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Victory Of Taliban Is Victory Of Islam!

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Bombing someone cause he disagrees or forcing other nations to be used otherwise to be bombed to stoneage is hardly a sign for wisdom, diplomacy or anything else besides stupid and rude.

Let us move from Afghanistan. The Cuban crises just faded cause Russia took the responsibility yet at the moment US is cornering Russia with ABM just on the borders... Did they not learn from the past or is this double standards as usual?

As some American soldier said once... One moment someone is a freedom fighter the other moment he is a terrorist.
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Thanks waraich.

You're a truly helpful fountain of knowledge and wisdom there.:lol:

Wish you good luck, great fortune, and much love.


Oh, you too, think-tanky Munir. Your incoherance is exceptional. Your tangible contributions- underwhelming.

Please desist, sir and save our eyes the travails of deciphering your incomprehensible goop.
"Bush recently accepted that his decision to attack on iraq was wrong."

Link please?
"It wasn't just people in my administration; a lot of members in Congress, prior to my arrival in Washington, DC, during the debate on Iraq, a lot of leaders of nations around the world, were all looking at the same intelligence."

Leading to this-

"He [GWB] did not go so far as to say he would not have gone to war if the intelligence had been correct."

"The biggest regret of all the presidency has to have been the intelligence failure in Iraq,"

Here's what YOU said-

"Bush recently accepted that his decision to attack on iraq was wrong."

Not the same. Nice link but your point's not made by the article nor yourself however misleading the by-line.
Sir Munir ,
Your courage to speak truth and wisdom is admireable.

Either US and Western allies prove guilty of 9/11 attackers or accept that attack on afghanistan was wrong decision and responsible should be punished.
Even they prove it ,they dont have right to attack on Afghanistan.

Bush recently accepted that his decision to attack on iraq was wrong.He should be trailed in international court for whole blood shed in iraq.

Stop waraich.........You have annoyed a lot of people with you frankly idiotic views (me primarily) but sycophantically kissing the A$$ of anyone who you think agrees with doesn't make you smarter. And "truth" is a slippery word.

The attackers have ACCEPTED RESPONSIBILITY YOU MORON! they created videos claiming it. If they were not then they would come out and say "well done, whoever did this but it was not us" NOT take responsiblity for it.

I don't agree with the whole Iraq debacle,I don't agree with the idiot that is GWB I don't agree with a lot of US foreign policy.

But frankly I think pretty much everyone expected/didn't care if the US went in and flattened AFghan....only sad little internet Jihadi's would think otherwise. Post after post smarter people than you have taken your posts apart yet you keep coming back.....WHY?

Either pick up a weapon and die a pointless death in Afghan (or wherever else the smarter jihadi's will send you) or stop boring everyone.....

The one who is bathed in the so called enlightened moderation, and who has the mind and the concept that Infidels can solve our problems, and can bring peace, they are just crying far...................................

The man who has called the Taliban, Mujahideen of Islam, barbarians, I don't understand wether he likes Americans, Bush Chacha, or other remaining Jews???????????????????????

The Govt of Taliban proved to be the Duplicate, and it showed a glimpse of KHILAFAT!!!!!
We are crying that they are the enemy of Islam, wt do u want more!!!!!!
A Govt which was Islamic peaceful and full of justice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Wt do u want more?????????

To be continueed.................................


That was not a glimpse at Khilafat that was a glimpse at Kiyamat.
Don't you think that is a degrading generalization?

Don't we as Muslims take offense when someone generalizes all Muslims as violent?

Do Muslims control terror then, since so much of it occurs at the hands of Muslims?

'Terrorism is controlled by Muslims' - how does that sound?

Srry :(, ill be more pecific nxt time.

