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IDEX UAE 2013: News, Updates & Discussions

Feb 19, 2013

Students learn skills at Abu Dhabi defence exhibition

More than 15 Emirati mechanical-engineering students will visit Idex this week as part of a work-study programme.

The scheme is run by Tawazun Precise Industries (TPI) and combines formal education with on-the-job experience.

It aims to give Emiratis the skills needed by the country's emerging industries.

The students, all from UAE University in Al Ain, will graduate as mechanical engineers then take up future leadership positions within Tawazun's portfolio of companies.

This was the first time they had attended an event such as Idex. They were asked to show visitors parts built by Tawazun and explain the manufacturing process, as well as their usage.

Rashed Al Remeithi, 18, said taking part in Idex had helped him to grow.

"We were trained for two weeks before attending the exhibition and in the training we were taught how to showcase the products," he said. "It was better for us because we knew how to answer questions in a more efficient way."

Hamdan Al Jneibi, 23, said he had learnt a lot about his field of study, even from attending for just one day.

"The experience was great for me and I felt like I accomplished something important," he said.

Students learn skills at Abu Dhabi defence exhibition - The National
Something wrong with 107mm rockets and launchers. UAE and Roketsan signed tech. transfer agreement in IDEF defence fairs in 2009

Either the source you posted above mixes something about deal or All Roketsan manager's statements, Janes and many others I can post, are making some fault regarding 107mm deal between Roketsan and UAE..

There is nothing wrong with post. I am 100% sure about everything i already told you. I don't know what kind of deal Roketsan has with UAE, but this system is developed with a help from Serbia.

And i hope that we can agree that Serbia and Turkey doesn't sound the same.

“We designed and manufactured it locally in collaboration with a leading Serbian defence contractor,” EDT CEO Mohamed bin Jabr Al Suwaidi told Khaleej Times at Iex 2013.

Journalist would have to be complete moron to confuse those two words. And you can see pictures of that MLRS in Serbia on Serbian Mycitymiltary forum, first time posted in july 2009, while MLRS was tested here in Serbia:

Višecevni bacaèi raketa ''Plamen'' i "Oganj"

Pictures are probably taken few months before that date.


122 MM, UAE/Turkey::yahoo:





Mosamak, KSA:


Video: UAE shines at IDEX 2013

Video: UAE shines at IDEX 2013* - The National
What is this MRL and are the all part of one truck ?
There is nothing wrong with post. I am 100% sure about everything i already told you. I don't know what kind of deal Roketsan has with UAE, but this system is developed with a help from Serbia.

And i hope that we can agree that Serbia and Turkey doesn't sound the same.

Journalist would have to be complete moron to confuse those two words. And you can see pictures of that MLRS in Serbia on Serbian Mycitymiltary forum, first time posted in july 2009, while MLRS was tested here in Serbia:

Višecevni bacaèi raketa ''Plamen'' i "Oganj"

Pictures are probably taken few months before that date.

-If It is serbian system, Why Roketsan and Burkan munition from UAE signed 107 and 122mm joint-production agreement for (in 2009)?


-Which 107mm munition of Roketsan Janes' defence (One of the most reliable source) mentiones as joint production and joint export between UAE and Turkey ?

Roketsan HMMWV 107 mm (24-round) rocket launcher (Turkey) - Jane's Armour and Artillery

-If It is really a Serbian system, Which 107 and 122mm artillery rockets Roketsan Manager, Huseyin Baysak mentions as joint production/export to other countries ?

Defence Turkey Magazine - all about Turkish Defence Industry, Online Articles

-If you are so sure about the system identity, Would you please show me a signiture ceremony between Serbia and UAE with a reliable source ? I can show you many similar sources mentioning the collaboration between such rocket systems... There wasn't such a deal mentioned before but With a source, It is suddenly appeared and came into agenda..
-If It is serbian system, Why Roketsan and Burkan munition from UAE signed 107 and 122mm joint-production agreement for (in 2009)?


-Which 107mm munition of Roketsan Janes' defence (One of the most reliable source) mentiones as joint production and joint export between UAE and Turkey ?

