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Indian officials warn Kashmiris of possible nuclear attack: Report


People in the Indian-controlled part of Kashmir have been told to build bomb-proof basements and gather food and water for a possible nuclear war.

A series of deadly skirmishes along the cease-fire line in recent weeks has heightened tensions between India and Pakistan - both of which have nuclear weapons.

However officials will not confirm why they are now ordering people in the region to pack two-weeks' worth of essentials.

The notice, published on Monday by the Kashmir police in the Greater Kashmir newspaper, advised people to build toilet-equipped basements large enough to house the entire family for two weeks.

If there is no basement, residents should construct bunkers in their front yards, the notice advised.

The shelters should be stocked with candles, battery-operated lights and radios and non-perishable food and water that is regularly replaced to ensure it is fresh, it said.

During an attack, it advises drivers to dive out of their cars toward the blast to save themselves from being crushed by their soon-to-be tumbling vehicles. It also warns residents to keep contaminated people out of their shelters.

'Expect some initial disorientation as the blast wave may blow down and carry away many prominent and familiar features,' it advises.

Read more: Indian Kashmir told to prepare for nuclear war: 'Build a bunker and stockpile food' | Mail Online
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Well those parties are still having that advantage without any war :D Do we not buy weapons ? No , the world knows actually the opposite , believe it or not , that I consider as the reason for quick International reaction to anything happening on IB , LOC , AGPL or Working Boundary , how quickly the US and Russia started sending envoys to both countries still surprises me ... Of course ....

Your defence budget still pale before India's, your border infrastructure lags far behind compared to India, as well as Pakistani economy is deeply screwed up. In all out conventional war Pakistan will be the sole loser, and only in madness Pakistan will prefer any nukes.
Something like this can't be hidden. You get the obvious information from the movement. So nothing in denial. Just publish it and play information war.
Suppose you know IA has ammo depo in Leh. Then it's natural to avoid that point or try to destroy it. But what you don't know is what's inside it. You can bomb it all day.
About talking much, India has started achieving things in recent past. So the people who get the work done are just being media friendly and can't press their happiness. It's ok till some point. I hope that will stop in near future.

And about small scale war. China won't help Pak and if it US will help India. It's a win win situation for US and lose - lose for China. So US definatly want a small war between India and Pak. It will definatly put one party in their camp. And they will use that party against china. Simple as that.

Yes somehow it cant be , with continuous surveillance from the sky ... But still why not keep the enemy guessing ? You do not have to deny if you just announce it , countries dont usually ask these questions " Hey ! Have you got a new ammo depot being built " ? :D ...

Talking much is a reality in your case , still its better to achieve a goal and then publish it ...

China wont help Pak ? Ok But US will help India ? That would automatically bring the Chinese in the war , dont you think ? ... I am not seeing the lose-lose situation for Beijing here ... US is more concerned with a couple of other things ... They already have one party in the camp and that wont work against China and since you aren't interested in fighting for US interests as per your Govt ... I dont see it happening ...

Your defence budget still pale before India's, your border infrastructure lags far behind compared to India, as well as Pakistani economy is deeply screwed up. In all out conventional war Pakistan will be the sole loser, and only in madness Pakistan will prefer any nukes.

Nuclear weapon are only used when you have got nothing to lose and you want to take your enemy down with you , would that be simple for now ? That is why experts call it MAD ... Pakistan can still hold the invading troops for weeks before its resources start to go low and by that time , the International parties will know whats next on the card at GHQ ... Our thresholds are low and emotions high ...
Breaking News:

SRINAGAR, India – Officials in Indian-controlled Kashmir are warning residents to build bomb-proof basements, collect two weeks' worth of food and water and be prepared for a possible nuclear war.

Are there any Kashmiri's still left that have the capacity to walk and build stuff? I thought most of the women had been raped, children terrorized and male's killed by the Indian Army. I guess there still are some left. Or could these be Indian migrants to Kashmir who now think that they are Kashmiris....and THEY will build these as they happen to be the 'true' Indian Kashmiri population!
Nuclear weapon are only used when you have got nothing to lose , would that be simple for now ? Pakistan can still hold the invading troops for weeks before its resources start to go low and by that time , the International parties will know whats next on the card at GHQ ... Our thresholds are low and emotions high ...

