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China de facto recognizes Crimea as part of Russia

First and foremost, you don't seem to have the darned guts to display your flag, giving you cover for posting baloney.

Nuff said.

wow another gem from you. Now my flag is the issue & not the garbage your american deranged syndrome makes you sprout

Well the last time I saw, half the US and its cronies' media houses were screaming themselves hoarse about how dangerous a strong, nationalist leader like Modi would be for us; that too when he's our choice. You guys are too used to Congressi colonial servants pandering to UK and European whims through 'liberal' lobbies.

In fact, Obama and Cameron should invite Congress party politicians to be his cleaners in the PM's residence and the White House, as they are of no use here.

Our problem is not with USA; Our problem is that how you turn quiet and peaceful countries into graveyards without even thinking twice.

As for Crimea, it got a vote of accession from those living there. Hundreds of Ukrainian troops of Crimean origin VOLUNTARILY joined Russian military. Many sailors voluntarily joined Russia.

What is wrong with you Americans?

You just tried to Talibanize one of the most liberal countries in Middle East (Syria). And you're talking about freedom and liberties?

Don't give me the bullshit about how dangerous Assad was. I have been to the pre-war Syria three times for work related purposes. It is totally different from what you lot are told by your media houses. Clean cities, paved roads, delicious food and very friendly people.

It is a shame that such a beautiful country was destroyed because of your ego.

Now tell me how your actions were righteous about destroying a stable and quiet country, who had nothing to do with you.

I stopped reading after I read " the last I saw , half the US....".

You should stop reading conspiratorial stuff...half the US media does not pay attention to India other than the largest democracy has elections. It does not matter to them who is elected.

Ask kashmirs if they will volunteer to go to join Pakistan and then apply your logic evenly...
wow another gem from you. Now my flag is the issue & not the garbage your american deranged syndrome makes you sprout

I stopped reading after I read " the last I saw , half the US....".

You should stop reading conspiratorial stuff...half the US media does not pay attention to India other than the largest democracy has elections. It does not matter to them who is elected.

Ask kashmirs if they will volunteer to go to join Pakistan and then apply your logic evenly...

Dude, Google it. Go on, search it. If you are willing to get your facts right I suggest you do a research. I have been campaigning voluntarily for BJP here among my people and friends. Knowing international opinion was a part of my work.

It is your call.

You're again talk with incomplete knowledge.

Kashmir's referendum has multiple reasons why it got nullfied. So let me recap it:

1- The condition was between India and Pakistan. The king of Kashmir chose India with a formal instrument of accession, THE SAME way as other dozens of states that joined the Indian Union. Pakistan couldn't accept this reality and attacked it under the pretext of Islam. The moment Pakistan 'donated' land to China and when Chinese moved into east Ladakh (called Aksai Chin), the treaty broke off.

2- The original inhabitants of the state, the pandits, sikhs and Buddhists and even shia muslims many of whom fled during the days of violence when they were butchered and massacred for not agreeing the infiltrator's version of religion. Demographic cleansing was the second reason why the referendum is held void.

Now tell me, where did Russia massacre Ukrainians in Crimea?

Show me one place where Ukrainian and Russian units clashed and fought a war over Crimea.

Show me one evidence where Russian troops shot Ukrainians or killed or pillaged or massacred their women and kids.

per your logic , all the ex- USSR colonies should all go back to Russia. The chinese should get back Arunachal Pradesh because it was China's property...hyderbad decided to go to Pakistan , so they should also be given to Pakistan.

keep digging that Stu___ line of thought because of your american deranged syndrome.

Well then pakistan,afghanistan belongs to india. mauryan empire.

China's property.

China is welcome to take Taiwan or if it has the necessary might in the future ,then parts of USA .

Dude, Google it. Go on, search it. If you are willing to get your facts right I suggest you do a research. I have been campaigning voluntarily for BJP here among my people and friends. Knowing international opinion was a part of my work.

It is your call.

You're again talk with incomplete knowledge.

Kashmir's referendum has multiple reasons why it got nullfied. So let me recap it:

1- The condition was between India and Pakistan. The king of Kashmir chose India with a formal instrument of accession, THE SAME way as other dozens of states that joined the Indian Union. Pakistan couldn't accept this reality and attacked it under the pretext of Islam. The moment Pakistan 'donated' land to China and when Chinese moved into east Ladakh (called Aksai Chin), the treaty broke off.

