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Truss says Falklands part of ‘British family’ after China backs Argentina

Why can't they claim Brazil. That would teach those "Portuguese colonial Imperialists" a lesson.

Or is the requirement the same as what Brazil did a few years after Argentina did: Simply claim independence.

I doubt the Falkland's declaring Independence is going to matter.

You keep going back to Brazil, why? When the crux of the matter is Colonial Imperialism, neither Argentina nor Brazil were, are or will ever be Colonial Imperialists.

Ask this chap @aziqbal . He think UK can wipe Russia off the planet. :D

On serious note, it seems British establishment hasn't learned anything, despite knowing fully well that world is no longer American backyard. Blindly following American line on issues, will have consequences from now on. France and Germany are playing smart.

Britain is not capable of anything except psychological warfare. It used to be good at it, now it's just a joke that keeps getting funnier by the day.
The line it is drawn
The curse it is cast
The slow one now
Will later be fast
As the present now
Will later be past
The order is rapidly fadin'
And the first one now
Will later be last
For the times they are a-changin'
@Musings .
I'm glad this post wasn't totally wasted.
Smart move by Chinese. Engage Brits in Falklands, instead of SCS.

So I guess JF-17 is a done deal for Argentina now.
You keep going back to Brazil, why? When the crux of the matter is Colonial Imperialism, neither Argentina nor Brazil were, are or will ever be Colonial Imperialists.

Britain is not capable of anything except psychological warfare. It used to be good at it, now it's just a joke that keeps getting funnier by the day.

How is the Falklands an example of Colonial Imperialism but Brazil and Argentina not?

The only difference is Brazil and Argentina sought to be independent governments from their Portuguese and Spanish colonizers while the Falklands with a population of only 3,000 people has decided to stay an independent territory of the British.

And BTW don't say the native people kicked out the European colonizer oppressors while the Falklands didn't.. Over 98% of the people in both those countries are not native americans,
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So I guess JF-17 is a done deal for Argentina now.
Yes hopefully bro, Argentina has outlined $664M in their 2022 budget for 12 new jets (not finalized yet). But if they wanna take back Las islas Malvinas (and then safeguarding it from British response) 12 jets are far from enough. I guess they have to raise annual defence budget (procurement, ammo, training, etc) to $10B for the next few years, kinda mission impossible unless there's external help.
Yes hopefully bro, Argentina has outlined $664M in their 2022 budget for 12 new jets (not finalized yet). But if they wanna take back Las islas Malvinas (and then safeguarding it from British response) 12 jets are far from enough. I guess they have to raise annual defence budget (procurement, ammo, training, etc) to $10B for the next few years, kinda mission impossible unless there's external help.
Argentinians have home turf advantage. If Air Force is properly equipped, I don’t see why they cannot win over they Island.

Some good quality sub will also come in handy.
Argentinians have home turf advantage. If Air Force is properly equipped, I don’t see why they cannot win over they Island.

Some good quality sub will also come in handy.
Yes they do have home turf advantage, a huge one over the Brits, but they still need to repair their broken military in order to capitalize on this advantage. Say you've mentioned new subs, and other capabilities that can deny or neutralize incoming British fleet. They will need min $10B (new gears + ammo + training) p.a. for at least a couple of years to achieve that capability, and that's center of the problem. How much China can help Argentina is yet to be seen, I guess it depends on how much the geopolitical interests between the two countries converge in due course.
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Why doesn't Argentina take the Falklands islands to the United Nations?

I have little knowledge or background information on the Falklands Islands dispute.
UN is run by the permanent 5 that have a veto. Britain is one of the 5.
UN is only there for white powerful nations and is used to beat up collectively poor nations.
If UN had credibility the vile occupation of Palestine Kashmir would end. The wars in Libya Syria Iraq would end but no UN actually sanctions war...gulf war 1 and 2.
UN is run by the permanent 5 that have a veto. Britain is one of the 5.
UN is only there for white powerful nations and is used to beat up collectively poor nations.
If UN had credibility the vile occupation of Palestine Kashmir would end. The wars in Libya Syria Iraq would end but no UN actually sanctions war...gulf war 1 and 2.
Unfortunately you are right.
United Nations is all nonsense.
But unfortunately we have to play along.

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