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PAF J-10C News, Updates and Discussion


Would Retd Air Marshal Latif ever get the credit for the changes he recommended for the J10's---who knows but PAK should be proud that we have committed men like him in our ranks---retired though.

It was extremely stupid of the US ambassador to threaten him---and guess what happened---.

The JF17 came about---the J10 got modified which brought its capabilities to any 4.5 gen aircraft of the western world---and ultimately would be flying in the Pakistani colors---which the americans never estimated.

Otoh---the JF17 would go 2 notches above its original form and the 3rd BLK would be brining in a lots of attention towards it from all the world air forces---.

Bottomline---the US policy towards pakistan failed miserably and there is one man that we need to bow down to---Retd AM Latif---.

Something very interesting that I read today that the Gripen aircrafts sales is suffering due to american defense industry's sabotage.

What is it---Finland went for the F-35 and not the Gripen and the Swedes are unhappy at the Finns---.

So sad---swedes hurting so much---. But they deserve every bit of it---. They had the chance to sell it to the most effective air force that would have projected this aircraft beyond their wildest imagination The PAF---.

How stupid a nation could be of not selling its finest aircraft to the Paf---. I would say Sweden---. What a bunch of morons---. I guess GREED got the best of them---fell for that age old indian trick---.

Technically what has happened here with the Paf is beyond americas wildest imagination---.

How stupid the americans are---other than being great salesmen---the COVID crisis made me a believer that the americans have brains to the level of idiots---an imbecile would be more intelligent than protecting himself than the american.

If this nation did not have the resources it has and the weapons it has---and lived far away from the rest pf the world---I would say---it would not exist as it does .

AM Latif has bitten the US hard---bitten so hard that he has chopped off one of its limbs---a limb called pakistan---.

Are you aware of the Viggen deal and followed by an initial evaluation of sending 2 PAF pilots to evaluate the Gripen in the early 1990s? Just asking out of curiosity


Israel was poorer than us in the late 60's and yet it signed a major major weapons deal with the US---.

You need to read up on Golda Meir and find out what made her do that.

Pakistan otoh had no such restraints---its geography provided it extreme leverage over the chinese and gcc---.

You are a smart man---you can understand what I am saying.

JH7A's for PN
The Israelis have had embargoes from both the US and France back in the day. That's what pushed them to have their own aerospace and defence firms

Israel was poorer than us in the late 60's and yet it signed a major major weapons deal with the US---.

You need to read up on Golda Meir and find out what made her do that.

Pakistan otoh had no such restraints---its geography provided it extreme leverage over the chinese and gcc---.

You are a smart man---you can understand what I am saying.

JH7A's for PN
When ever Navy decides to have its own two squadrons for Naval Strike Role it should be twin engine beasts like J-16 or similar.

So what is coming from the west?
any hint on any one of the "lots of items" coming?
I am seriously not interested in getting picked up. But weapons are coming from both west and and east. You would hear news of several weapons in next few months and years. They would be from all over the world. From small weapons to big ones. HQ9, SH 15, J-10 C, JF -17 BLOCK III, Z-10 ME were just starters. If I tell you now they take time you would make fun of me so just celebrate J-10 C I won't debate further INSHALLAH the news which would be coming would prove me right. So just celebrate J-10 C and SH 15 and Z-10 ME for now.

The 4 pylons on the fuselage can actually carry small PGM or 280kg bomb each.
Can all 11 hard points be equipped at the same time ?
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Yes this is the tweet which I am referring to.

But he is referring to something and it's not Air Defence system. It's offensive beast and in all probability a fighter jet

DF-17's Pakistani version or a Hypersonic Cruise Missile??
DF-17's Pakistani version or a Hypersonic Cruise Missile??
Two things you are mentioned are being worked upon. But I am pretty sure Tipu was referring to a fighter jet. Hypersonic and Supersonic cruise missiles are being worked upon. Super Sonic according to rumors is near competition and will be revealed soon.
Two things you are mentioned are being worked upon. But I am pretty sure Tipu was referring to a fighter jet. Hypersonic and Supersonic cruise missiles are being worked upon. Super Sonic according to rumors is near competition and will be revealed soon.

Then China may be transferring Su-35 to Pakistan for primarily maritime strike role and secondary other roles.

Are you aware of the Viggen deal and followed by an initial evaluation of sending 2 PAF pilots to evaluate the Gripen in the early 1990s? Just asking out of curiosity

The Israelis have had embargoes from both the US and France back in the day. That's what pushed them to have their own aerospace and defence firms
The American never have embargo on Israel. One important factor Israel going domestic is they have more control over design of the weapon that fits their doctrine. They can make changes to the domestic weapon compare to foreign import weapon.
A close up of the business end of a J-10C. Notice the Chin hardpoint.


Would Retd Air Marshal Latif ever get the credit for the changes he recommended for the J10's---who knows but PAK should be proud that we have committed men like him in our ranks---retired though.

It was extremely stupid of the US ambassador to threaten him---and guess what happened---.

