani missiles ranges between 300-100m.
Me claiming about Ghauri... :hitwall: I gave you the source where the scientist from your missile/nuclear program has been saying that... and you are blaming me for quoting/writing what he said.:rolleyes:
There are more Photoshop experts here than BR... I gave you what is correct... If you want don't want to believe its upto you keep it to yourself.... But If you want to prove me wrong better produce something which says I was wrong.
And yes I can see the level of Knowledge among other knowledgeable members.

I hope the other knowledgeable members clarified your doubts.

For some reason, you accept only the western version of reporting about Pakistan's nuclear weapons. However, for India you immediately resort to BR.
The idea was to discuss the operational capabilities of both countries, not supercomputers, plutonium stocks or thermonuclear weapons. There is no use in continuing the discussion further.

Do you have the Pakistani version ?
You can bring in the western source which falsifies my Indian source.
If India holds thermonuclear weapon.... It has to be mentioned... you people quiet easily take western sources as correct when it says something which makes you happy... for example the warhead estimates of Pakistan in time to come... even If it is true... what is Pakistan going to do with that many warheads... one of the knowledgeable member here claimed the estimates to reach 400... :woot:

Now where are the delivery systems for that many warheads... you still rely on old Chinese missile derivatives which the Chinese them self have been retiring.... or North Korean missiles which according to your own scientist remains doubtful... coming to Bombers... Mirage planes have already passed their age of retirement... Nasr doesn't have the reach... neither it can carry something more than 30-40kg nuclear.... coming to Babur and Raad old Abdali/Ghaznavi have better chance of reaching its target... All keeping in mind the future and current developments in Integrated air-defense Indian armed forces.

Now If I by mistake even say that Indian arsenal is/will surely be much more than what Pakistan has or will ever have[I know other Knowledgeable members would be ready to jump on my throat with their knowledge].... keeping in mind the Newer missiles coming up... like Agni 3/4/5/6... K-15/4/5... etc... and other Hypersonic,Supersonic,Subsonic cruise missiles and new Bombers like Rafale.. ever Increasing MKI fleet... the Increasing SSBN fleet[by 2020 there would be 4-5] plus the SSK fleet with VLTs and reserves for those submarines.... I would somehow be wrong... because western source doesn't say about it and somehow It doesn't makes you feel good.
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You didnt have to waste time on the highlighting stuff. We know that Ghauri is pretty much an outdated system with severe reliability issues.
I don't think I need to quote Agni-I's launch preparation failure, Agni-II's night trial failures or Prithvi-II's SFC trial failure.

U mean this....

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When talking of Prithvi you must be clear as to which version... Airforce version of Prithvi is still aremd with nuclear warhead... I am not sure about the navy... till K-15 gets operational they too will have Dhanush nuclear tipped.

Underdevelopment missile are LR-LACM both subsonic and supersonic[no I am not talking of Brahmos here], K-4 tested 3-4 times, Prahar, and other hypersonic scramjet projects.

AFA Indian Arsenal is concerned... there is a provision to make 2000 bombs on short-notice using reactor grade Plutonium.. yes there is enough plutonium for that many bombs... the device was validated during Shakti 1998 tests.. it was the 3rd test in series... low yield/sub kiloton to be used on short range missiles and rocket artillery.

Other than that Arsenal is pretty much same number as of Pakistan may be a few warheads less... however the total yield is many times more than the whole Pakistani arsenal.

About diversity in delivery platforms is concerned here also Indian systems out number Pakistan by a long margin... It includes aircrafts like Su30MKI, M2Ketc..to Ships like Sukanya class vessels or Rajput class destroyers... and Submarines like Arihant... along with Ballistic, cruise missiles and quasi-behaviour missile.


u meant this.:rofl:

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