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Pakistan Nuclear & Missile Project/Program and Capability ahead of Indias (US Report)

lol these nuclear arsenal and projects r classified how can us know all about india.... i think same with pakistan
Before writing this,did you bother to check that what rubbish you are writing is reality or not:angry: India's all SRBM's are liquid propelled.Agni-1's only first stage is solid propelled its 2nd stage is liquid propelled.And fix it in your mind that Except Ghauri series missiles all of Pakistan's SRBM's and IRBM's are solid propelled & Shaheen III with its 3500 km range covers entire of india. :pakistan:
its 4500 km.
Wow what a civil conversation going on the top. Bigots at their best.
If Pakistan is ahead of India in nuclear and rocket technology then where are Pakistani made Thorium reactors generating 1000s of mega wat electricity, Heavy weight class sat launching systems, BMD and ASAT?
If Pakistan is ahead of India in nuclear and rocket technology then where are Pakistani made Thorium reactors generating 1000s of mega wat electricity, Heavy weight class sat launching systems, BMD and ASAT?

Both are different fields. Pakistan is focused only towards developing nuclear weapons and their delivery systems, whereas in India there is an equal emphasis on Civilian research and use of nuclear and missile technology.

Pakistan is ahead of India in terms of deployment and diversity of nuclear delivery systems. We are currently looking at:
6 operational delivery systems (Gravity bomb, Abdali SRBM, Ghaznavi SRBM, Shaheen-I SRBM, Ghauri MRBM, Shaheen-II MRBM)
2 in production (Babur GLCM [SLCM in development], Ra'ad ALCM)
3 in development (Nasr BRBM, Shaheen-IA MRBM, Shaheen-III MRBM)

Whereas India has the following Pakistan-specific delivery systems:
3 operational (Gravity bomb, Agni-I SRBM, Agni II MRBM)
1 in possible production (Shaurya/Sagarika QBM)
1 in development (Nirbhay CM)

However, India is far ahead in ballistic missile development technology, with Shaurya/Sagarika, Agni-III, IV and V having more capabilities than any system Pakistan has. Also in the case of supersonic cruise missile program, India's BrahMos CM has unmatched performance.
On the other hand Pakistan's sub-sonic cruise missile program is far ahead of India's.

The India missile program has more of a scientific nature, rather than military-deployment oriented. But Pakistan focuses on developing, producing and deploying the systems as soon as possible, as the whole program is supervised by the military itself.
Whereas India has the following Pakistan-specific delivery systems:
3 operational (Gravity bomb, Agni-I SRBM, Agni II SRBM)
1 in possible production (Shaurya/Sagarika QBM)
1 in development (Nirbhay CM)

You have missed prithvi Series in that list .

+ Agni I and Agni II are MRBM not SRBM .
If Pakistan is ahead of India in nuclear and rocket technology then where are Pakistani made Thorium reactors generating 1000s of mega wat electricity, Heavy weight class sat launching systems, BMD and ASAT?

They all take something called money.
Just because I have the ability to produce something does not mean Ill be able to take it out of my hat right there and then.

When you have limited investment for projects you choose by priority.

And Pakistan may be ahead of India in Number of Warheads and Warhead capability(what the warheads do..although that information is only as old as my time in that industry).. it is nowhere close to the rocket engine advancements of India(vis-a-vis Agni V) and has no gain over in nuclear developments.
Pakistan for eg.. lag far behind India in Chemical and Biological weaponry.
After the US and Russia, India is the only other country that officially maintains a small pox virus. India trains many of the UN's chemical and biological weapons inspectors.

Western countries allege India has a massive underground laboratory in Central India that houses some of the most lethal biological agents.
You have missed prithvi Series in that list .

+ Agni I and Agni II are MRBM not SRBM .

The Prithvi series is not presently nuclear capable, its role was replaced by Agni-I.
Agni-I had a range of 700km, for Agni-II post corrected. :tup:
The Prithvi series is not presently nuclear capable, its role was replaced by Agni-I.
Agni-I had a range of 700km, for Agni-II post corrected. :tup:

When talking of Prithvi you must be clear as to which version... Airforce version of Prithvi is still aremd with nuclear warhead... I am not sure about the navy... till K-15 gets operational they too will have Dhanush nuclear tipped.

Underdevelopment missile are LR-LACM both subsonic and supersonic[no I am not talking of Brahmos here], K-4 tested 3-4 times, Prahar, and other hypersonic scramjet projects.

AFA Indian Arsenal is concerned... there is a provision to make 2000 bombs on short-notice using reactor grade Plutonium.. yes there is enough plutonium for that many bombs... the device was validated during Shakti 1998 tests.. it was the 3rd test in series... low yield/sub kiloton to be used on short range missiles and rocket artillery.

Other than that Arsenal is pretty much same number as of Pakistan may be a few warheads less... however the total yield is many times more than the whole Pakistani arsenal.

About diversity in delivery platforms is concerned here also Indian systems out number Pakistan by a long margin... It includes aircrafts like Su30MKI, M2Ketc..to Ships like Sukanya class vessels or Rajput class destroyers... and Submarines like Arihant... along with Ballistic, cruise missiles and quasi-behaviour missile.
I don't know how can importing North Korean Rockets and Copying Chinese better the Indian missile program when even China and North Korea have been behind the Indian missile program.

An example......





When talking of Prithvi you must be clear as to which version... Airforce version of Prithvi is still aremd with nuclear warhead... I am not sure about the navy... till K-15 gets operational they too will have Dhanush nuclear tipped.
The navy has only 2 Sukanya class patrol crafts as test beds for Dhanush, apparently it hasn't been deployed.

Underdevelopment missile are LR-LACM both subsonic and supersonic[no I am not talking of Brahmos here], K-4 tested 3-4 times, Prahar, and other hypersonic scramjet projects.

Similarly Pakistan has Babur-II in development. K-4 hasn't been tested yet, please provide evidence for it. Prahar is a conventional platform.

AFA Indian Arsenal is concerned... there is a provision to make 2000 bombs on short-notice using reactor grade Plutonium.. yes there is enough plutonium for that many bombs... the device was validated during Shakti 1998 tests.. it was the 3rd test in series... low yield/sub kiloton to be used on short range missiles and rocket artillery.
War doesn't provides any short-term notices for production of nuclear weapons.
India does not possess tactical nuclear weapons based on artillery, please provide evidence to support your argument.

About diversity in delivery platforms is concerned here also Indian systems out number Pakistan by a long margin... It includes aircrafts like Su30MKI, M2Ketc..to Ships like Sukanya class vessels or Rajput class destroyers... and Submarines like Arihant... along with Ballistic, cruise missiles and quasi-behaviour missile.

True that, but only the Naval arm gives India the upper hand. Again, India has advanced in development of systems, but not in deployment...yet.

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