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How muslims see about China?

Well that's not what i read in (Wright) post.

this is his post "China is seen as the new leader of muslim world by many".
Maybe China's development can show something to Muslims, but leader, this is a bullshit idea. Actually, China is still in a low level, a lot of things to do. If China tries to lead the Muslim, thats gonna be largest joke.
Close Ally would be much better. There are no 'true friends' out there; if China has allied with us it's because her interests lie here. Nothing less, but nothing more either.

yes, its also hard to change China to Islam, if we have the same interests, we should collaborate

most muslims consider china a friend and a close allay few muslims consider china enemy most of them west lovers who betray their own brothers and sisters around the world it doesnt matter really what they think because they are going down when the west goes down
China should develop itself more and show a good example to Muslim, thats all.
Because China invade it and occupied it in 1818 and a lot of Muslims got killed while defending their lands in Xinjiang, then it got its independence in 1944 but the communist regime in China invade it again then occupied it in 1949.
Not true, man. Before Islam came to the world, xinjiang belongs to China already. Sometimes its lost, sometimes its back. 70BC the Han dynasty China includes xinjiang, which is 800 years before Islam came in 7th century
china has one purpose to be the only one to help Muslims yes it sum times interest but china is like the clever and patient son of the pack it knows with patient the other empires will die and you can change friend not neighbors. china is no different from Muslim divide do remeber they do not get on with japan both koreas are divided this is their Muslims world. just like Pakistan we have language difference and start to get big headed so does china has many ethnic groups that moan and get big headed. even Japanese are some what related to them. Their parents push them if they do not get grades so does Pakistanis parents well they gone soft now. china doe snot care if your Muslim or not but it does care if u start to threaten the state. plus china is in asia and knows shtp it getting quitely prepared never under estimate this nation read their history.
Why group all these people together??

Christian Argentinians have a totally different pov from a Christian British person.

revojam put it nicely.

From recorded history, China was there at least since Han dynasty. Before China, there was a country called Xiongnu, possibly ancestors of Mongolia. The Uyghurs were brought there later by Mongolians possibly as slaves.

You don't need to justify anything through history. You have it and that's the end of it.

Look at European Christians united making alliances like NATO fighting Muslim countries all over the Planet.

That had nothing to do with religion. They made it to counter another "Christian" nation to the east.

Europeans now are far from the fanatical Christians they were in the medieval era.

They fight for what we have always fought for. Resources, land, etc.
Even that is what i am thinking???
Turkish force does join in Korea war, but is it really necessary to join in that ? I am quite surprised, just because Turkey is a member of NATO ?As a Muslim country, Turkey is developing very fast, but Korea's issues does not matter anything with Islam, its a matter during cold war between East and West..
recent video on rt showing how pakistan sees china.
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Pakistan is a Muslim majority country ( 98 % Muslim ) and I know like me, Majority of Pakistani Muslims support CHINA. China has been a true friend to Muslim countries and that is being recognized now as more and more Muslim World is reaching out to China to improve relations with this Economic Giant.

Speaking from a historical perspective, soon after Prophet Muhammad preached AL ISLAM, Islam arrived in China in early 7th Century. Saad Bin Abi Waqqas ( Maternal uncle of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH ) along with three other companions of the Prophet arrived in China around year 616 AD. So in that sense Islam has been on Chinese soil for nearly 1400 years. Prophet Muhammad once said that if you had to acquire knowledge and for that if you had to go as far as China, you should do that. This shows how important and popular China was to the earliest Muslims.

Islam in China - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Saad bin Abi Waqqas went to China through Bangladesh, he established many mosque inside Bangladesh. Anyway, that hadith regarding knowledge in china is false!!

Øn Topic: 150 million Bangladeshis like China and most of them who don't have any link to USA wants china to become top world power! Syria reduced your popularity though!
1. muslim countries are complex, why don't other muslim countries support muslim Syria and Iran? Why don't rich Gulf oil countries support poor other muslim countries but buy weapons from west, are their neighbors muslim countries??
2. in history, Han dynasty(2000years ago), Xinjiang belonged to China; AD640--AD808 Tang dynasty controled Xinjiang; Uighur never had found one country in Xinjiang.

and history is history, now is now; we can't let Russia go back to Europe, and let India at the hand of England again; We can't let US give the land to America Indians, and let European go out of Australia; Roman Empire, the Austro-Hungarian Empire are past; 60 years ago, Germany has more than 0.5millon Square kilometers before WWII, now 0.35millon Square kilometers why??? Germany and Soviet Union got Poland, after war, Soviet didn't want give the land back and told to Poland"I occupied the part land of yours, and you can occupied the same from Germany", so today, Soviet got a part of Poland and Poland got apart of Germany.

3. Today, Uighurs is 45% of Xinjiang population, only 10million, impossible to be one country , as Uighur never had found one country in history; and Tibetan in tibet is only 2.7million, impossible to be a country too;
4. religion, East Asian countries such as China, N_SKorea, Japan, Singapore, no one dominant religion, and no one religion is not accepted in these countries. All of them are confucian and ancestor worship, which are not religions or only half-religions, some one often believe more than two religions.
I agree with your point, China does want to lead any people, Muslims can collaborate with Chinese for their own benefits. To be honest, a strong Muslim superpower will benefit China naturally.

Thanks, man. We have been ally with you since Pakistan is independent, long time until now, this support never change.

Pakistani people deeply respect China and appreciate the help China has given to Pakistan over last six decades. China has been our steadfast friend for last 60 years and every true Pakistani knows that and appreciates that. We Pakistanis will standby our Chinese Partner through thick and thin.

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