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Indian officials warn Kashmiris of possible nuclear attack: Report

Cold start is not military adventure or your army thinks so :).

Although in kargil,Vajpayee clearly defied your nuclear warning by saying that "Dont threaten us with nukes,will wipe you out from world"

where was your general or army then? why dint use nukes? :lol:

MAD or thinking about it ,is the task of arm chair generals like we have on pdf.Even if somehow india manages to occupy your half pakistan then even you wont be in position to use nukes :wave:..

I said once that nukes are show piece and you should invest in conventional warfare.

India dont attack you coz you are self doing it and WAR is costly,even small war of kargil went costly and india have just started to build economy...

so dont overestimate your self ..

Where did I mention any military adventure , I merely pointed towards it being " a catastrophic blunder if ever done " :azn:

You clearly do not understand the doctrine you are so keen to talk on , would you sacrifice a billion people for a few armored columns ? Is your leadership that stupid ? Any sort of nuclear exchange has the potential of ultimately resulting in Mutually Assured Destruction ...

I can ask " Why didn't your army cross the IB or LOC ? " :azn: ... Even though your analysts and defense experts will gladly point out that causalities would have been cut in half if it was done ...

No it isn't , it is the most powerful and rational deterrent that is used to warn little kids who think using a nuclear weapon is a joke ... The typical IA can cut the GT road in hours ? Why doesn't your army think like that ? :D Just like it is advised not to put all your eggs in one basket , we do not keep our nukes at one place ...

Then perhaps you didn't know that nukes prevented three wars in '87 , '02 and '08 respectively ?

What was the excuse back in '87 and '02 then ?

Never underestimate the opponents too , I wasn't suggesting anything to that effect !

Read the whole post before answering, is there a date mentioned as to when the advisory came out in the article? so it could very well have been when the tensions were high

Green journalism at best and Pak media is known for its BS and propaganda.

Were similar warnings issued to all states of India too then ? Because all can be understood to be at equal risk right ? Even if the advisory came then , is your Govt too brain-dead to understand that nuclear weapons wont usually be used in mountainous terrains ?

Perhaps you missed the International sources that are reporting it ...
Ya keep it like that. It's good to under estimate :tup: and only Mussharaff can plan adventures ;)
Remember 1=10 ???

You didn't follow the report from IA on OP Parakram after Parliment attack. It took army 15/20 days fro effective mobilisation. IA now reduced that time to 2/3 days. But I know you won't belive it. For you Indians are incompetent :D

As as I said before that was a sarcasm. You choose to exclude the last line of my post just to satisfy your earge to lecture. And now for this boogeyman :D

Even you can , only that with effective delivery mechanisms , that time is over now :)

Oh I did , it took them almost a month to reach D-Day readiness that too after alarming half the world govt's and their people ... Only to back off with 700+ causalities ... Really ? Is there a link or you expect me to take your word ?

Maybe it was , but all this is making no sense either , I excluded because I know how quickly threads are derailed and how ... :D
Where did I mention any military adventure , I merely pointed towards it being " a catastrophic blunder if ever done " :azn:

You clearly do not understand the doctrine you are so keen to talk on , would you sacrifice a billion people for a few armored columns ? Is your leadership that stupid ? Any sort of nuclear exchange has the potential of ultimately resulting in Mutually Assured Destruction ...

I can ask " Why didn't your army cross the IB or LOC ? " :azn: ... Even though your analysts and defense experts will gladly point out that causalities would have been cut in half if it was done ...

No it isn't , it is the most powerful and rational deterrent that is used to warn little kids who think using a nuclear weapon is a joke ... The typical IA can cut the GT road in hours ? Why doesn't your army think like that ? :D Just like it is advised not to put all your eggs in one basket , we do not keep our nukes at one place ...

Then perhaps you didn't know that nukes prevented three wars in '87 , '02 and '08 respectively ?

What was the excuse back in '87 and '02 then ?

Never underestimate the opponents too , I wasn't suggesting anything to that effect !

Were similar warnings issued to all states of India too then ? Because all can be understood to be at equal risk right ? Even if the advisory came then , is your Govt too brain-dead to understand that nuclear weapons wont usually be used in mountainous terrains ?

