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Why do Afghans and Taliban HATE Pakistan & The Solution?

Drop 50 Nukes on Afghanistan, that's the only solution, Drop a couple on FATA as well so the remaining Afghans don't cross border.

That would be doomsday for the world. Better drop some cluster bombs.

Or support the breakup of Afghanistan altogether.
Nope, they are anti-Pakistan but they also see challenging Pakistan is close to impossible in a conventional or abrupt manner.

They want to build strategic depth in border areas on our side so they can initiate insurgencies and support them at will.

Pakistan must never allow them to have any depth, fencing and perhaps a wall similar to Turkey's is needed - but with easy travel for families. Security checks, and surveillance, and monitoring the area should always happen.

What is this mambo jumbo delusions.... Why are you inventing false fantasy into a reality and come here and spite it all over the place.. As if we talking state policies..

Let me give you some straight facts.. Afghanistan is not intimidated by Pakistan or anyone in that matter regionally or globally.. Hence why would they hide their intention against Pakistan do they come off to you like liars.. If Afghanistan wanted KPk and balochistan they would have declared war... I repeat they have zero fears about Pakistan or anyone in that matter. They simply don't give a fuk for them if war happens it is Allahs decree and thats it they don't care.. But when he says we keep border lines he means it..

They are the same people who chose to fight the whole world by refusing to hand over one mann and said **** it lets do this..

If they say we honor the border which they do today then we take it for their words and not Invent beyond that.. I know you are a gangu but still telling you how this works..

So don't come in here and tell us what we already know... Your filth gangu generals said they would cross the LOC.. We will see and wait for them and only them..
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I fail to see how it's similar to Iran's situation?

Taliban has long-term plans of building sleeper cells and support bases in KP/Balochistan (historical land claimed by all Afghans) in goes to ignite an insurgency they can support in the future.

Does Iran have similar plans for Balochistan? I do not think so, maybe just destabilisation at most.
Can you give me one statement where they say something like lar o bar... sure they may want govts. like theirs around in the region but they don't have the afghan nationalist swag.
Seems you are not aware of Afghanistan internal politics. If they raise slogan of lar o bar.. they suffer out of it at home.. more chances of Afghanistan itself to break if lar o bar is pursued
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Can you give me one statement where they say something like lar o bar... sure they may want govts. like theirs around in the region.
Seems you are not aware of Afghanistan internal politics. If they raise slogan of lar o bar.. they suffer out of it at home.. more chances if Afghanistan itself to break if lar o bar is pursued
Apart from the average Afghan himself wanting it, this one here is not the average Joe and represents sentiments existing in higher-ups.

It's absolutely foolish to think they don't have such ambitions. And how exactly do they suffer from it? In fact the opposite is true, they gain support from it because less people see them as Pakistani stooges which they are accused of.

And Loy Afghanistan sells like hot cakes in Afghanistan.

Afghans will always be an enemy for the foreseeable, just a weaker one. Our planning should keep this in mind.

Can you give me one statement where they say something like lar o bar... sure they may want govts. like theirs around in the region.
Seems you are not aware of Afghanistan internal politics. If they raise slogan of lar o bar.. they suffer out of it at home.. more chances if Afghanistan itself to break if lar o bar is pursued

Afghanistan will not see another internal conflict that phase is over with IEA putting down the hammer on panjshir everyone and his dog who had such aspirations handed over his arms willingly.. They came in forcefully and broken their back.. This was a great lesson that everyone take in and got the message hence Afghanistan won't see internal strife for decades they are already exuhausted but IEA is far from it..

IEA is the best outcome for Pakistans long term security.. And provides much needed depth.. As long as they are there this will keep the hindus at Bay..

Afghanistan will evolve, develope and grow stronger with time and Pakistan will harvest most from this..

Once Afghanistan has given us what he want we can discard them
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The Afghan Diaspora in the West clearly articulate their issue with Pakistan and the Pakistanees, are these issues genuine and what is the Solution to Terrorism from Afghan soil.

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we don't call them afGANDOOs with out good reason
The Afghan Diaspora in the West clearly articulate their issue with Pakistan and the Pakistanees, are these issues genuine and what is the Solution to Terrorism from Afghan soil.

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Recognising the Taliban unconditionally is bad business, they shohld be completely co-operative for such a thing to be considered. Which they are clearly showing restraint to in regards to TTP - for obvious reasons.

Best solution is to destroy Afghanistan and absorb it so they can stop being a pain in the backside and we can focus on India - use chemical and biological weapons, miniaturised nukes.

First make a claim on Afghanistan using a historical empire like the Durrani empire - and say that too high of a terrorist threat is posed by Afghanistan.

Get mass recruitment from villagers and tribals from across the country and tell them whatever land you capture is yours for the keeping.

Literally slaughter them and take it province by province.

The recruits can capture civilian areas and the army can go after organised insurgents. First preemptive strike can target all known Taliban positions especially of commanders and high ranking officials, ammunition depots and production factories.

