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Bifront Saudi Arabia: Mediaeval freedoms for export

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I'd love it if you expand on that with proofs. Otherwise their just empty claims you pose forward to entertain your clan of trollers :wave:

KSA have neither: 1) being directly involved in any war in any country, be it arab or nor
2) openly funded or supported any terrorist group working against Arab or Muslim interests...and I really doubt they have secretly aswell. If selling oil to foreign countries is called funding then you and I clearly know there's nothing wrong with that.

As far as Libyans go, they destroyed themselves. All the US/EU had to do was spark a little flame, and Libyans started massacring each other, while US kept on looting their oil.

1. Saudi supports war on Syria, they even want to invade the country, but they can't all they do is supply the terrorists with money and weapons, they even declared that publicly as well as Qatar.

2. Wikileakes is good for now, since you don't seem to know anything about the region.
WikiLeaks: Saudis Largest Source of Terror Funds - World Watch - CBS News
I was banned because moderators didn't tolerate my response.I want to say: Thank you moderators for imposing your own ideologies on members.Thank you for acting one behalf of only one side.
I didn't mention any name in my post, but he said you have insulted Umar.Can you prove that i insulted Umar?This shows even mods can't act neutral.

If a non-Muslim was insulting Umar (r.a) we'd prolly ignore it, but you made that comment on purpose and you clearly know how much Sunnis hate it when you insult the sahaba...

Let's keep it political next time, k? You won't like it if I start insulting your Imams out of nowhere
I'd love it if you expand on that with proofs. O.

Osama was a saudi. There is sufficient evidence that they funded Taliban and their ideology lead to killings of Shias in Afghanistan. I id not want to go down this road but you are being deliberately deceitful and duplicitous. Check threads on hre there is already matters which have been discussed and are in the public domain
The LegEnd said:
loooooool اعراب is not an arabs its refer to un arab who become an arab like persian for example so don't twist the explanation of Quran >>>> i do not blame btw how would you understand Quran when you are un arab

Are you daydreaming? Is that also written in abdulwahab books?

lisanul 3arab لسان العرب
Volume 1 - Page 587 - 586
و الأَعْراب ساكنو البادية من العَرَب الذين لا يقيمون في الأَمصارِ، و لا يدخلونها إِلّا لحاجة

العَرَبُ أَهلُ الأَمصار، و الأَعْرابُ منهم سكان البادية خاصة.

Arabs leaving in Deserts (baadia).
This is exactly the translation I gave above.

Any many are their descendants. That's was the point. And you didn't answer the rest of my post. ;)

This joke that "Only Arabs understand the Quran" is too old, now. I have seen Arabs that don't understand what does حیوان exactly mean in Quran. :lol:

The LegEnd said:
another wrong explanation of Quran its obviously Khomaini version
really? Please give us the correct version. Waiting...
Can we discuss the solutions rather than attacking every individuals of their country, races, religions or supremacy?

As you know,I Am Era_923 member who was banned.I made this account to say one thing:

I was banned because moderators didn't tolerate my response.I want to say: Thank you moderators for imposing your own ideologies on members.Thank you for acting one behalf of only one side.
I didn't mention any name in my post, but he said you have insulted Umar.Can you prove that i insulted Umar?This shows even mods can't act neutral.

This BLACKEAGLE guy and THE LEGEND guys said dozens of times that Shias are not Muslim,they should be killed,and all Iranians are bastards,but not only they were not banned,even their posts were not deleted.

Dear moderators,if you can't act neutral in a forum,instead of sitting in front of a computer,go play hide and seek with kids outside.You don't even know what is you duty as a moderator.

Well we try to be neutral and take action on anything that passes our eyes. If we do not see something, we can possibly not take action on that right? If you guys don't report something, it is difficult for us to read 50 pages of each thread to delete every inappropriate post unless it was reported. You were banned because your comments violated the forum rules. You were extremely intolerant and you proved once again in this post. The action was taken against the members you mentioned in your post but it is not necessary that you see the PINK Colour to determine the nature of action.

Please do not create another ID or the ban on your original ID might be extended.

@ Topic

Anybody calling each other non-Muslims will be punished with infractions/ban so please do not do that again
As far as Libyans go, they destroyed themselves. All the US/EU had to do was spark a little flame, and Libyans started massacring each other, while US kept on looting their oil.

If gulf states had not supported the no fly zone it was clear that Russia and or China would have used their veto at the UN
Arabs invented the number system we use today... That worth more that any nations whole history... Not to mention prophet Mohammed which with prophet Jesus are the most influential people on world history...

KSA and Arab states are industrializing their country with great passion and they control more than trillion dollars in world wide and not mention their GPD per capita that could rival Europe...

Yep they really have a weaker future...

