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Victory Of Taliban Is Victory Of Islam!

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"The Russians left in 89. From that period till about 1997 taliban was engaged in a bloody war against fellow Muslims for control of the country."

1994 in Kandahar. Prior to that they weren't a player and ISI support was behind Hekmatyar's fight with Rabbani, Masoud, et al.
"The Russians left in 89. From that period till about 1997 taliban was engaged in a bloody war against fellow Muslims for control of the country."

1994 in Kandahar. Prior to that they weren't a player and ISI support was behind Hekmatyar's fight with Rabbani, Masoud, et al.

The Talebans were funded by CIA to destabilise the pro-Iranian government in Kabul, some peole conveniently refrain from mentioning that fact.

After reading so many postings on this issues a strange thing is that an average joe oops sorry I mean an average Pakistani is tsill confused, his heart still beats for Taliban but his mind tells him that ohh boy these are killing your own country mates.

Most pinching thing is that there is no answer to the basic question who is right and who is wrong in this war. Or Maybe we dont want to hear the answer.

from a "Momin's Prespectie" Americans under no circumstances can be our friends let alone strategic partners in so called 'war on terror'.

From a 'Momin prespective' this life is just a short one before an eternal life and as a muslim our we should not be worried about this world's economic worries only we should thing about life after and our sole purpose must be ISLAM and ISLAM, ans surely american or for that matter western agenda dont fits in our equation let aone their values but we are toeing their agenda. so who is wrong we or Taliban? But what we are suppose to do ? get destroy our country? or is this just our cowardiness, One thing is for the sure if some somebody thinks that there would come a time that when we would be at par with west they are wrong, its not going to happen, West would never let it happen. So whats the remedy should we forget the past along with the core teaching of islam and get our selves westernised. Just like Turkey? .... by the way why europe is still reluctant to accept turkey in its folds? Turkey is quite a secular country still.... So shall we decleare ourselves seculars and pronounce that we dont have anything to with fundamental Islamic values and Islam is something just written on our Passports and nothing else. If you go by american direction thats what they want from us.

Many of our brother here would say neig we have our own intersta and we are fighting four our own war and these termites (taliban and company) are eating us and Pakistan is a Muslim countryand they should e ashamed of themselves for damaging a muslim country, Killing our brave soldiers but are we really an Islamic country? 2 army men very dear to me have lost their lives to Taliban& Co and empty and saddend eys of small childerns and families haunt me BUT I can see much more sorrow on other side as well.

what should we call our soldiers? Shaheed? whats the definition of Shaheed anybody whove doves on uniform is shaheed? or any one fighting for his country is shaheed? or shaeed has something to do with ISLAM? where do our soldiers stand? Mark my words if ever there is gonna a choice you wont find a single pakistani soldier for American cause, bt we have to defend our country, Mothers of this holy land send their sons in army for the sake of ISLAM and not for bloody american intersts.

Strange things about Taliban.

They gave Peace to Afganistan I still remember snaps in the news of afgan currency market in Taliban time when ltiple currencies lying on their stalls and shop keepers gone for Prayers.

In last year of Taliban zero popy cultivation- UNO and last year it was record !!! Strange isnt it??

They didnt robbed their people, their governsers were commoners and were acessible to commoners even Mulla Omar, and here we have in our beloved country where every second day some one is burning him slef or herslef in front of governer house to get a case registerd. Shall I tell you cost that we are bearing for our leaders? why shall not a common Pakistani think that OK let bring Taliban Style Governemnt in Pakistan and let them govern and our 90% problems would be solved Just imagine how much money we can save by having Taliban Governement, mmmm lot of ,money can be spared for forces.

Another strange things current govenment of Afganistan which is suppsedly comprising of most noblest among Afghans has very svere issue with women education has it not been americans they would never had let this women empowerent. So what does this prove? every country has its own culture and values. Curtailing of women activity has more to do with Pushtoon culture then Islam- but to just to bring on note a decree from mulla omar for women education. Gradual ... societies and cultures optimise themslves graduallly.

off note By the way some one mentioned Ahmed Shah masood was also a Mujhaid he is dead now so I wont comment but what about Dostum? What a fine gentle man he is!!! So you want such people instead of Taliban.

