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How muslims see about China?

They are between Chinese and Kazak, very good looking.

I dont believe Pak will do this to China, during the earthquake Pak send all the material in store to help China. Nobody can say thats bad.

Because they are training terrorists and using them,invading countries, killing people for human rights,they are the most hypocrites, selfish, mean people are living. Thats enough.
In Muslim world ? The largest sponsor of USA in middle East is Saudi and Turkey. Tell me if I am wrong.

Partially correct. Some interests however clash, such as Great Middleast project. Which was put into the shelve recently.

We should hang all those treacherous leaders who decided to fight for the U.S. Oh wait, they are probably dead.

Turkey is a western puppet state. That's hardly something to take pride in.

I would see Korean war as a stage for modernisation of Turkish army. Instead of "kadana" we started to use ambulance, instead of horses, we started to use jeeps. We have a South Korean ally in the far east. And we secured eastern borders during the Cold war, by entering NATO.

At least Turkey is still in one piece. :) it is something to be happy about.
I would see Korean war as a stage for modernisation of Turkish army.

Iran has a modern army and can defend itself against any aggressor. Guess what? They have never been part of NATO. And there are many other countries that aren't part of NATO and still have powerful and modern armies.
Muslims are not a monolithic entity and even fight and kill each other, so there is no common view of China, however here are some general points.

1. Most Muslims do not hate China and definitely do not see it as a threat as the US. If there was US v China war instinctively on a sentimental level Muslims on the whole would be supporting China, partly because Muslims and Chinese are not part of the ruling white-western bloc of states.

2. Sunni extremists/Salafists hate China as they hate most non-Muslims and even Muslim (whom they sometimes call "murtad" (apostate)) states and view Xianjiang just as they view Palestine or Kashmir.

3. Bangladeshis have respect for China and see its presence is reassuring and a counter to next door neighbour and bully India
We also wish to ideally have connectivity via Burma to China and in particular work to develop Yunnan.

4. Iranians - no hostility on a cultural level, and politically both dislike the US.

5. Turks - pan Turkism and pan-Islamism means some Turkish nationalists hate China due to Xianjiang, on internet fora grey wolves and others would be prepared to discuss military action against China. However Turkey has no land border with China but the US does want to use Turkey to cause problems for China, which is one reason why the US promotes a strong Turkey. Turkish development of ICBMS mean Turkey can hit Beijing and Shanghai, which is precisely the sort of tension the US loves.

If anything it is Turkey's nationalists (not the whole people) which have issues with China more than anyone else in the Muslim world apart from Salafists/Wahabis.

6. Gulf Arabs, on a popular level no real hatred of the Chinese. Some racial thinking they are superior to "chinky-eyed" "Sinniyeen" (Chinese). On a political level they know China is a global giant and they are getting closer and closer to this economic giant. I came back from Saudi last week (Hajj) and Chinese produced goods were everywhere from prayer beads, to prayer mats, to robes (thiwaab) all of which said "Made in China". This despite what the anti-Chinese Saudi poster above said.

7. Other Arabs, no hatred. Libyans in particular under Qaddafi used to love China heavily and in the non-white world generally there is a solidarity with non-white China against the white west.

8. Malaysia. I was there earlier this year and Malaysia is the only country where Muslims (Malays) and Chinese live in huge numbers. Malays want to be masters of what they view as their native motherland and view Chinese domination and thus make laws to ensure their (Malay) dominance. Chinese on the other hand view this as a form of discrimination and feel they are not truly first class citizens in the country. I visited Kelantan in the north and the Chinese there (in Malaysia's most Islamic province) are well-integrated and speak perfect Kelantenese (a very distinct dialect of Malay) and my Malay friend told me that Chinese girls are better looking including those Malay Muslim girls who are fairer due to their Chinese blood.

Apart from that Malaysia does not hate China in the way Japan or South Korea or Vietnam do and has no issues with it as a nation.

9. Indonesia, no great hatred of China unlike Japan or South Korea and strong political, economic and military co-operation. There is a large Chinese community there and there were riots in the past but no major problems.

So in general Muslims like China except Wahabis/Jihadists & over politicized Islamists and Turkish greywolves.

On a personal level I know for a fact that the Hui Muslims (ethnic Chinese) are better Muslims and more religious than the Uighurs who are quite troublesome (though I have e-friend from Kashgar). Hui are loyal to China and Uighurs aren't. Uighurs hate Hui as Turks hate Arabs or Pakistanis hate Bangladeshis. Uighurs view Hui as traitors for being loyal to China.

Uighurs also dislike other Turkic Muslim groups such as Kazakhs and others.

As a country and as a people we Bangladeshis support the integrity of the People's Republic of China and completely condemn any secessionists.
Muslims are not a monolithic entity and even fight and kill each other, so there is no common view of China, however here are some general points.