Roketsan HMMWV 107 mm (24-round) rocket launcher (Turkey) - Jane's Armour and Artillery

-If It is really a Serbian system, Which 107 and 122mm artillery rockets Roketsan Manager, Huseyin Baysak mentions as joint production/export to other countries ?

Defence Turkey Magazine - all about Turkish Defence Industry, Online Articles

-If you are so sure about the system identity, Would you please show me a signiture ceremony between Serbia and UAE with a reliable source ?

It is not Serbian system, it is system developed with a help from Serbia. Is that so hard to understand? They paid to Serbian military institute VTI to help them with development, and that is it. I already gave you enough evidence that system was in Serbia in 2009, and And you have an interview with Abu Dhabi’s Emirates Defense Technologies CEO, who clearly confirms what i alredy told you. WTF else do you wish from me? And Turkey is not the only country that produces MLRS systems, and 107 mm, 122mm and 128 mm rockets.
Okay now that we have got the Armored vehicles part down really well, Also got the Anti-Tank missile part down. Time for BVR air-air missiles :D :D :woot:

A new goal must be set :bounce:

Brother Please post the list of Missiles and other Artillery and Tanks which now Saudi is producing in their country ?

The new FUCHS/FOX NBC-RS, FUCHS/FOX BIO-RS and FUCHS/FOX NBC-CPS systems give the UAE the most advanced NBC reconnaissance capability on the planet.
China Shows Off Futuristic Ships at IDEX


In addition to the ‘usual suspects’ of JF-17, SAM, SPAAA together with a host of long range rockets, a model of “High-Performance Frigate” is on display on the first time. This could be the long rumored Type054B, a follow on variant of the highly successful Type054A currently in mass production with the China Navy.”
19 February 2013


UAE to buy drones, missiles and military vehicles for Dh5.2 bn

The UAE will spend Dh5.2 billion on buying up drones, military vehicles and laser-guided missiles, the Armed Forces say — with much of the funding going to local companies.

On the second day of the International Defence Exhibition (Idex-2013), the region’s defence conference, on Monday, the UAE Armed Forces announced it had signed 17 contracts with several local and foreign companies to procure modern weaponry, including laser-guided missiles, rockets and naval defence systems.

Announcing the deals, Staff Major General Obaid Al Kitbi said the most sizeable contract had been awarded to United States firm Oshkosh to procure MATVS 750 all-terrain armed military vehicles, amounting to Dh1.4 billion alone.

A raft of local firms also picked up lucrative contracts.

The forces will purchase Dh722 million worth of drones, known as Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Predators, from Abu Dhabi security and defence company International Golden Group (IGG). However, Major General Al Kitbi did not disclose the number of UAVs to be procured. IGG also won a Dh350 million contract to provide Information Technology system for the joint logistics system. International defence contractors SAAB, IBM and ID Systems would carry out the IT work, Gen. Al Kitbi said.

The General said that the Laser Guided Rockets would be purchased from Abu Dhabi-owned Tawazun Holding along with the launch platform and fully integrated logistics support. The total value of the contract is Dh720 million.

A Dh375 million contract has been signed with the Abu Dhabi Ship Building Company, which will acquire and install the naval defence system RAM on the naval ships.

Another deal has been inked with local firm Knowledge Point to provide strategic consultation to the UAE Armed Forces, at a cost of Dh345 million.

The armed forces chose to award a major Dh157 million contract to Al Ain-based AMMROC, a Mubadala unit which provides maintenance, repair and overhauling of the aircraft. AMMROC will upgrade the transport aircraft C-130s and install modern avionics.

Other local firms to emerge victorious include Air Falcon, who will supply sniper rifles, binoculars and accessories to the tune of Dh67 million; Atlas Communications Company who will supply communication equipment and its spares in a contract worth Dh27.2 million; Al Waqaia, who will provide anti-chemical warfare gear and equipment valuing Dh11.7 million.

Meanwhile, missiles worth Dh472 million will be purchased from Russia’s IPB company.

And a contract valued at Dh215 million was awarded to the leading consultancy firm Booz & Co to provide consultancy on a joint logistics programme.

Other million-dirham contracts went to firms in South Korea and France.

UAE to buy drones, missiles and military vehicles for Dh5.2 bn - Khaleej Times
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