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BLA Female Suicide Bomber Kills a Pakistani Driver and 3 Chinese Teachers at Karachi University Entrance

Has Pakistan tried dealing with BLA exclusively using provincial law enforcement forces? If federal agencies back off, then the local sympathy for this group may wane easily.
Local sympathy for the terrorists is already low. Majority of the people hate them. There is a reason why they number in the hundreds rather than the thousands like the TTP.
Has Pakistan tried dealing with BLA exclusively using provincial law enforcement forces? If federal agencies back off, then the local sympathy for this group may wane easily.
Well they did have FC Balochistan which was mainly locals

But they get raided

Local sympathy for the terrorists is already low. Majority of the people hate them. There is a reason why they number in the hundreds rather than the thousands like the TTP.
Well Baloch population itself is tiny, and about 50% don't even live in the province, they live elsewhere in the country
Well they did have FC Balochistan which was mainly locals

But they get raided

Well Baloch population itself is tiny, and about 50% don't even live in the province, they live elsewhere
actually FC Balochistan seems to be mostly Pakhtun from Balochistan - only Balochis we had were those lashkars

Local sympathy for the terrorists is already low. Majority of the people hate them. There is a reason why they number in the hundreds rather than the thousands like the TTP.
TTP is and especially was a much bigger threat cause it at least used to in public perception had a pan Islamist view for the whole of Pakistan
it wanted shariah law in Pakistan (at least that was the marketing), that's why at the time you could have seen ttp sympathizers all over the country while fighting took place in fata

now its evolving into half Islamist/ half tribal ethno nationalist front (although they still demand shariah in all of Pakistan but I guess its going down the priority list)
it wasn't a "successionist" movement - that's why they were more dangerous and numerous cause everyone gets behind shariah law
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Husband of suicide bomber Baloch woman arrested.

Psychotropic drugs are found in his possession. It is believed that he was drugging her but the husband claims that Shari was mentally unstable.

Till yesterday this bastard was Tweeting with happiness that Shari blew herself up.

China will not give up on Pakistan.
Pakistanis seems to be giving up on themselves :sad: - honestly at this point if I am GOP id ask for chinese help
- all the camera system, intelligence gathering system that china uses is something that we can buy from China, surveillance drones both small and large

buy Mrap, armored cars from the Taliban - you can do so much
but do it nah? are we not learning anything
Husband of suicide bomber Baloch woman arrested.

Psychotropic drugs are found in his possession. It is believed that he was drugging her but the husband claims that Shari was mentally unstable.

Till yesterday this bastard was Tweeting with happiness that Shari blew herself up.
That's your opinion and I respect that.
I am happy to be proved wrong by means of empirical information or peer reviewed study into the subject that some how shows that Pakistani's as a people are less empathic to the misery of others and the sanctity of life than other humans. Self denigration never really works, of course this is similar to the argument offered by some that all Muslims are terrorists.
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