The main cause of terrorism is America, and the taliban or what ever, that are fighting the americans, have every right to stand up to them, but they shldnt involve innocent civilians, who lose their lives, lose loved one's or impaired for life. :tsk::frown::frown:

Then the american army are to be considered bigger terrorist, that kill more civilians, and have no value of life of others.

maybe you didnt lose a loved one in the marriot bombing, or the bombing in lahores Karachi so you wouldn't understand.

would you still support the taliban, if you had lost a loved one in the bombing, wich killed Bhutto???

I have seen the pictures, limbs scathered around, blood every where, and believe me that is nt what islam teaches.
Srry :(, ill be more pecific nxt time.

The main cause of terrorism is America, and the taliban or what ever, that are fighting the americans, have every right to stand up to them, but they shldnt involve innocent civilians, who lose their lives, lose loved one's or impaired for life. :tsk::frown::frown:

Then the american army are to be considered bigger terrorist, that kill more civilians, and have no value of life of others.

Before the Americans came into Afghanistan, taliban were the biggest terrorists to their own people and only gained power by covering the countryside in northern alliance (Muslim) blood. They fought against Muslims before, they are killing Muslims now, they are not Muslims but a gang of terrorists.
Before the Americans came into Afghanistan, taliban were the biggest terrorists to their own people and only gained power by covering the countryside in northern alliance (Muslim) blood. They fought against Muslims before, they are killing Muslims now, they are not Muslims but a gang of terrorists.

The taliban were given the weapons, by america to fight against the russians. The Americans were involved in creating them, and correct me if im wrong but pakistan, played a big role in it too.
The taliban were given the weapons, by america to fight against the russians. The Americans were involved in creating them, and correct me if im wrong but pakistan, played a big role in it too.

The Russians left in 89. From that period till about 1997 taliban was engaged in a bloody war against fellow Muslims for control of the country. Then in 2001 they lost their short stint at power, because they made a stupid decision in not handing over Osama bin Hidin. The role Pakistan played is a lot smaller than you think. If Americans really did create them, they would have had a much easier time controlling them. They are actually a product of Wahabism and Saudi financing meant to be a counter to Shiite Iran in the region.

maybe you didnt lose a loved one in the marriot bombing, or the bombing in lahores Karachi so you wouldn't understand.

would you still support the taliban, if you had lost a loved one in the bombing, wich killed Bhutto???

I have seen the pictures, limbs scathered around, blood every where, and believe me that is nt what islam teaches.

The afghan taliban with mullah omar did not bomb the marriot or any other place in pakistan.
Terrorist from FATA are the ones attacking pakistan.......nothing to do with the taliban.
The Russians left in 89. From that period till about 1997 taliban was engaged in a bloody war against fellow Muslims for control of the country. Then in 2001 they lost their short stint at power, because they made a stupid decision in not handing over Osama bin Hidin. The role Pakistan played is a lot smaller than you think. If Americans really did create them, they would have had a much easier time controlling them. They are actually a product of Wahabism and Saudi financing meant to be a counter to Shiite Iran in the region.

I agree, i agree to that they shld be wiped out, they bring a bad name to islam, and muslims of the world. My point is that there is more to Taliban then we see. Taliban is just a name, there are bigger players behind them playing taliban.

I hope u get my point
The afghan taliban with mullah omar did not bomb the marriot or any other place in pakistan.
Terrorist from FATA are the ones attacking pakistan.......nothing to do with the taliban.

Srry, but Taliban, is in FATA.

Ok but my point is, wt abt the innocent ppl killed by them.
American,british and NATO high command is slowly accepting defeat in Afghanistan.Allah is helping Talaban against Allied forces.This will be most shamefull defeat of us and allied forces from world most poorest nation of world.
US and NATO and Allies trying to negotiate with Talaban but talaban are refusing any deal.Now world will see new super power having only power of faith on God.

May allah give us life and death with iman.

Allah Akbar

im srry to say this but it was
very very stupid of u to even post that
i mean the taliban arent even islamic [they get money by supplying herione, they commit suicide, they blow up masjids, they take innocent lives] u need to know what your talking about man u cant be posting such crap like this:hitwall::angry:
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