Yes - by having the "house of saud" in charge - the future is bright as an extinct dodo. The corruption, the sheer arrogance, the sheer abuse of power, a disregard for muslims around the world - yep they have a weaker future - il agree with you. btw all respect to arab people - im talking about the saud family - shameful characters
Osama was a saudi. There is sufficient evidence that they funded Taliban and their ideology lead to killings of Shias in Afghanistan. I id not want to go down this road but you are being deliberately deceitful and duplicitous. Check threads on hre there is already matters which have been discussed and are in the public domain

You have to excuse DRaisinHerald... He doesn't really look at threads that has been created by Trolls unless it is necessary because of biased bashing and trolling...
Are you guys saying that Saud family are not terrorists ?
Please tell me you guys are kidding. Where do you people live? on Pluto or something?
Are you daydreaming? Is that also written in abdulwahab books?

lisanul 3arab لسان العرب
Volume 1 - Page 587 - 586
و الأَعْراب ساكنو البادية من العَرَب الذين لا يقيمون في الأَمصارِ، و لا يدخلونها إِلّا لحاجة

العَرَبُ أَهلُ الأَمصار، و الأَعْرابُ منهم سكان البادية خاصة.

Arabs leaving in Deserts (baadia).
This is exactly the translation I gave above.

Any many are their descendants. That's was the point. And you didn't answer the rest of my post. ;)

This joke of "Arabs understand the Quran" is very old. I have seen Arabs that don't understand what does حیوان exactly mean in Quran. :lol:

really? Please give us the correct version. Waiting...

Don't cut the part that suits you...
فالأعراب هم ساكنو البادية من العرب الذين لا يقيمون في الأمصار ولا يدخلونها إلا لحاجة، وليست قبائل بعينها، قال الأزهري : والذي لا يفرق بين العرب والأعراب ، والعربي والأعرابي ربما تحامل على العرب بما يتأوله في هذه الآية قوله تعالى : الْأَعْرَابُ أَشَدُّ كُفْرًا وَنِفَاقًا، وهو لا يميز بين العرب والأعراب، ولا يجوز أن يقال للمهاجرين والأنصار أعراب إنما هم عرب لأنهم استوطنوا القرى العربية وسكنوا المدن سواء منهم الناشئ بالبدو ثم استوطن القرى والناشئ بمكة ثم هاجر إلى المدينة، فإن لحقت طائفة منهم بأهل البدو بعد هجرتهم واقتنوا نعما ورعوا مساقط الغيث بعد ما كانوا حاضرة أو مهاجرة قيل : قد تعربوا أي صاروا أعرابا بعد ما كانوا عربا ، ولو أن قوما من الأعراب الذين يسكنون البادية حضروا القرى العربية وغيرها وتناءوا معهم فيها ، سموا عربا ولم يسموا أعرابا .

قال ابن الجزري في النهاية في غريب الحديث والأثر: والأعراب ساكنو البادية من العرب الذين لا يقيمون في الأمصار ولا يدخلونها إلا لحاجة ، وكذا قال الشوكاني في فتح القدير وغيره ، وانظري الفتوى رقم : 62826 .
Are you guys saying that Saud family are not terrorists ?
Please tell me you guys are kidding. Where do you people live? on Pluto or something?

Don't be silly of course they are.

the terrorist is Assad how are killing his own people> i think you are the one who live in Pluto

According to people who also call Hezbollah and Palestinians terrorists. I think that is a complement to Assad
Don't cut the part that suits you...
فالأعراب هم ساكنو البادية من العرب الذين لا يقيمون في الأمصار ولا يدخلونها إلا لحاجة، وليست قبائل بعينها، قال الأزهري : والذي لا يفرق بين العرب والأعراب ، والعربي والأعرابي ربما تحامل على العرب بما يتأوله في هذه الآية قوله تعالى : الْأَعْرَابُ أَشَدُّ كُفْرًا وَنِفَاقًا، وهو لا يميز بين العرب والأعراب، ولا يجوز أن يقال للمهاجرين والأنصار أعراب إنما هم عرب لأنهم استوطنوا القرى العربية وسكنوا المدن سواء منهم الناشئ بالبدو ثم استوطن القرى والناشئ بمكة ثم هاجر إلى المدينة، فإن لحقت طائفة منهم بأهل البدو بعد هجرتهم واقتنوا نعما ورعوا مساقط الغيث بعد ما كانوا حاضرة أو مهاجرة قيل : قد تعربوا أي صاروا أعرابا بعد ما كانوا عربا ، ولو أن قوما من الأعراب الذين يسكنون البادية حضروا القرى العربية وغيرها وتناءوا معهم فيها ، سموا عربا ولم يسموا أعرابا .

قال ابن الجزري في النهاية في غريب الحديث والأثر: والأعراب ساكنو البادية من العرب الذين لا يقيمون في الأمصار ولا يدخلونها إلا لحاجة ، وكذا قال الشوكاني في فتح القدير وغيره ، وانظري الفتوى رقم : 62826 .

dude they are اعراب so they can't understand the explanation of Quran > its hard for them to deal with > their brains can't take it
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