Which shows you won't achieve anything. :D
Are there any Kashmiri's still left that have the capacity to walk and build stuff? I thought most of the women had been raped, children terrorized and male's killed by the Indian Army. I guess there still are some left. Or could these be Indian migrants to Kashmir who now think that they are Kashmiris....and THEY will build these as they happen to be the 'true' Indian Kashmiri population!

Post reported... It is obvious that you are a false flag troll who is trying to malign India and Indian Army.... Take you bs somewhere else!!!
Neither will you , brutus :D ... If you have any doubts of living to see the other day , think again ...

Tell me what we want to achieve when we still having Kashmir and everything is in our favour. Kargil ke time to jag hasai to tumhari hui thi.
Tell me what we want to achieve when we still having Kashmir and everything is in our favour. Kargil ke time to jag hasai to tumhari hui thi.

Whole Kashmir somehow ? :no: ... Well , we aren't the ones warning of "surgical strikes" and "cold start" and distributing nuclear advisory pamphlets to our populace , now are we ? :azn:
More Indian BS, like Pakistan will Nuke their Kashmiri Brothers.

Yeah that sounds real believeable news.:rofl:

The probability of India nuking Indian Occupied Kashmir is higher than Pakistan nuking Indian Occupied Kashmir.

Maybe it is a veiled threat by India to the IOK to tow its line or else.:azn:

P.S. If Pakistan was to nuke India, a muslim majority area of Kashmir won't be its target. The Target will probably Hindu majority parts of Gujarat and Mahashtra and other Indian States. We know where to find the ENEMY.:D
It just means Indian army cares a lot about our Kashmiri citizens and want them to be safe in any situation. contrast this with Pakistan which according to intelligence reports, builds substandard secret nuclear reactors in Gilgit Baltistan, putting our citizen's life at risk.
Whole Kashmir somehow ? :no: ... Well , we aren't the ones warning of "surgical strikes" and "cold start" and distributing nuclear advisory pamphlets to our populace , now are we ? :azn:

But tell me what we need to gain when we have everything, its Pakistanis who are desperate

SRINAGAR, India – Officials in Indian-controlled Kashmir are warning residents to build bomb-proof basements, collect two weeks' worth of food and water and be prepared for a possible nuclear war.

There was no official reason given for the sudden concern about a nuclear attack in the region, repeatedly fought over by nuclear-armed rivals India and Pakistan. However, a series of deadly skirmishes along a cease-fire line in recent weeks has heightened tensions between the two countries.

Indian police warn Kashmir residents of possible nuclear attack, advise bomb shelters | Fox News

Backup Link
India warns Kashmiris of possible nuclear attack | Nation & World | The Seattle Times

DRF Issues Advisory On Nuclear Attack
Disaster Response Force issues advisory on nuclear attack Lastupdate:- Tue, 22 Jan 2013 18:30:00 GMT GreaterKashmir.com

GLP Thread
India Nuke attack warning?
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China wont help Pak ? Ok But US will help India ? That would automatically bring the Chinese in the war , dont you think ? ... I am not seeing the lose-lose situation for Beijing here ... US is more concerned with a couple of other things ... They already have one party in the camp and that wont work against China and since you aren't interested in fighting for US interests as per your Govt ... I dont see it happening ...
You are right in current senario. But if a war like Kargil happen again , there won't be any USA to stop india from crossing. And I don't see Russia doing that too. And there is no power in the world which could do that.
This narrow down to China.
Now understand Chinese position here. If China interfare in Ind-Pak war it gives US the reason to interfare in possible conflicts in SCS. Suppose China take that risk then US will directly help India; causing India indeb of US. So Indian forgine policy will achieve US goals. That what china don't want. That's why they are improving relations with India. And they will keep their involvement in our conflict to indirect help. Arms and ammo.

It's getting late. My last post for now. Need some sleep.

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