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How muslims see about China?


Sep 9, 2012
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China got developed during the last decades, how Muslim see about China politically, economically and militarily ? Muslims are major player in the world, we want to listen to your voice.
Short story : Anti-Us muslims love you anti-communist/soviet/russian muslims hate you , its all about realpolitik nothing to do with islam.

exactly - it is all realpolitik. chinese killing pan-turkics provides a common cause to chinese and vast majority of muslims. pan-turkics are turkics and rootless militants by birth and are muslims only by accident.
Answering it on behalf of the Muslim World is an impossible thing to do for the Muslim World in itself is a house divided. Its better to take countries on a case to case basis - You've got Pakistan as your staunchest ally in the Muslim World, if not the world at large but then you've got some of the Gulf States who may not be allied to you because of China & Russia's position on Syria or Iran.
China is seen as the new leader of muslim world by many. Lots of Pan islamists pledge their allegiance to the Chinese.
I support the independence of the Muslim Xinjiang region from China.

WTF ??? How a non Muslim country seen as "the new leader of the Muslim world" LOL

Not a leader but Muslim countries support China as a counter to the West or their regional rivals. But Syria crisis have made Arab countries views about China negative.
Go easy on Xinjiang, give more rights to Muslims...need to say more? That's me speaking as a Muslim.

As a Pakistani, however, China is a important current ally, so there's the bit of respect.
Not a leader but Muslim countries support China as a counter to the West or their regional rivals. But Syria crisis have made Arab countries views about China negative.

Well that's not what i read in (Wright) post.

this is his post "China is seen as the new leader of muslim world by many".
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