2- The original inhabitants of the state, the pandits, sikhs and Buddhists and even shia muslims many of whom fled during the days of violence when they were butchered and massacred for not agreeing the infiltrator's version of religion. Demographic cleansing was the second reason why the referendum is held void.

Now tell me, where did Russia massacre Ukrainians in Crimea?

Show me one place where Ukrainian and Russian units clashed and fought a war over Crimea.

Show me one evidence where Russian troops shot Ukrainians or killed or pillaged or massacred their women and kids.


Funny thing ,us supported right sector and svoboda killed 43 eastern ukrainians in odessa . US support al qaeda ,support neo-nazis .I have started feeling that we major powers must combine forces for containment of this US-British-Saudi nexus. If we don't tomorrow ,this NATO/USA will try to balkanize india after they are done with Pakistan,China ,Russia.
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Dude, Google it. Go on, search it. If you are willing to get your facts right I suggest you do a research. I have been campaigning voluntarily for BJP here among my people and friends. Knowing international opinion was a part of my work.

It is your call.

You're again talk with incomplete knowledge.

Kashmir's referendum has multiple reasons why it got nullfied. So let me recap it:

1- The condition was between India and Pakistan. The king of Kashmir chose India with a formal instrument of accession, THE SAME way as other dozens of states that joined the Indian Union. Pakistan couldn't accept this reality and attacked it under the pretext of Islam. The moment Pakistan 'donated' land to China and when Chinese moved into east Ladakh (called Aksai Chin), the treaty broke off.

2- The original inhabitants of the state, the pandits, sikhs and Buddhists and even shia muslims many of whom fled during the days of violence when they were butchered and massacred for not agreeing the infiltrator's version of religion. Demographic cleansing was the second reason why the referendum is held void.

Now tell me, where did Russia massacre Ukrainians in Crimea?

Show me one place where Ukrainian and Russian units clashed and fought a war over Crimea.

Show me one evidence where Russian troops shot Ukrainians or killed or pillaged or massacred their women and kids.


show you evidence of what is front of eyes and in the news daily of russian militia attacking ukraine?

do you understand the concept of international law , that of annexing a country is illegal act.

your international knowledge is lacking a lot.

I don't care about any referendum on Kashmir got nullified... I am using your warped logic of " the people" want to be with so and so country= annexing is right
show you evidence of what is front of eyes and in the news daily of russian militia attacking ukraine?

do you understand the concept of international law , that of annexing a country is illegal act.

your international knowledge is lacking a lot.

I hope your 'evidence' is not US state dept propaganda. Because many of their reports have been proven to be fraud like that fake flyer in donetsk about jews to register.
I hope your 'evidence' is not US state dept propaganda. Because many of their reports have been proven to be fraud like that fake flyer in donetsk about jews to register.

here , grab another tin foil hat... your current one won't protect from our microwaves controlling your mind.
here , grab another tin foil hat... your current one won't protect from our microwaves controlling your mind.

Hey how much does NSA or US state dept pay you to troll? After all,snowden busted your cointelpro ops pretty bad.

Hey how much does NSA or US state dept pay you to troll? After all,snowden busted your cointelpro ops pretty bad.

Yes our Intel Ops are now all gone... LOL

there is a village in india that missing its idiot... you need to call home
Yes our Intel Ops are now all gone... LOL

there is a village in india that missing its idiot... you need to call home

I have village.cool. where did you conspiracy theory from that I am villager?
Still waiting for the evidence for the gibberish you post. I think that tin foil pyramid must be too tight for your head. Now shoo....

Main Entry: village idiot
Part of Speech: n
Definition: a stupid or ignorant person well known for low intelligence in their village or town
Main Entry: village idiot
Part of Speech: n
Definition: a stupid or ignorant person well known for low intelligence in their village or town

I see .Seems the tin foil helmet is already causing too many delusions to you. I recommend you visit a therapist or go on picnic and have fresh air.

No more Xbox 360 for you.
I see .Seems the tin foil helmet is already causing too many delusions to you. I recommend you visit a therapist or go on picnic and have fresh air.

No more Xbox 360 for you.

if you are going to continue with comebacks , at least get original and not piggy back off mine. Have you called back home yet?
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