The JF17 came about---the J10 got modified which brought its capabilities to any 4.5 gen aircraft of the western world---and ultimately would be flying in the Pakistani colors---which the americans never estimated.

Otoh---the JF17 would go 2 notches above its original form and the 3rd BLK would be brining in a lots of attention towards it from all the world air forces---.

Bottomline---the US policy towards pakistan failed miserably and there is one man that we need to bow down to---Retd AM Latif---.

Something very interesting that I read today that the Gripen aircrafts sales is suffering due to american defense industry's sabotage.

What is it---Finland went for the F-35 and not the Gripen and the Swedes are unhappy at the Finns---.

So sad---swedes hurting so much---. But they deserve every bit of it---. They had the chance to sell it to the most effective air force that would have projected this aircraft beyond their wildest imagination The PAF---.

How stupid a nation could be of not selling its finest aircraft to the Paf---. I would say Sweden---. What a bunch of morons---. I guess GREED got the best of them---fell for that age old indian trick---.

Technically what has happened here with the Paf is beyond americas wildest imagination---.

How stupid the americans are---other than being great salesmen---the COVID crisis made me a believer that the americans have brains to the level of idiots---an imbecile would be more intelligent than protecting himself than the american.

If this nation did not have the resources it has and the weapons it has---and lived far away from the rest pf the world---I would say---it would not exist as it does .

AM Latif has bitten the US hard---bitten so hard that he has chopped off one of its limbs---a limb called pakistan---.

On this post, I mean for this very post of yours; keep my words with you and I wish that you and everyone else may live longer (In'Sha'ALLAH) when it becomes true while we will be celebrating right here.

PAC has tasted the blood of own hunt. Own product. The next thing is going to send shockwaves. A shock that might risk a huge backlash like back in 90s but, thanks to American influence & attempts of sabotage that it will be no longer relevant or matter at all. Pakistan is going to fly high and higher. Something to be called our own competing in the league close to stealth.

PN has their own advancement/plans into many areas and Pakistan Tri Services are going full NATO or above standard capabilities.... Air, Sea & Land. Indeed, it may sound too much of boasting but here, the capability does not mean billions & billions being spent. Pakistan is doing it way above than the capacity and in much better ways to be treated a modern force.

Would Retd Air Marshal Latif ever get the credit for the changes he recommended for the J10's---who knows but PAK should be proud that we have committed men like him in our ranks---retired though.

It was extremely stupid of the US ambassador to threaten him---and guess what happened---.

The JF17 came about---the J10 got modified which brought its capabilities to any 4.5 gen aircraft of the western world---and ultimately would be flying in the Pakistani colors---which the americans never estimated.

Otoh---the JF17 would go 2 notches above its original form and the 3rd BLK would be brining in a lots of attention towards it from all the world air forces---.

Bottomline---the US policy towards pakistan failed miserably and there is one man that we need to bow down to---Retd AM Latif---.

Something very interesting that I read today that the Gripen aircrafts sales is suffering due to american defense industry's sabotage.

What is it---Finland went for the F-35 and not the Gripen and the Swedes are unhappy at the Finns---.

So sad---swedes hurting so much---. But they deserve every bit of it---. They had the chance to sell it to the most effective air force that would have projected this aircraft beyond their wildest imagination The PAF---.

How stupid a nation could be of not selling its finest aircraft to the Paf---. I would say Sweden---. What a bunch of morons---. I guess GREED got the best of them---fell for that age old indian trick---.

Technically what has happened here with the Paf is beyond americas wildest imagination---.

How stupid the americans are---other than being great salesmen---the COVID crisis made me a believer that the americans have brains to the level of idiots---an imbecile would be more intelligent than protecting himself than the american.

If this nation did not have the resources it has and the weapons it has---and lived far away from the rest pf the world---I would say---it would not exist as it does .

AM Latif has bitten the US hard---bitten so hard that he has chopped off one of its limbs---a limb called pakistan---.
Thank you for that positive input, the whole irony is that it was the retired AVM Shahid Lateef who went to evaluate the Gripen..... however my understanding is that it was the PAF which dropped the Gripen purchase as the aircraft incorporated many American gadgets thus making it vulnerable to any US sanctions.

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On this post, I mean for this very post of yours; keep my words with you and I wish that you and everyone else may live longer (In'Sha'ALLAH) when it becomes true while we will be celebrating right here.

PAC has tasted the blood of own hunt. Own product. The next thing is going to send shockwaves. A shock that might risk a huge backlash like back in 90s but, thanks to American influence & attempts of sabotage that it will be no longer relevant or matter at all. Pakistan is going to fly high and higher. Something to be called our own competing in the league close to stealth.

PN has their own advancement/plans into many areas and Pakistan Tri Services are going full NATO or above standard capabilities.... Air, Sea & Land. Indeed, it may sound too much of boasting but here, the capability does not mean billions & billions being spent. Pakistan is doing it way above than the capacity and in much better ways to be treated a modern force.
Please tell me its an ICBM. Flying higher, American Influence, backlash like the 90s, billions and billions, all point to the same thing. InshaAllah 🤩
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