Basically to be honest we are in 'crisis of Identity' We want to be called Muslims but live like westerns and some how this donnt fits in eqautaion of Islam atleast not to Islam of Quran Hadis and Life of Prophet PBUH. Obviously in ISLAM of gentle men like Ata Turk and Mushraf there is quite a room.

There is quite a room for an infidel / non muslim in Islam but not an inch for the Non Muslim governemnt.

Most of the things Taliban do is orderd by ISLAM but still they are wrong? Why? confusing!!!

One thing that realy goes against them is Suicide Bombars, why dont they see commom people are dying in it though its mostly agianst security forces, Is it collatral damage?

but why these started within Pakistan after LAL Masjid event ?

Most critical question is there any non militant way to regain glory of Islamic past?? Is economic growth and financial strenth is keu to our success? IF SO WHY was BCCI the Muslim bank was shut overnight? Why is Saudia Arabia withh Trillions is so hapless.

proposition is still open and if it seems logically Taliban are winning----- Taliban are worriers of ISLAM maybe we need to reconsider our position and their victory is surly victory of ISLAM.

Please comments on Ideas presendted here and not on me!!! I am quite a follower of Pyro and Russel (Burtrand not curt) and I frmly belve finality of knowledge is unattaianble, its just logical proofs that make a statement true or false-- maybe that why in Islam we are suppose to follow the commands of ALLAH and not to ask its logic for he knows better then us.
"...some peole conveniently refrain from mentioning that fact."

FACT, eh? Count me as one of those who conveniently omit then. I plead ignorance.

Please enlighten me with the relevant facts, if you don't mind? I'm sure you've the facts handily lying about for just such an occasion.

Thank you.
The American dollar bill may have the words 'In God We Trust' but at the same time there is picture of the all seeing eye on the one dollar bill. What do you think that is all about? Don't forget those who created America were mostly Freemasons who apparently believe in the worship of the devil. I think the claim can therefore go either way if you rely simply on the evidence of the American currency.
The American dollar bill may have the words 'In God We Trust' but at the same time there is picture of the all seeing eye on the one dollar bill. What do you think that is all about? Don't forget those who created America were mostly Freemasons who apparently believe in the worship of the devil. I think the claim can therefore go either way if you rely simply on the evidence of the American currency.

That freemasons thing is not devil worship. they are rumoured to be a offshoot of the the knights Templar.
Yes they are an off shoot of the Knights Templars but with some twisted notions on religion. What is the all seeing eye about?
"...if you rely simply on the evidence of the American currency."

As you clearly do?

I'm stunned.

Yes they are an off shoot of the Knights Templars but with some twisted notions on religion. What is the all seeing eye about?

Well it depends upon the person you talk to ....some say it has to do with the illuminati. but that a conspiracy theory too far for me....
The Talebans were funded by CIA to destabilise the pro-Iranian government in Kabul, some peole conveniently refrain from mentioning that fact.

This is a valid point and this forum is for valid points.

This forum is also for losers like S-2 who probably were ignored in high school years and now they come on such forums and try to get attention by writing utter nonsense.

If you were see a dark brown desi with dyed blond hair then please ask him if he is S-2.

Please ignore this guy and carry on with your meaning ful conversation and see if you can come to a solution.

In the meanwhile, I will go out for dinner.

Good night!

If you go down that road it just doesn't end- The Freemasons, Illuminati, Bilderberg Group, The Trilateral Commission and the Council for Foreign Relations - all bent on world domination and a Godless world according to some who follow this stuff.
"Actually I don't it was just something I heard about recently and I picked up the thread very late on."

Then accept my apology, please, for grossly misunderstanding your intent.
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