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Hindu protesters disrupt Bin Laden movie shoot in India

LOL frickin idiots.

This movie will do what the Indian diplomacy could not fully manage to do -- take it all over the world that Pakistan harbored the world's most wanted terrorist right near a military , before being exposed.

Infact the Indian Govt should fund this movie and provide tax breaks for its shooting schedule.

''harboring'' is what your country does with the ''dalai lama''...... :laugh:
NEW DELHI: Right-wing Hindu activists on Friday disrupted shooting for Oscar-winner Kathryn Bigelow’s movie on the hunt for Osama bin Laden, protesting the use of Indian locations to portray Pakistan.

Members of the hardline Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) stormed the set in Chandigarh, the northern Indian city famously designed by Swiss-French architect Le Corbusier, where Bigelow’s crew had been shooting for four days.

The location was a Chandigarh market, which the production company had transformed with shopboard signs in Urdu, rickshaws with Lahore number plates and burqa-clad extras.

“They removed signs that had been put up in Urdu and also pushed and abused the camera crew. They raised slogans against Pakistan and forcibly removed some Pakistani flags,” a local police officer told AFP by telephone.

“We don’t want Pakistani flags on Indian soil and we don’t agree that Indian markets should look like Pakistan,” said VHP secretary Ramkrishna Srivastava.

Under the working title “Zero Dark Thirty,” Bigelow’s latest film recounts the hunt for bin Laden, which ended when US special forces raided his hideout in the Pakistan’s garrison town of Abbottabad last May, killing the al Qaeda leader.

With filming in Pakistan not an option, there has been intense media speculation about what locations might be chosen by Bigelow, who won the 2010 Oscar for Best Director for “The Hurt Locker”.

Indian newspaper reports had suggested she might look to recreate the recently demolished three-storey bin Laden hideout in the desert state of Rajasthan.

The Indian line production company involved in the film said the shooting in Chandigarh was simply aimed at collecting “establishing” shots with a Pakistani feel.

“No real sets have been built at all. The actual recreation of Abbottabad will not even be in India. It’s being done in Jordan,” said a member of the company who declined to be identified.

He said talks had been held with the Hindu protestors to try and defuse the situation.

“We explained that there’s nothing here against Hinduism, nothing against Pakistan. It’s just a movie,” he said.

“Nothing has been shut down. We are still filming and will continue to do so,” he added.

The film is scheduled to be released at the end of 2012.


Hindu protesters disrupt Bin Laden movie shoot in India – The Express Tribune

It can't happen in india, india is a secular country. :no:
How is a protest that is anti Pakistan have any bearing on Secularism?

That wasn't a protest, that was use of force.

“They removed signs that had been put up in Urdu and also pushed and abused the camera crew. They raised slogans against Pakistan and forcibly removed some Pakistani flags,” a local police officer told AFP by telephone.
bloody idiots, do they want the added prosperity such projects in India bring to India?
Thanks for the info...

Well then in a way, it is worshipping a physical object dont you think? Since the whole Haj process revolves around being able to physically touch/see the place where Islams call to worship began...

Any Muslim who worships the Ka'bah or even considers it an extension of Divinity or even a means to a connection to God - is outside the fold of Islam and there is a unanimity on that - amongst all sects and no one believes otherwise.

The Ka'bah is more of a historical thing because I believe, if I'm not mistaken, according to Muslim traditions it was first constructed by Adam as a place of worship for the One God or Allah in Arabic, so its more like a glorified mosque if you will because no one worships the Ka'bah and that much is ubiquitous in whatever Muslim sect there is. Additionally the Ka'bah was destroyed throughout history because of wars and calamities and was consequently rebuilt by Noah, Abraham and other Prophets along with the common man too. In fact, If I'm not mistaken it was damaged and repaired or rebuilt during 2-3 revolts after the Prophet's death too. And that would be a fairly bad way to treat your deity or its image !

The pilgrimage on the other hand is an act of worship signifying solidarity and unity of the Muslims in the One God and in the belief that despite all their differences their commonalities are profound and so they should get their sh*t together. Plus, if I'm not mistaken again, its the Sunnah of Abraham and later Prophets. So in essence the Ka'bah might as well be something else...its form is absolutely immaterial, its the act of Hajj or Pilgrimage to Mecca, thats an article of faith.
That wasn't a protest, that was use of force.

OK.. How is a violent Anti Pakistan protest in India has anything to do with secularism..

I am assuming you are not one of the extremist nincompoops who claim that any thing anti Pakistan automatically becomes anti Islam
guess what mate we were the same people 64 yrs ago . you can deny it but cant change the fact ,can you mate?:)

lol same people.......

even your indian punjabis dont like calling themselves as indians....in the west they call themselves punjabis and they consider themselves superior to all other indians:lol:
one only gives such absurd technical, semantic explanations just to deny the obvious.

the 'obvious' being that, you people are brainless tools who are obviously smoking some strong materials
lol same people.......

even your indian punjabis dont like calling themselves as indians....in the west they call themselves punjabis and they consider themselves superior to all other indians:lol:

this is the problem in whole india:lol:
southy's think they are superior while northy's think they are superior
lol same people.......

even your indian punjabis dont like calling themselves as indians....in the west they call themselves punjabis and they consider themselves superior to all other indians:lol:

and this applies ESPECIALLY to indian punjabis -- especially the Jutts.

i a met Sikh guy in New York who openly and with a straight face admitted that he sees Punjabis as superior over all other indians....even dalit (untouchable) punjabis who dare not rise above the feet of the supreme Jutts :laugh:

---------- Post added at 11:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:25 PM ----------

No offence to you but you know it's a peak of ignorance and stupidity when one compares Dalai Lama with Osama Bin Laden!

refer to post #42
Why does bollywood wants to make a film on everything from the shitest thing to terrorist movies

It is hollywood movie being made by the same director who made 'the hurt locker'

VHP , Bajrang dal, RSS all idiots .

Thanks to their idiocy they will make sure BJP loses even the next elections . I for one wont be voting in the next elections at all . both parties are highly idiotic .

---------- Post added at 12:33 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:31 AM ----------

and this applies ESPECIALLY to indian punjabis -- especially the Jutts.

i a met Sikh guy in New York who openly and with a straight face admitted that he sees Punjabis as superior over all other indians....even dalit (untouchable) punjabis who dare not rise above the feet of the supreme Jutts :laugh:

---------- Post added at 11:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:25 PM ----------

refer to post #42

You met one sikh in New york , im ve met and lived among thousands of sikhs here in Delhi .There are many sikhs on this forum as well .

what Sikhs think and dont think has been discussed to death on this forum . Let us not divert the topic please .

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