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Iran nuclear scientist assassinated in Tehran

RIP to the poor soul
Iran should make protecting its scientists it's highest priority.
The intelligence chief should be replaced asap

What are isrealis getting so giddy about?
It could be PJAK or MKO terrorists not mossad
If anything this will make Iran even more determined and resolute

Some Iranian sources are claiming the victim was an Iranian student not a scientist.
It turns out the guy that was assassinated wasn't the real nuclear physicist they meant to target.
They killed Daryoush Rezaienejad who is a physics student,
not Daryoush Rezaie who is the scientist and professor.
Can Iranians members clear the confusion over the identity of the victim?

It was a schoolgirl actually named Rihanna, wrong place wrong time, mistaken identity.
Do people actually believe Iran would say "Our lead Nuclear scientist got assassinated right under our noses, but we still tough"....
sad to see that Indians supporting this terrorist act ...

now any attack on Israel by IRAN or its proxies will be justified than ???
Man killed in Iran shooting was student, not nuclear scientist

A mix-up over names apparently led to initial reports that the man slain in Tehran was a scientist involved in the country's nuclear program.

From the Associated Press

July 23, 2011, 2:29 p.m.
Iran said the victim of a deadly shooting Saturday was a university student, not a physicist involved in the country's nuclear program as state media had first reported.

A mix-up over the victim's name apparently led to the confusion, the English-language Press TV said.

Initial reports said a pair of gunmen firing from motorcycles killed 35-year-old Dariush Rezai, a physics professor whose area of expertise was neutron transport.

Several news reports, including that by the semiofficial Iran Student News Agency, linked him to the country's nuclear program.

But an investigation later determined that the slain man was Darioush Rezaeinejad, an electronics student at Khajeh Nasir Toosi University of Technology in Tehran.

Man killed in Iran shooting was student, not nuclear scientist - latimes.com
RIP to the poor soul
Iran should make protecting its scientists it's highest priority.
The intelligence chief should be replaced asap

What are isrealis getting so giddy about?
It could be PJAK or MKO terrorists not mossad
If anything this will make Iran even more determined and resolute

Some Iranian sources are claiming the victim was an Iranian student not a scientist.
It turns out the guy that was assassinated wasn't the real nuclear physicist they meant to target.
They killed Daryoush Rezaienejad who is a physics student,
not Daryoush Rezaie who is the scientist and professor.
Can Iranians members clear the confusion over the identity of the victim?

1) MKO and PJAK have nothing to gain by killing a university student/prof lol
they would have smtg to gain by killing the police/army/border guards/politicians etc... but not a random scholar.

2) and yeah, it seems that there was a mixup.
lol @ the Jews and Indians getting happy for no reason.
It was a schoolgirl actually named Rihanna, wrong place wrong time, mistaken identity.
Do people actually believe Iran would say "Our lead Nuclear scientist got assassinated right under our noses, but we still tough"....

idiot, it was an Iranian official news org that broke out the news in the first place. If they wanted to cover smtg up why would they release the news?
You are by far the stupidest person I've met on this site. 4 posts and every single one is more idiotic than the last one.
idiot, it was an Iranian official news org that broke out the news in the first place. If they wanted to cover smtg up why would they release the news?
You are by far the stupidest person I've met on this site. 4 posts and every single one is more idiotic than the last one.

It was Iranian news agencies that reported that a US drone was shot down, again that there were no US drones shot down.
Same agencies who posted pictures of Photoshopped missiles, blasts and weapons.
I know that you shall share the fate of the government you so try to glorify and the cowards you defend.
Apparently you never bothered to benefit from the Canadian education system because you Abii, are borderline retarded.
Sad day for Canada when the likes of you can call themselves a citizen.
May the young scientist rest in peace and may god have mercy on his soul. We are determined and we will finish our work, no one can stop us
May the young scientist rest in peace and may god have mercy on his soul. We are determined and we will finish our work, no one can stop us

you shot down their drone, they killed your scientist ! simple !!

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