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Indian officials warn Kashmiris of possible nuclear attack: Report

but we can surely say that about Pakistan.

yep surely PAKISTANI will not nuke Kashmir .....
but india will nuke kashmir

You don't have 5000 nukes or 5000 missiles, so stop making ridiculous claims, you launch one missile towards India, you will be getting responses in return.

we have more than 5000 bombs at least ..........
other thing India has gone mad ..........
there is no chance of war but she is trying to create war like scenario ........
You don't have 5000 nukes or 5000 missiles, so stop making ridiculous claims, you launch one missile towards India, you will be getting responses in return.
Indeed and 2 nuke are enough for pakistan and that can cause massive damage and economy 4 5 nuke for india... I believe only one nuke can stop any war... nuke are good for was but its stopping nanny wars between india pakistan or any other country in world...
Indian military infrastructure along with saffron cities like Mumbai and Bangalore are first priority targets.:enjoy:
yep surely PAKISTANI will not nuke Kashmir .....
but india will nuke kashmir

we have more than 5000 bombs at least ..........
other thing India has gone mad ..........
there is no chance of war but she is trying to create war like scenario ........

Ah thats blody @$$hole congress Propaganda for election in 2014.. dont believe in that nothing gonna happen such as nuke strike...

Indian military infrastructure along with saffron cities like Mumbai and Bangalore are first priority targets.:enjoy:

Nuke strike is not crackers strike dont make fun of it dude... If you gonna launch then get ready to have one... If you gonna target mumbai them indian will do karachi the neck of your supply and economy
Ah thats blody @$$hole congress Propaganda for election in 2014.. dont believe in that nothing gonna happen such as nuke strike...

Nuke strike is not crackers strike dont make fun of it dude... If you gonna launch then get ready to have one... If you gonna target mumbai them indian will do karachi the neck of your supply and economy

I mean IA should scare people of mumbai n bangalore, Kashmir is not our target.
I mean IA should scare people of mumbai n bangalore, Kashmir is not our target.

Xctly its a election propaganda just to show public that we are serious with loc tension and kashmir...bloody fu@ker congress just want to rate vote bank and muslim votes in india and knows how to increase bank balance... I just feel like smashing sonia on her face... Ah hate them and there propaganda they can do anything for vote. Pakistan wants kashmir so they will never gonna hit kashmir with nuke. Even common public knows this
It has nothing to do with the state itself.

Nukes will be used to counter Indian Armoured columns.
Your principle strike cores are ordered formations in that region too,
Similarly a bit higher through punjab.

similarly Pakistan concentrates on Multan / Bahalwalpur
and Gujeranwala / sialkot sectors.
Why use nukes on Indian armoured columns when you know that the missiles flying from the east will be targeting both your cities and army positions....why not nuke the cities first to build some pressure :undecided:
Indian extremists on a roll here.


It is terrible to say, and even to contemplate the planned destruction of hundreds of millions of people, but we have wargamed a number of attack plans with different specific objectives, regarding the operational deployment of our strategic weapons.

The most devastating would remove india from the face of the earth, even to the extent that crops and human habitation would not be possible in the areas for centuries.

This I say with a heavy heart, because it is almost unthinkable - but sometimes - what is anathema - has to be done, unfortunately.

we have more than 5000 bombs at least ..........
other thing India has gone mad ..........
there is no chance of war but she is trying to create war like scenario .......

I am sure you do, and everyone knows who's the rabid one in the vicinity...beheading and mutilating dead soldiers body and threatening nukes at the drop of a hat, plus harbouring thousands of jihadii elements and fundoos who want your nukes.
I don't think India's Interior minister is on PDF, which means you meant us...go through the previous pages and you will come across who's the rabid one's.

You took it the wrong way.

Again you are back to square one , did I say not that the time of invading is well past when the nukes are more deadly than ever before and both countries have effective ways to deliver them ? Even in that case , you are most welcome to cross the border , its not like the nukes are going anywhere ... Nobody's banking on US , that country is not considered an ally now ... China will provide material help as usual , will the US interfere then and pick up a fight with Beijing - its largest trading partner ? I dont think so since they are involved in a couple of other regions too , China is only busy in its backyard - SCS ... I know why US is improving relations with you but I am not clearly seeing the signs of any " Two Front war " ...

- you can't say such things won't happen in future. People like Musharraf keep coming in your army and they like adventures for no reason. Trust me if Kargil wouldn't have happened Indo-Pak relations would have been more than good. If the Indian govt led by BJP was talking peace then think what congress would have done. I belive there are people in Pak who want peace too. So all credit for current situation goes to Kargil. Now you can't blame India for not trusting Pak.
"Once fool shame on you fool again shame on me"

- yes Pak can fight a war on its own. But question is how long ??? And what will be its effects on your economy and geographical integrity ??? Some fractions are fighting with your army right now. That could cause a major problem. Plus the collaps of normal day to day life and price hike leads to serious problems. So with current GDP and political and economical condition war is the last thing that Pak would do. I think in current Indian situation india can fit a war for atleast 1 month without any problem. And if your head of state and army chief to belive maintaining your soilders are Siyachine is costly afair. No offence but war is not fight with army alone. It has many legs.

- about Chinese support. China is a business man and friend of its interests. They give lone not aid for free. You can check that with the help received by Pak in past few natural calamities. I know Pak see china as a friend in need and definatly China will help you but with calculated projections. China need Pak but they won't sacrifies any of their interest for you.

- I didn't say two fornt war. US and China will not fight a war for India or Pakistan. They have their priorities. And about trade China is biggest producer of consumer goods and US being prime consumer. US upper hand. US china trade is one way. China has a big market to lose. Search statistics for that.
It just means Indian army cares a lot about our Kashmiri citizens and want them to be safe in any situation. contrast this with Pakistan which according to intelligence reports, builds substandard secret nuclear reactors in Gilgit Baltistan, putting our citizen's life at risk.

bhai saab its a mining processing plant for natural uranium by Chinese & "Not" a substandard nuclear reactors , uranium is one of the natural resources in Pakistan administered Kashmir & how are they your citizen ? the last time i checked we control control 37% percent of Kashmir while you control 43% & China the rest 20%
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