Perhaps you missed the International sources that are reporting it ...

First prove that the advisory did come, one can very well notch it up to one Pk conspiracy theory,

secondly, if maybe it did, I dont see anything wrong in it against Pakistan, it would just be a warning against chemical, biological or tactical nuke fallout, and advice to people who live very close to where the actual fighting happened.

pak media broke the story and the other one picked it up, you seem to be upset that the advisory did not go to all states, perhaps GOI did not think that would be necessary.
Even you can , only that with effective delivery mechanisms , that time is over now :)

Oh I did , it took them almost a month to reach D-Day readiness that too after alarming half the world govt's and their people ... Only to back off with 700+ causalities ... Really ? Is there a link or you expect me to take your word ?

Maybe it was , but all this is making no sense either , I excluded because I know how quickly threads are derailed and how ... :D

Yes that time has passed now. And you are right about some what month long exersice. Don't take my word search in google for that. The report was presented then IA chief to MOD. certain measures are taken after that experience. Scouting parties will reach their point within a day. Forward parties in in 1 day. And so on armour in 7/10 days. If you have come accross recent news about IA new secrate underground Ammo depo near borders you will get what I am saying.

My intention wasn't to support this news. It's BS. I was scoring a point on nuclear trolls. That what sarcasms are for :D I even write just kidding but you chose to cherry pick. How that's my fault ???

it's not the detailed report. But will do. Detailed report was in Hindu. Couldn't find it

Another one
So, India is going to have nuke attack on Kashmiris and blame......???....lolzzzzz
This is comical.

Nuclear Devices (if) will be used in central regions -> Rajhistan.

There is no point in using Nuclear weapons in mountain terrain.
Nuking Rajasthan...errr! :blink:

Yes that time has passed now. And you are right about some what month long exersice. Don't take my word search in google for that. The report was presented then IA chief to MOD. certain measures are taken after that experience. Scouting parties will reach their point within a day. Forward parties in in 1 day. And so on armour in 7/10 days. If you have come accross recent news about IA new secrate underground Ammo depo near borders you will get what I am saying.

My intention wasn't to support this news. It's BS. I was scoring a point on nuclear trolls. That what sarcasms are for :D I even write just kidding but you chose to cherry pick. How that's my fault ???

Both armies realize that , as far as I know ... Maybe but still a week or more is enough for International pressure to pour in and the aggressor to lose any sympathy ... Possibly the mobilization time is reduced as per various reports , but I do not see it offering any advantage over the previous scenario now ... Underground ammo depot is just a plan , which you have blabbed to all your enemies and the world ... Not a very wise move , wouldn't you say ?

Ah good ! I expect some rationality after the comments on the first page ... There's not going to be a nuclear war , watch " The Silence of the Lambs " and sleep tight ... I didn't chose to cherry pick , I was merely trying to avoid the trolls :D ...
So, India is going to have nuke attack on Kashmiris and blame......???....lolzzzzz

Yes, we would have to consider the whole world stupid enough to not know who nuked it if it did happen and we would release advisories beforehand to make sure they believe us later.....NOT.
Its an unusual news indeed. Anyway better prepared for anything..
Both armies realize that , as far as I know ... Maybe but still a week or more is enough for International pressure to pour in and the aggressor to lose any sympathy ... Possibly the mobilization time is reduced as per various reports , but I do not see it offering any advantage over the previous scenario now ... Underground ammo depot is just a plan , which you have blabbed to all your enemies and the world ... Not a very wise move , wouldn't you say ?

Ah good ! I expect some rationality after the comments on the first page ... There's not going to be a nuclear war , watch " The Silence of the Lambs " and sleep tight ... I didn't chose to cherry pick , I was merely trying to avoid the trolls :D ...