1. Most Muslims do not hate China and definitely do not see it as a threat as the US. If there was US v China war instinctively on a sentimental level Muslims on the whole would be supporting China, partly because Muslims and Chinese are not part of the ruling white-western bloc of states.

2. Sunni extremists/Salafists hate China as they hate most non-Muslims and even Muslim (whom they sometimes call "murtad" (apostate)) states and view Xianjiang just as they view Palestine or Kashmir.

3. Bangladeshis have respect for China and see its presence is reassuring and a counter to next door neighbour and bully India
We also wish to ideally have connectivity via Burma to China and in particular work to develop Yunnan.

4. Iranians - no hostility on a cultural level, and politically both dislike the US.

5. Turks - pan Turkism and pan-Islamism means some Turkish nationalists hate China due to Xianjiang, on internet fora grey wolves and others would be prepared to discuss military action against China. However Turkey has no land border with China but the US does want to use Turkey to cause problems for China, which is one reason why the US promotes a strong Turkey. Turkish development of ICBMS mean Turkey can hit Beijing and Shanghai, which is precisely the sort of tension the US loves.

If anything it is Turkey's nationalists (not the whole people) which have issues with China more than anyone else in the Muslim world apart from Salafists/Wahabis.

6. Gulf Arabs, on a popular level no real hatred of the Chinese. Some racial thinking they are superior to "chinky-eyed" "Sinniyeen" (Chinese). On a political level they know China is a global giant and they are getting closer and closer to this economic giant. I came back from Saudi last week (Hajj) and Chinese produced goods were everywhere from prayer beads, to prayer mats, to robes (thiwaab) all of which said "Made in China". This despite what the anti-Chinese Saudi poster above said.

7. Other Arabs, no hatred. Libyans in particular under Qaddafi used to love China heavily and in the non-white world generally there is a solidarity with non-white China against the white west.

8. Malaysia. I was there earlier this year and Malaysia is the only country where Muslims (Malays) and Chinese live in huge numbers. Malays want to be masters of what they view as their native motherland and view Chinese domination and thus make laws to ensure their (Malay) dominance. Chinese on the other hand view this as a form of discrimination and feel they are not truly first class citizens in the country. I visited Kelantan in the north and the Chinese there (in Malaysia's most Islamic province) are well-integrated and speak perfect Kelantenese (a very distinct dialect of Malay) and my Malay friend told me that Chinese girls are better looking including those Malay Muslim girls who are fairer due to their Chinese blood.

Apart from that Malaysia does not hate China in the way Japan or South Korea or Vietnam do and has no issues with it as a nation.

9. Indonesia, no great hatred of China unlike Japan or South Korea and strong political, economic and military co-operation. There is a large Chinese community there and there were riots in the past but no major problems.

So in general Muslims like China except Wahabis/Jihadists & over politicized Islamists and Turkish greywolves.

On a personal level I know for a fact that the Hui Muslims (ethnic Chinese) are better Muslims and more religious than the Uighurs who are quite troublesome (though I have e-friend from Kashgar). Hui are loyal to China and Uighurs aren't. Uighurs hate Hui as Turks hate Arabs or Pakistanis hate Bangladeshis. Uighurs view Hui as traitors for being loyal to China.

Uighurs also dislike other Turkic Muslim groups such as Kazakhs and others.

As a country and as a people we Bangladeshis support the integrity of the People's Republic of China and completely condemn any secessionists.
thanks, man. are there some collarbration between china and your country?
- China is our main arms supplier and gives us discount prices.

- China has allowed us to export 3,000-4,000 (not sure of the number) products for free to China.

- China has built many bridges in Bangladesh.

- China invests in Bangladesh.

There are so many other things I could say but for now enjoy the stamps. :P








5th China friendship bridge in Bangladesh.


Chinese (right) and Bangladeshi (left) foreign ministry officials.


Bangladesh-China sign agreement in Dhaka last month, Bangladeshi prime minister, foreign minister and president all in the picture. The Kalima (Muslim declaration of faith) is there in Arabic at the back.


A cake celebrating 35 years of BD-China relations.





5th China friendship bridge in Bangladesh.


Chinese (right) and Bangladeshi (left) foreign ministry officials.


Bangladesh-China sign agreement in Dhaka last month, Bangladeshi prime minister, foreign minister and president all in the picture. The Kalima (Muslim declaration of faith) is there in Arabic at the back.


A cake celebrating 35 years of BD-China relations.


Hopefully we will promote the progress. Things are on the right track.
i see it as a enemy for democracy why because she is communist socialist and i hate the reds ( communist socialist ) and i like the blues ( democratic and liberal or capitalist ) they are the good guys
why i hate socialism because no way i will make a party control my property and belongings and tell me all of my belongings are property of the party and there no Private property .
I am with private ownership to death
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