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How muslims see about China?

Chinese history or Chinese education system has flaws, you count Qing as Chinese, but not. It is Manchu. Maybe you even count Yuan Dynasty as Chinese dynasty. I saw some Chinese claiming Yuan dynasty was Chinese or something. Your perspective and my perspective are quite different.

You are a racist in some degree, Obama‘s father is a muslim, can you say that muslim ruled US?
Manchu found the dynasty,infact Manchu was invited by Chief General of Ming Dynasty WU Sangui, they abandoned their own language, culture, they spoken and wrote Chinese and learned Chinese culture, adopted the government systems which kept for 2400years in China, odopted the Chinese culture system, except emperor was from the Man ethnic, and they called themselves Chinese and called Qing Dynasty. Manhu had became Chinese, nerely no one Manchu can speake Manchu language, if you told one Manchu"you are not Chinese", he will hit your head
Anyway, to answer the OP's question; I'm neutral when it comes to China. I hope they won't take the path of western powers. That's all I can say. Since China is a country with a long and rich history and culture, I think we have the right to expect more civilized and peaceful behaviour from China than the criminals in Washington. Don't you agree?
China got developed during the last decades, how Muslim see about China politically, economically and militarily ? Muslims are major player in the world, we want to listen to your voice.

A) There is no single muslim voice
B) China for many is a place to buy products and services cheaper , nothing strategic besides this

USA has a stranglehold on Arab's ba**s , so they cant think of any other player , they just blindly invest petro dollars in USA and buy Boeings and not needed weaponary in billions of dollars

Iran is unpredictable

Malaysia and Indonesia have competing interests with China

Rest are peasants and don't really matter

By the way , no one respects a country which cant assert itself globally , China should stand for something meaningful and assert itself globally , or maybe it has too many skeletons in its closet ?
You are a racist in some degree, Obama‘s father is a muslim, can you say that muslim ruled US?
Manchu found the dynasty,infact Manchu was invited by Chief General of Ming Dynasty WU Sangui, they abandoned their own language, culture, they spoken and wrote Chinese and learned Chinese culture, adopted the government systems which kept for 2400years in China, odopted the Chinese culture system, except emperor was from the Man ethnic, and they called themselves Chinese and called Qing Dynasty. Manhu had became Chinese, nerely no one Manchu can speake Manchu language, if you told one Manchu"you are not Chinese", he will hit your head

I dont claim Byzantine Empire as a Turkish dynasty. If that makes me racist, I am.

Let Manchus speak for themselves.

Turks have mixed feelings with Uighurs.They have similar culture with Uygur.Their ancestors used to be defeated and expeled by Uighurs thousands years ago.Turks strayed for centuries, eventually came to the place now.

There were even once a kingdom ( or beylik) called Eretna in Anatolia. Uighur origin. History is interesting if you delve into deeper.
Let Manchus speak for themselves.
here are photos of famous manchu stars.can you find any differents from han people?atleast i cann't.i may introduce some manchu friends to you if you want.






Pakistan should take this opportunity to mediate between china, japan and the Koreas and give them the idea of one Asian block union (economically, trade, military,education, etc) if this is formed this will benefit the rest of the regions you could be very powerful block and can even include Iran. not only that kick in the barter trade and gold and silver currency. i rather barter goods for good than take rupaiya note or pound note these paper money lose value but good wont and this encourages people to produce.
far east is heavily influenced by USA, they will not allow that to happen.
I wonder how long until China becomes the new "west" for muslims where there will be constant terrorist attacks because the Chinese aren't "surrendering" to Islam.

As i understand, China is already having problems with muslim minorities in the north west of the country. It's just the beginning.

Chinese citizens should feel lucky that their governments haven't imposed "multiculturalism" on them that lets mass numbers of islamic immigrants into the country, who absolutely hate the original inhabitants.

Are you mad... If there was any terrorist attacks those were reaction..
Looks similar to the cousin of my mother. :D


Could you post some pictures of Turks in Turkey (maybe some famous people?) who look somewhat Chinese? I don't watch television so I don't follow all the famous stars and the whole popular culture thing...
I support the independence of the Muslim Xinjiang region from China.


Strange, because your government doesn't support the independence of Palestine. In fact, they are working to destroy Palestine and the whole Middle East.
Korean War 1950-53. Is my answer enough?

We should hang all those treacherous leaders who decided to fight for the U.S. Oh wait, they are probably dead.

i dont mean turkey i respect your country and i consider turkey the most advanced and powerful muslim country

Turkey is a western puppet state. That's hardly something to take pride in.
Unfortunately, KSA and Turkey are weak countries, you can not do anything. Now you are just puppets of the West, killing your Muslim brothers.

From recorded history, China was there at least since Han dynasty. Before China, there was a country called Xiongnu, possibly ancestors of Mongolia. The Uyghurs were brought there later by Mongolians possibly as slaves.

BTW Xinjiang was never an independent country. Your so-called 1944 independence happened only in a tiny corner of Xinjiang and only lasted a few years.

He doesn't speak for all Muslims, ignore him. People like Juba are ignorant IslamoZionists who don't know anything about history or international relations. They don't even know they are fighting for America and Israel. They are that stupid.

Could you post some pictures of Turks in Turkey (maybe some famous people?) who look somewhat Chinese? I don't watch television so I don't follow all the famous stars and the whole popular culture thing...
They are between Chinese and Kazak, very good looking.

Are you mad... If there was any terrorist attacks those were reaction..
I dont believe Pak will do this to China, during the earthquake Pak send all the material in store to help China. Nobody can say thats bad.
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