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IDEX UAE 2013: News, Updates & Discussions




Caracal unveiled new Assault rifles based on the M4 CAR-816 :

China Shows Off Futuristic Ships at IDEX


In addition to the ‘usual suspects’ of JF-17, SAM, SPAAA together with a host of long range rockets, a model of “High-Performance Frigate” is on display on the first time. This could be the long rumored Type054B, a follow on variant of the highly successful Type054A currently in mass production with the China Navy.”

Chinese Milgem :)

Dude, You are talking about an agreement that is not known until now but suddenly mentioned with a speech in recent days. Until this date, Turkey and UAE signed lots of deals regarding artillery rockets and working togather since 2000. Let me remind you some point. UAE never ordered any Russian or Serbian rockets before(As far as I know). Before Roketsan, UAE was using Italian rockets and The launchers Burkan/Roketsan developed are suitable to launch both Italian and Turkish rockets. It was same Roketsan updated Italian systems as well.

Take a look the specifications of 107mm systems UAE, Serbia and Turkye to realize what you are talking. It isn't important Where or When this vehicle seen...

Serbian 107mm

UAE 107mm

Roketsan 107mm

so Don't believe everything you heart and Never be sure anything you don't have any idea. :)

Dude i don't know do you have a problem with a reading? I clearly said that we helped with development of the system, i never told you anything about any rockets, or selling rockets to the UAE. We helped them develop the launcher, and that is it. Here is the pic of the first launcher being built here in Serbia:

Dude i don't know do you have a problem with a reading? I clearly said that we helped with development of the system, i never told you anything about any rockets, or selling rockets to the UAE. We helped them develop the launcher, and that is it. Here is the pic of the first launcher being built here in Serbia:


I dn't have any prblem with reading but I think You have some problem with playing around the World When sIt comes to save your day. You helped UAE to develop 107mm rockets but The rockets developed suddenly became one by one same of Roketsan's 107mm regarding every specifications instead of based on? Dude, Delusion is not a good thing. If NIMR with 107mm rockets have some connections weith Serbia, It is about aft tents and the platform stationed. As you see Missiles have not any connection with you That's what I can tell you with tens of sources. Read and compare the specifications of each 107mm rockets carefully...
Did Pakistani firms take part in the show?

Did Pakistani firms take part in the show?

Did Pakistani firms take part in the show?
You helped UAE to develop 107mm rockets but The rockets developed suddenly became one by one same of Roketsan's 107mm regarding every specifications instead of based on? Dude, Delusion is not a good thing. If NIMR with 107mm rockets have some connections weith Serbia, It is about aft tents and the platform stationed. As you see Missiles have not any connection with you That's what I can tell you with tens of sources. Read and compare the specifications of each 107mm rockets carefully...

Are you blind, we developed launcher, not rockets. We don't care whose rockets they will fire from it. You are the only one that speaks about rockets, i didn't mention them even once. The whole launcher was developed by Serbian VTI, and if UAE army is firing Turkish rockets from it, i don't really care, that has nothing to do with the facts i presented here.
Are you blind, we developed launcher, not rockets. We don't care whose rockets they will fire from it. You are the only one that speaks about rockets, i didn't mention them even once. The whole launcher was developed by Serbian VTI, and if UAE army is firing Turkish rockets from it, i don't really care, that has nothing to do with the facts i presented here.

Firstly, You mentioned a whole tech transfer to UAE for this system based on Serbian 107mm with posting the introduction video. Later, You mentioned the system designed/developed and tested thanks to Serbian tech with emphasizing the fring trials held in Serbia. When I told my disagree with many sources, You underlined that Turkey isn't sole 107mm MLRS manufacturer country so It is normal to collaborate with UAE/Serbia regarding missiles/launchers. When I introduced the missile characteristics and similarities of both Roketsan and UAE one, You suddenly started talking about aft tents, launchers, not missiles..

Which face of yours I have to communicate with dude ? Don't play with the Words...

That's 107/122mm multiple rocket launchers. I think Image was taken from similar place NIMR 6x6 is also stationed. Take a look which company name is written at introduction table ?

Firstly, You mentioned a whole tech transfer to UAE for this system based on Serbian 107mm with posting the introduction video. Later, You mentioned the system designed/developed and tested thanks to Serbian tech with emphasizing the fring trials held in Serbia. When I told my disagree with many sources, You underlined that Turkey isn't sole 107mm MLRS manufacturer country so It is normal to collaborate with UAE/Serbia regarding missiles/launchers. When I introduced the missile characteristics and similarities of both Roketsan and UAE one, You suddenly started talking about aft tents, launchers, not missiles..

Which face of yours I have to communicate with dude ? Don't play with the Words...

Really??? Lets see my first post:

Before this we helped UAE to develop their MLRS

Helped is the key word. And yes sistem with the launcher we built was tested in Serbia with a Serbian rockets. We don't have Turkish rockets but we had to test the system, where is the problem in that. And your sources are only proving that you have some kind of a deal with UAE, they are not contradicting my statements.

Now i would like that you find where exactly am i saying anything about rockets. My posts:

There is nothing wrong with post. I am 100% sure about everything i already told you. I don't know what kind of deal Roketsan has with UAE, but this system is developed with a help from Serbia.

