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Nato supplies breakthrough US to officially apologise for Salala, Pakistan

I guess we got overly hopeful about something that never seemed likely to happen. A clear indication that we have yet to learn to think objectively.

There's one positive point though; Pakistan has protected itself from the humiliation if an official had apologized on the American President's behalf. We've demanded an apology from the President himself and must stick with it (for better or worse).
The supply lines should remain closed even after the apology-
Only An unconditional apology will suffice-

Don't think so, after any kind of an apology and the route remains closed then the whole matter is back to square one.

I couldn't find any other source other than Pakistani media to confirm this, can anyone post any other link please.
Did anyone apologise from US?
Did Pakistan open supply routes?Your Point makes no sense.Pakistan has not given up as the route is still closed and will remain closed (that's the point) unless an apology is given.No apology = No Route.
Did Pakistan open supply routes?Your Point makes no sense.Pakistan has not given up as the route is still closed and will remain closed (that's the point) unless an apology is given.No apology = No Route.

There is still two years to go for the bulk of the withdrawal, both can hold up to their respective stands for some more time, I figure there will be some sort of referendum in due time. Apology from US has its more intrinsic connotations the major being it will stop any kind of direct action from the NATO on Pakistani soil. If you see the build up to the Salala incident one can see that the NATO openly criticized Pakistan for the involvement of terrorists who attacked in Afghan soil. Their collective investigations and statements found that the terrorists attacked NATO/Afghan interests in Afghanistan and retreated back to safe havens inside Pakistan. The Salala incident happened bcos the NATO changed its prerogative and gave hot pursuit to the terrorists who were retreating into Pakistan and that the Pakistan Border force opened fire to safeguard them and they returned fire.

An apology takes away the option of acting against the terrorists and the frustration builds bcos they think that neither is Pakistani forces trying to stop this and when the NATO takes it upon itself to attack them they come under fire from the Pakistani forces. Anybody could be right here and wrong at the same time. Pakistan opening the route is the primary focus and the forces operating in Afghanistan is heavily dependent on this route.

A nation which has spent a half trillion in this war can spend a few more billion to go the CAR way, the worrying factor is after the withdrawal all of Pakistan's effort in the WOT will come to naught due to the last year's turn of events.
its just a setup to fool our people wht did apology give us.

I dont think tht Pakistan Army will allow this because i think their containers full with war toys
btw just heard in news tht kyani rejected to meet US official and there will be no talks
not going to happen why?
US has politicized the issue, now its politics, it doesnt matter how tough is its going to be for US soldiers, they arent going to apologize, as that would hurt Obama chances of reelection.
so we can only hope for something after obama election or if pakistan govt backs down..
US talks with Pakistan on supply routes have reached an impasse. The negotiators are on their way back to Washington empty-handed.

more as details emerge....
As per voice of America Mr Najam Sethi, US won't oppologize cause if they do so, that means they v accepted their fault and will not repeat the thing. But I think political stakes on both sides are very high due to coming elections and no side wants to lose at home front.
As per voice of America Mr Najam Sethi, US won't oppologize cause if they do so, that means they v accepted their fault and will not repeat the thing. But I think political stakes on both sides are very high due to coming elections and no side wants to lose at home front.

Cheng rightly pointed this out earlier.....apologizing to Pakistan will make them look too proper (read ''soft'')

on both sides elections are coming up! So both sides have some political juggling to deal with.
There is still two years to go for the bulk of the withdrawal, both can hold up to their respective stands for some more time, I figure there will be some sort of referendum in due time. Apology from US has its more intrinsic connotations the major being it will stop any kind of direct action from the NATO on Pakistani soil. If you see the build up to the Salala incident one can see that the NATO openly criticized Pakistan for the involvement of terrorists who attacked in Afghan soil. Their collective investigations and statements found that the terrorists attacked NATO/Afghan interests in Afghanistan and retreated back to safe havens inside Pakistan. The Salala incident happened bcos the NATO changed its prerogative and gave hot pursuit to the terrorists who were retreating into Pakistan and that the Pakistan Border force opened fire to safeguard them and they returned fire.

An apology takes away the option of acting against the terrorists and the frustration builds bcos they think that neither is Pakistani forces trying to stop this and when the NATO takes it upon itself to attack them they come under fire from the Pakistani forces. Anybody could be right here and wrong at the same time. Pakistan opening the route is the primary focus and the forces operating in Afghanistan is heavily dependent on this route.

A nation which has spent a half trillion in this war can spend a few more billion to go the CAR way, the worrying factor is after the withdrawal all of Pakistan's effort in the WOT will come to naught due to the last year's turn of events.
we have deployed over 80,000 tropes just to clean up a mess created due to presence of US soldiers on other side of boarder.
its their job to ensure people dont cross the boarder to and fro why the hell should we care at all.
Cheng rightly pointed this out earlier.....apologizing to Pakistan will make them look too proper (read ''soft'')

on both sides elections are coming up! So both sides have some political juggling to deal with.

Do you really believe the average American was anti-Pakistani up until this clown Panetta took over?
Obama has already apologized to A-Stan 2 times, he won't to Pakistan. After all he wants some votes as well, it's election year!!!

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