I don't avoid. I mess with them :D
BTW added second link in that post with details.
Underground ammo depo isn't just a plan. It has become reality. One in Leh and one in Sikkim. Work underway . I don't think disclosing it has any disadvantage. These things will be underground under some mountain where no harm can be done. And yes both things offer advantage to the home army. It's first point to whom land the first blow. And trust me now no US to watch your back India will be aggressive in the event of crisis
I don't avoid. I mess with them :D
BTW added second link in that post with details.
Underground ammo depo isn't just a plan. It has become reality. One in Leh and one in Sikkim. Work underway . I don't think disclosing it has any disadvantage. These things will be underground under some mountain where no harm can be done. And yes both things offer advantage to the home army. It's first point to whom land the first blow. And trust me now no US to watch your back India will be aggressive in the event of crisis

Nay , I am not interested in infractions :D

Yeah saw that , per reports the mobilization time has been reduced ... But so had the adversaries , you do remember how PA mobilized faster than your army back in '02 ? PA conducted many exercises after that and they dont usually disclose anything that sort ... If the whole idea is " element of surprise " , then you have my assurance that it isn't something that can be achieved , International pressure can come in real fast , nobody's counting on US , it just happens that no countries will want that scenario ... Because somehow , a nuclear war will affect less or more all ... Effects of radioactivity are far worse than people can think ... Good luck with your underground depots , still not a wise move to disclose it , why blabber if keeping quiet can do the trick ? ...
Nay , I am not interested in infractions :D

Yeah saw that , per reports the mobilization time has been reduced ... But so had the adversaries , you do remember how PA mobilized faster than your army back in '02 ? PA conducted many exercises after that and they dont usually disclose anything that sort ... If the whole idea is " element of surprise " , then you have my assurance that it isn't something that can be achieved , International pressure can come in real fast , nobody's counting on US , it just happens that no countries will want that scenario ... Because somehow , a nuclear war will affect less or more all ... Effects of radioactivity are far worse than people can think ... Good luck with your underground depots , still not a wise move to disclose it , why blabber if keeping quiet can do the trick ? ...

A small war in the region is of advantage to many parties. And everybody knows India and Pak are not insane to take it to nuclear level. there won't be a nuclear war. And god forbits if happen we will not be here to see its results :D

I assume PA too had made some modifications. But in conventional war India hold the upper hand.

About depos. It make sure enemy know everything is in place :D some information is intentionally released. BTW those were not mean for Pak. Aim is to counter Chinese infra in the border area. Leh came handy in both cases.
A small war in the region is of advantage to many parties. And everybody knows India and Pak are not insane to take it to nuclear level. there won't be a nuclear war. And god forbits if happen we will not be here to see its results :D

I assume PA too had made some modifications. But in conventional war India hold the upper hand.

About depos. It make sure enemy know everything is in place :D some information is intentionally released. BTW those were not mean for Pak. Aim is to counter Chinese infra in the border area. Leh came handy in both cases.

Well those parties are still having that advantage without any war :D Do we not buy weapons ? No , the world knows actually the opposite , believe it or not , that I consider as the reason for quick International reaction to anything happening on IB , LOC , AGPL or Working Boundary , how quickly the US and Russia started sending envoys to both countries still surprises me ... Of course ...

There's no denial ...

Your problem is that you tell too many things when they aren't even in place ... You can check the Indian section and see what I am talking about ... I know ... You cant hide anything like that in plains and deserts and everybody that the real warfare isn't going to take place on LOC ...
Well those parties are still having that advantage without any war :D Do we not buy weapons ? No , the world knows actually the opposite , believe it or not , that I consider as the reason for quick International reaction to anything happening on IB , LOC , AGPL or Working Boundary , how quickly the US and Russia started sending envoys to both countries still surprises me ... Of course ...

There's no denial ...

Your problem is that you tell too many things when they aren't even in place ... You can check the Indian section and see what I am talking about ... I know ... You cant hide anything like that in plains and deserts and everybody that the real warfare isn't going to take place on LOC ...

Something like this can't be hidden. You get the obvious information from the movement. So nothing in denial. Just publish it and play information war.
Suppose you know IA has ammo depo in Leh. Then it's natural to avoid that point or try to destroy it. But what you don't know is what's inside it. You can bomb it all day.
About talking much, India has started achieving things in recent past. So the people who get the work done are just being media friendly and can't press their happiness. It's ok till some point. I hope that will stop in near future.

And about small scale war. China won't help Pak and if it US will help India. It's a win win situation for US and lose - lose for China. So US definatly want a small war between India and Pak. It will definatly put one party in their camp. And they will use that party against china. Simple as that.

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