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US' overtly pro-India stance will hurt Pak: China

US does not need Pakistan nor India.
Its is Pakistan and India which needs US.
It is only in favor of pakistan to reconcile their differences and take advantage of partnership with USA.
USA can deny tech transfers to Pakistan but Pakistan can directly employe hundreds of Indian graduates trained by USA.
The situation calls for thinking smarter and mature leadership of both sides.
India can billa bong as much as it wish but at least Pakistan should act smart in compliance with need of hour.
Dude iam really impressed by your bold parts.
Pakistan can employ indians???

So in your point India must have got the tech transfer in the way you said.
What about China's active support and protection of terrorist organisations like JUD in UNSC - infact three times right before they carried out 2008 Mumbai attacks?

How does that fit anti terrorism efforts in Pakistan? We know it fits anti terrorism efforts of pakistan just fine.
alot of dynamite kills several american soldiers, plz care for them:coffee:

Do you think, they really care for anything more than that??? For e.g., Al-Quida killed their citizen and they tear AQ apart. Not like India or Pakistan, where bomb blast or terrorist attacks are in daily news.

Withdrawal of troops begins and america realizes the fact that he cant really get what he want.

:what: You have yet to realize that US got what they want???

Osama bin Laden killed in Pakistan - Americas - Al Jazeera English

America will change its stance soon.

America has already changed its stance.....

"No Yes Sir to America: "US stopped $800m aid of Pakistan | Pakistani Urdu Newspaper Columns, Articles, Editorials,Top Stories, Corruption Scandals from <b style="color:black;background-color:#99ff99">Pakistan</b>

we learned alot from Americans and that is for sure.

The more you learn, more you grow. All the very best. :tup:
Hostality btw india and Pakistan serves best for US at the moment and US position very much spell that out. But question is beyond public consumption statements, can india afford to dance in line with US tune??
To Indian members. the US may not be perfect but it is much, much better than the current regimes in CHina and Pakistan. Ever since CHina came under the control of the Communists, their thinking has changed vastly from the previous relations India maintained for the past 2 millenium. Look at the bigger picture, China and Pakistan is desperately trying to drive a wedge between the relations b/w US and India. If its bad for CHina and Pakistan, then its great for India.
Now India's overtly pro Japan , pro Taiwan and pro Vietnam stand will hurt China. :P

N0&#65292;you cant,because you are too weak, and "India's overtly pro Japan" is totally a joke, because Japanses ,let alone china,can crumb you indians like crumb a bug
I have no Idea what Pro US stance China is talking about?
But china has been Pro Pak for decades and even sharing nuclear tech and missile tech. Doesn`t this hurt more than just some pro-US economics?

Firstly in what appears to be important is,China is feeling the heat.Well.... its okay if you pretend that you are fine.But the result and act takes away the importance.
With a block of anti-China gaining momentum with US leading,its natural that China goes sissying about Indo-US relations.

What is funny is ,China talking about terrorism.Did I say China condemning terrorism? Oooh Yeah.....All these years India has been a victim of terrorist acts who have been either officially or unofficially supported by Pak Army and ISI and who thereby getting support from China.

My feeling is,this China is just using the 'T" word ,because it is hurting itself.I was happy all these years when blast after blast happened in India.

Be it US using India or India using US ,it is helping us a big deal.Killing 2 birds with a single bullet.

And to China,You can cry all you want... cry baby
Except poor vietnamese, the others did not need your so called pro at all. First make your economy capital secured. :cheesy:

You will know, when those terrorists starts doing the same thing in China. It wont be too long for China to fall for terrorists.

Maybe I am wrong. Since China supports pak army, terrorists may leave her alone. :undecided:
Ms Clinton&#8217;s visit to India and her proclamations has put China into a tizzy since the events of recent recall indicates that the US is meaning business to not let China have a unhindered path to hegemonic triumph in Asia and in the Asia Pacific Rim.

Many may mistake Ms Clinton&#8217;s statement of &#8220;India should exert herself in Asia&#8221; (or words to that effect) to be Indian subcontinent centric. However, a closer analysis of the events would indicate that that is not so. It is a wakeup call to keep China caged within the limits of decency in the territorial grab hunt being pursued by China of late.

These statements and articles are the angry reactions to the US pulling the reins of a wayward and runaway horse called China.