Then slaughter every one of them until you take the whole country. Or at least the border regions.
Afghanistan will not see another internal conflict that phase is over with IEA putting down the hammer on panjshir everyone and his dog who had such aspirations handed over his arms willingly.. They came in forcefully and broken their back.. This was a great lesson that everyone take in and got the message hence Afghanistan won't see internal strife for decades they are already exuhausted but IEA is far from it..

IEA is the best outcome for Pakistans long term security.. And provides much needed depth.. As long as they are there this will keep the hindus at Bay..

Afghanistan will evolve, develope and grow stronger with time and Pakistan will harvest most from this..

Once Afghanistan has given us what he want we can discard them
Afghanistan is going through an internal rift reven now.. no proper chain of command.
Many of their regions are autonomous where local tribals control the economics and trade routes. They refuse to take orders that don't suit them.. that's one of the reasons kabul has limited leverage over ttp because Dae sh is there to hire the turncoats and fighting them for last 7 or 8 years but whoever incharge is unable to extinguish their insurgency

Apart from the average Afghan himself wanting it, this one here is not the average Joe and represents sentiments existing in higher-ups.

It's absolutely foolish to think they don't have such ambitions. And how exactly do they suffer from it? In fact the opposite is true, they gain support from it because less people see them as Pakistani stooges which they are accused of.

And Loy Afghanistan sells like hot cakes in Afghanistan.

Afghans will always be an enemy for the foreseeable, just a weaker one. Our planning should keep this in mind.

This clown has no standing in affairs of state.
I asked u for any thing from their govt.
He is just trolling you folks online...
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Afghanistan is going through an internal rift reven noe.. no proper chain of command.
Many of their regions are autonomous where local tribals control the economics and trade routes. They refuse to take orders that don't suit them.. that's one of the reasons kabul has limited leverage over ttp because Dae sh is there to hire the turncoats and fighting them for last 7 or 8 years but unable to extinguish their insurgency
This is true to be fair

A lot of TTP members would never care if Afghan Taliban tell them to stop.

But listen, the thing is Afghan Taliban is only temporarily not interested in conflict, just wait till they get a bit of stability and money

They are going to work to destabilise Pakistan and support insurgency like mad men.

Afghanistan should be neutered while it's weak now and the world sees it as ruled by terrorists.

I wish America dropped some fkin miniatured nuķes on them.

I seriously think Pakistan should consider genocide and absorb the entire country or at least partially by using extreme force.
This is true to be fair

A lot of TTP members would never care if Afghan Taliban tell them to stop.

But listen, the thing is Afghan Taliban is only temporarily not interested in conflict, just wait till they get a bit of stability and money

They are going to work to destabilise Pakistan and support insurgency like mad men.

Afghanistan should be neutered while it's weak now and the world sees it as ruled by terrorists.

I wish America dropped some fkin miniatured nuķes on them.

I seriously think Pakistan should consider genocide and absorb the entire country or at least partially by using extreme force.
Dude with such vitroil you will only mess up things.

Pakistan doesn't have any alternative at this time in Afghanistan. They are the best option to work with.

You are too intimidated by such expansive dreams.. when our local pashtun population don't listen to such crap I don't believe anything else matters.
Talis even if they ever the expand they won't stop at attock but go all they way upto their deoband heart in India and that's not possible until Pakistanis form their version of govt at home. You are not living in 1700s.. even talis are aware that they can't rule unless they have some sort of acceptability
Dude with such vitroil you will only mess up things.

Pakistan doesn't have any alternative at this time in Afghanistan. They are the best option to work with.

You are too intimidated by such expansive dreams.. when our local pashtun population don't listen to such crap I don't believe anything else matters.
Talis even if they ever the expand they won't stop at attock but go all they way upto their deoband heart in India and that's not possible until Pakistanis form their version of govt at home. You are not living in 1700s.. even talis are aware that they can't rule unless they have some sort of acceptability
Not really I see no reason why they would want to go to their heart in deoband...

But maybe you're right but it pisses me off with the amount of terrorism we have because of them, it has stunted development severely, and how they live off Pakistan but have the nerve to talk shit

Taking Afghanistan would be the biggest strategic depth Pakistan could have considering their natural resources like lithium and the larger land-mass would help during war-time. But it would require essentially genocide and the use of extreme brute force to work, and cost a lot of lives on our side. But I think worth it...
Massive strikes in border areas of pak-afg border(their side), using PAF, and shut the land borders permanently. No trade.
Want trade? Yeah go do it via dubai by air cargo. Lets see prices come down massive for that dryfruit. No more expensive stuff for Pak
Shut em in their country. Let em fly to daddy hindu if they care so much, let em go via dubai etc.
throw ALL afghandus refugees out of pakistan, frim every city and district. Whoever doesn’t wanna leave on their own, throw em back to their land via c130s

We don’t need, want or like them, they hate us, so let them go back to their country, then maybe their indian hindu buddies can take em to india since they love each other so much. Again, use dubai to travel not pakistani lands. No sympathy for these haters. Jahil kutti qaum ha ye bhai, bari dheet nasl ha just like the extremist jews

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