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Syria blames Turkey for suicide bombing


Jul 15, 2012
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Syrian Information Minister Umran al-Zuabi has blamed foreign intelligence agencies for a suicide bombing targeting high-level Syrian officials, naming several countries including Turkey, daily Hürriyet reported.

Assad has also said that the ones who were "responsible" will pay. I'm not sure who is he meant with this.
Unnecessary comment from the Syrian government.
Another thing that is being overlooked is the fact that the Defense Minister was the highest-ranking Christian in the government. Coincidence? Of course not. These sectarian-driven terrorists should be eradicated, along with their Christian-phobic Turkish and Arab sponsors.

RIP Dawoud Rajiha.
You're taking this too lightly. Perhaps it is time for Turkey to call upon NATO for additional support?
What Turkey need is a coup d'etat.

And what are you so excited about? If Turkey invades Syria it means bad omen for Israel. Oh yeah, very bad. Very very very...
Im out of laugh, that so funny taking out in one day the defence minister, the interior minister, the military intelligence chief, the intelligence chief, the presidential security advisor well thats a hell of strike

Neither the Interior Minister, Military Intel Chief, nor Intel Chief were killed they were wounded and they are alive and functional. You don't even know what is going on do you?
Syria never said such thing, we know who did it, the terrorists, however Turkey is partner in crime for supporting terrorism and terrorists in Syria.
Syria never said such thing, we know who did it, the terrorists, however Turkey is partner in crime for supporting terrorism and terrorists in Syria.

Every country in the region is supporting the so called terrorist, barring Khameni's Iran, Al-Maliki's Iraq and Nasrallah of Hezbollha & coincidentally all three are Shies.
Every country in the region is supporting the so called terrorist, barring Khameni's Iran, Al-Maliki's Iraq and Nasrallah of Hezbollha & coincidentally all three are Shies.
what does Shies has to do with, so you're saying the Sunni countries such as Jordan and Turkey and GCC along with WEST and ZIONIST ARE TEAMING UP BECAUSE SYRIA IS UNITED, yeah that makes since to me, Iran Lebanon and Iraq support the resistance and the last Arab Strong hold, unlike the other countries in bed with the west.
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