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India irked as China gets Pakistan's strategic Gwadar port

Reading this thread was absolutely fun - I think the strongest point raised by Indian posters (and some very eloquently) was that Pakistan are a kind of portal or gateway for radicalism - - and I did not read any persuasive rebuttal of this idea - even after 12 years Pakistani armed forces have not got a handle on radicalism, almost as if they don't really want to get a handle on it.
@danger007 Welcome them or not they are coming anyway. First you cant blocade the Malaka straight completely as its not in your territorial waters, seceondly it can mean a diplomatic suicide for India, thirdly PLN is fully capable of freeing it off IN.
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@danger007 Welcome them or not they are coming anyway. First you cant blocade the Malaka straight completely as its not in your territorial waters, seceondly it can mean a diplomatic suicide for India, thirdly PLN is fully capable of freeing it off IN.

Well you are wrong.... In war time there wont be diplomatic talk.... so you don't need to worry about it .... and second thing PLAN is strong... but in SCS not In INDIAN ocean.... but we have strong position near malacca straight, that is AN island....
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Reading this thread was absolutely fun - I think the strongest point raised by Indian posters (and some very eloquently) was that Pakistan are a kind of portal or gateway for radicalism - - and I did not read any persuasive rebuttal of this idea - even after 12 years Pakistani armed forces have not got a handle on radicalism, almost as if they don't really want to get a handle on it.

Why don't you go ahead and post a rebuttal, just for academic interest. :pop:
No that's not what I said -- I said I don't have argument to rebut the notion that radicalism can and will spread from Pakistan to CA.

India can get irked at what it likes, I can choose to think it's valid or not (I think it's not valid, in case there is confusion) - See the strongest point raised, in my opinion, is this spread of radicalism point - even if there complete govt opposition to it's spread, it will spread - Pakistan are choosing to kick the can further down the road, so to speak, but one way or another there is a day of reckoning approaching for Pakistan and Real Islam
Since you brought religion into the matter, rest assured that the "dharmic brotherhood" between India and China remains strong ;) against the "Abrahamic" hordes, especially the evil Muslims of Pakistan.

Of course, most Chinese are smart enough to see beyond the "dharmic" charade and only have to ask the Sri Lankan and Nepalese Buddhists how much dharmic love they have seen from India over the decades, including State-sponsored Hindu terrorists who massacred Buddhists in these lands.

Nepalese Buddhists ? Hindu terrorists in Nepal ? I think you are confusing Sri Lanka with Nepal. Nepal is Hindu majority with few buddhists. You need to get your basics right.
All this India irked stuff is getting a bit too rich for my blood -- enough hysterics from the Indian, time to play grown up -- Use Gwadar, no one is stopping you from using Gwadar as well, - Pakistan is no Nepal or Bangladesh, - anyway, hope Indian will realize that it's not 2001, time for shenanigans is past - on the other hand this just may be more Indian media stuff and not official positions

Yup. You are right. It is the Indiam media making a mountain out of the mole. Looking at it realistically, it matters nothing to India if some chinese company or front is running Gwadar (whenever that happens). I would rather think that it should be pissing off U.A.E or even the Iranians becuase it is their commerce that will get hit.

Politically, the port is in Balochistan. U.S is watching. India doesn't even need to get there.

Strategically, China has never deployed away from home. And knowing them. They will not. Deploying at the port will not just mean something to India but also will automatically ordain responsibilities in the Straits of Hormuz. Big responsibility. Whatever the fanboys may be saying. China will not deploy far from home. On top, whatever pipelines etc are being dreamed of, will pass through Nothern Areas. And to manage that knowing that it is bordering Xinxiang. Too big a risk to develop that border for the next twenty something years at least.

Economically, if it is not getting the goods in to China. Gwadar is just another Karachi for Pakistan. Trans-shipments so close to destination ports such as Jebel Ali or the planning Khalifa will be useless. Shipping lines do not work like that.

So good luck.

And look at the bright side. The Chinese have not even acknowledged the Pakistani happiness on this yet.

The only continuing disappointment is: Why does Pakistan need to mortgage its sovirginity, or real estate of political will or social fabric to gain favours. Did it with the Arabs, did with the Americans and now doing it with the Chinese. Whatever happened to the fabled Gul's marde monim back bone?
No need for anyone to get irked.

Everyone wants influence in Central Asia, which is the reason why the SCO was even created in the first place.

Pakistan has a very unique and geostrategically vital place in the region. Since they form the bridge between Central Asia, South Asia, and the Middle East (and even East Asia too, via the border with China).

Now with Gwadar, for the first time there is the possibility of a land bridge between East Asia and the Persian Gulf + the Arabian Sea. The strategic implications, not just for China but for the entire SCO (including the Central Asian nations) are incredible.

Yeah? Really? So can you list down a couple of those strategic impications general?
Buddy, its called looking out for your national interest.
This will bring lots of development to Balochistan, last thing I could care about is what india thinks, irk away friends, irk away :bunny:
The Bhartis will have to learn to grow up and keep that slick Hindu Chanakaya **** to themselves.

Last time you called USA this time you are calling China to save your arse from Indian navy
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