And i hope that we can agree that Serbia and Turkey doesn't sound the same.

Journalist would have to be complete moron to confuse those two words. And you can see pictures of that MLRS in Serbia on Serbian Mycitymiltary forum, first time posted in july 2009, while MLRS was tested here in Serbia:

Višecevni bacaèi raketa ''Plamen'' i "Oganj"

Pictures are probably taken few months before that date.

It is not Serbian system, it is system developed with a help from Serbia. Is that so hard to understand? They paid to Serbian military institute VTI to help them with development, and that is it. I already gave you enough evidence that system was in Serbia in 2009, and And you have an interview with Abu Dhabi’s Emirates Defense Technologies CEO, who clearly confirms what i alredy told you. WTF else do you wish from me? And Turkey is not the only country that produces MLRS systems, and 107 mm, 122mm and 128 mm rockets.

Dude i don't know do you have a problem with a reading? I clearly said that we helped with development of the system, i never told you anything about any rockets, or selling rockets to the UAE. We helped them develop the launcher, and that is it. Here is the pic of the first launcher being built here in Serbia:

Are you blind, we developed launcher, not rockets. We don't care whose rockets they will fire from it. You are the only one that speaks about rockets, i didn't mention them even once. The whole launcher was developed by Serbian VTI, and if UAE army is firing Turkish rockets from it, i don't really care, that has nothing to do with the facts i presented here.

So how about that you stop spinning and trying to put words that i never said in my mouth?

I never mentioned the missiles even once.
Really??? Lets see my first post:

Helped is the key word. And yes sistem with the launcher we built was tested in Serbia with a Serbian rockets. We don't have Turkish rockets but we had to test the system, where is the problem in that. And your sources are only proving that you have some kind of a deal with UAE, they are not contradicting my statements.

Now i would like that you find where exactly am i saying anything about rockets. My posts:

So how about that you stop spinning and trying to put words that i never said in my mouth?

It is clear with your statements that When you said We helped UAE to develop their MLRS, You have included 107mm rockets as well until I introduced the rocket characteristics of each You also don't know. (Yours is a general claim. If you don't want to be get wrong, You should have opened it regarding missile section, launchers, vehicle modifications When I was underlined the collaboration between UAE/Turkey).
That's 107/122mm multiple rocket launchers. I think Image was taken from similar place NIMR 6x6 is also stationed. Take a look which company name is written at introduction table ?


And how is this connected to the topic of our discussion? Launcher, container, and even vehicle are different. Here i will give you the pics of the Serbian LRSVM, that also have nothing in common with the topic.





Enjoy the pics!

It is clear with your statements that When you said We helped UAE to develop their MLRS, You have included 107mm rockets as well until I introduced the rocket characteristics of each You also don't know. (Yours is a general claim. If you don't want to be get wrong, You should have opened it regarding missile section, launchers, vehicle modifications When I was underlined the collaboration between UAE/Turkey).

Ok it was misunderstanding. In my first post, i only wanted to present that we already, had successful cooperation with UAE defence industry, nothing more, nothing less.
IDEX 2013: UAE gets new rocket system:
By Christopher F Foss


The United Arab Emirates Armed Forces (UAEAF) have received an undisclosed number of Jobaria Defense Systems (JDS) Multiple Cradle Launchers (MCLs) - the most powerful 122 mm artillery system in service with any army.

Two of these systems were shown for the first time at the IDEX exhibition, held in Abu Dhabi from 17-21 February, with one appearing in the mobility display.

The MCL is one of a growing number of weapon systems being developed in the UAE with the assistance of overseas contractors, but with final assembly and integration taking place in the UAE.

It includes an Oshkosh Defense 6x6 Heavy Equipment Transporter (HET) towing a 10-wheel semi trailer with four power-operated 122 mm rocket launchers, each with three pods containing 20 launcher tubes.

The HET is fitted with a protected cab, air-conditioning system, and a central tyre-inflation system.

When the tyre-inflation system is deployed, 10 stabilisers are extended by remote control on the semi-trailer. The latter has an auxiliary power unit, which allows the complete system to be run with the HET engine switched off.

IDEX 2013: KAI shows off 'loitering' precision munition

By Nick Brown


Korean Aerospace Industries (KAI) showed off a new "suicidal unmanned aerial vehicle" (UAV) at the IDEX exhibition, held in Abu Dhabi from 17-21 February.

The weapon, known as Devil Killer, is being developed in response to North Korea's shelling of Yeonpyeong Island in 2010, according to a company spokesman, and is designed to be manoeuvred into position to be crashed into howitzers concealed in caves or otherwise difficult locations to engage.

KAI completed basic test flights of the aircraft in 2012 and is now understood to be in negotiations with the South Korean government to take development further. A full production aircraft would be likely to carry a conventional fragmentation warhead, but that has not been settled and the only aircraft flown so far have been inert.

The aircraft itself is cannisterised, with flip-out control surfaces and wings of stretched canvas. When folded up, the whole package measures just 1.1 ft (33.5 cm across), stretching to a span of 4.3 ft when deployed.
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