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China de facto recognizes Crimea as part of Russia

Seems you don't understand the meaning of GIFTED. Check out the on line dictionary.

None of the places mentioned by you were GIFTED! But Crimea was GIFTED to Ukraine. (like you gift presents at someone's birthday). Arunachal wasn't GIFTED to anyone. Central Asian Republics were NOT GIFTED by Russia at any point in time.

Do you get the difference?

crimea was gifted to ukraine and the gifter has every right to take it back. just like the whole of zangnang was gifted to you yindoos by anglosaxons after the latter stole it from us. so you yindoos should return it to your anglosaxon masters, and seeing that these pitiful anglosaxons wouldn't dare to take it this time, zangnang will rightfully be restored to china.

Do you get the sameness?
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