It will be recalled that China, in her usual style, had lulled the world with her pious platitudes like the &#8216;Peaceful Rise&#8217; of China. Apparently, having quietly within the ambit of this Peaceful Rise, China has mustered and completed her military rise, at least to exert her muscle within the neighbourhood. And it is for this reason that China released her military might (in a controlled manner) in the South China Sea, which she has been lasciviously eyeing for quite some time. Of course, China is trotting out historical antecedents, but then China forgets that Chinese claims are based on &#8216;unequal treaties&#8217;, the very defence she takes on all territorial matters when she is at the wrong end of the stick!

China has miscalculated the the US had become a 'paper tiger' and was under the financial blackmail of China because of the debt that the US has run up with China. China gambled that the US would not reassert herself anywhere in the world where it could hurt Chinese interests.

Apparently, the US has called China's bluff. The US has dared China to call in the US debt because if the US fails, it will lead to a massive international economic recession which will hurt the whole world including China. And to top it, if the West and its global allies and partners have a tacit understanding of not buying Chinese, China will be up ****-creek and decline, and kiss all her modernisation and catching up with the US dreams goodbye!

And the Chinese can hardly afford that since while other countries can absorb the political and social turmoil being a democracy, China's Communist regime greatest fear is political and social instability and that is why she goes hammer and tongs in controlling rebellions and dissent. The Chinese communist thus are a reluctant ally of the US in this case.

Ms Clinton&#8217;s statement is to challenge the perfidy China is attempting to perpetuate.

To this end, to end China&#8217;s victimisation and bullying of weaker neighbours, namely Philippines and Vietnam, the US, to China&#8217;s surprise came to their rescue and is carrying out naval exercises with Philippines (with which the US has a Mutual Defence Treaty) and with Vietnam too! While having a naval exercise with the Philippines is understandable, to do the same with Vietnam, which has a Communist regime and is hardly a &#8216;natural ally&#8217; has jolted China immensely because it is a clear indication of the US exerting her presence and which was reiterated by Adm Mike Mullen at the Renim University in China where he reminded China that the US was a Pacific power and was alive and kicking!

China has been so unnerved that their Chief of the Armed Forces, Gen Chen Bingde furiously condemned the exercises as &#8216;totally inappropriate&#8217; and even went to the ridiculous extent to advise the US &#8216;not to waste money and instead use it for the American people&#8217;, totally forgetting that the same is applicable for China too of not wasting money in modernising her military and instead using the money to control China&#8217;s alarmingly spiralling food prices, its desertification, its famine, it floods and such disasters, which Chinese economists blame on the ill thought out monstrosity in the form of the Three Gorges Dam.

There is no doubt that India alone can pose a counter balance and therefore, isn&#8217;t it obvious that it will be India which will be nudged and not Christmas Island?

It maybe noted that the Vietnam Naval Chief had visited India and had expressed a desire that India help Vietnam to modernise her Navy.

Obviously, new alignments are taking shape in the Asia Pacific Rim and China has good reasons to be spooked and be jittery.
You will know, when those terrorists starts doing the same thing in China. It wont be too long for China to fall for terrorists.

Maybe I am wrong. Since China supports pak army, terrorists may leave her alone. :undecided:

Already the Uighurs are at it.

I don't think Pakistan supports them. It would not do well if Pakistan did since it will upset the excellent relations Pakistan has with China.

China will have to ensure that Pakistan is kept pleased or else things can get difficult for China. Even so, it will not be the government that will be involved, but the many Islamic charitable organisations that are keen to spread pan Islamic brotherhood.
I utterly want india to become U.S friend because of the following reason!!!

&#8220;To be an enemy of America can be dangerous, but to be a friend is fatal&#8221; SAID "Henry Kissinger"

Henry Kissinger quotes

Good bye india, good bye forever!!! :yahoo:
I utterly want india to become U.S friend because of the following reason!!!

&#8220;To be an enemy of America can be dangerous, but to be a friend is fatal&#8221; SAID "Henry Kissinger"

Henry Kissinger quotes

Good bye india, good bye forever!!! :yahoo:

You are a great friend of India.


You have warned India in time from your experience of the US friendship that you have nurtured so diligently from the CENTO and SEATO days and even now experiencing till date!
I utterly want india to become U.S friend because of the following reason!!!

“To be an enemy of America can be dangerous, but to be a friend is fatal” SAID "Henry Kissinger"

Henry Kissinger quotes

Good bye india, good bye forever!!! :yahoo:

But as I repeatedly say, Kissinger didn't know Chanakya, did he? :azn:

Besides, you've not vanished from the world map till now, have you despite 60 years of alliance? What makes you think we will? :P

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