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Inside Pakistan's Sharp Sword - The Special Service Group (SSG).

Training Nigerian Snipers
Assalam O Alaikum
@Horus can you plz ask someone from SSG these questions and answer them here.

1.) Zarrar is the Tier 1 unit. It was set up on the lines of the British SAS, just like the US Delta Force was/is. Karrar is another unit that was created with American assistance specifically for the WOT. SOTF was yet another unit specifically for FATA ops (specific to the terrain, heli ops, etc.) Karrar has been absorbed into Zarrar now. Zarrar was perfectly capable of handling all roles but was a very small team reserved for HVTs, etc.

2.) An SSG commando can gain skills in various specialties. Courses are run at the Special Operations School and elsewhere (even abroad.) However, some tend to stick to their (very difficult) specializations, like the "frog men" of Musa Coy or the "anti terrorists" of Zarrar. Jack of all trades, master of some ;)

3.) Zarrar, like any Tier 1 unit, is perfectly capable of fighting any enemy force --- however, not in the conventional sense. Read up on JSOC missions --- one can assume that any other worthy Tier 1 unit would have the same mission set, except in our case we are mostly operating internally or in the region (vs. on different continents.)
US forces, special or otherwise have been a huge failure in accomplishing their role as trainers as FID....starting from Vietnam to Afghanistan....a total embarrassment. So much so that before the iraqis did their push to oust daesh they enlisted the help of ssg to train their SF personal first here n than in iraq......their local efilates have only any thing to show for when the US operatives participate them selves in opps.
On the other hand Pak SF has been a huge success as trainers ......from the Afghan jihad to training the Sri Lankan army to fight against the tamils.

SMU is an over glorified acronym to make a fool of the US public and ppl around the world star struck with the US armed forces.
Wt our SF have done against the odds with the limited resources at their disposal is nothing short of a miracle.
Had the US SF been able to achieve 50% of their objectives the US would not be in the shit show that it is now.
All SF by virtue of being SF carry out and are smu 99% of the time.

Just fancy words friend.....all talk n no action.

Actually, the American SMUs are - by all measures - bloody brilliant. Granted, they have the best tech at their disposal and the support of the world's main superpower. But that doesn't mean that tactically they have been very good.

The issue is at the strategic level where the States (in my opinion) wants to get itself into intractable quagmires so it can remain in parts of the world where it wants to maintain a presence.

Also, the phrase "US SF" specifically refers to the US Army Special Forces (aka Green Berets) whose main mission is training guerilla forces in other countries (Foreign Internal Defense, not Direct Action.) Though the US SF does have some direct action-focused teams within it, the premier direct action and special recon units are the SMUs under JSOC (DEVGRU, Delta, ISA, 24th Special Tactics etc.)

Finally, I absolutely agree with your point that our spec ops units (SSG) achieved stunning results against internal militants.
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Assalam O Alaikum

The Special Service Group does look cutting edge and and very lethal now....

View attachment 684639View attachment 684640View attachment 684641View attachment 684642

However the thing that concerns me is not their weapon, equipment and tactics but it is that why anonymity is not practiced by them. They upload a lot of images online revealing their face and identity which can be used by enemy surveillance cameras which have the latest Artificial Intelligence which in turn will compromise their covert operations and resulting in operational failure. The threat is real as it has already been used against us directly or indirectly in 2020. Everyone directly or indirectly accepts that they were used by ISI as a paramilitary force against Soviet Union in Afghanistan and is still being used by ISI for purposes I don't want to mention but I know that they do the right thing. Why is it that such a great Intelligence Agency(ISI) and such a great Special Operations Force which can defeat a superpower and is still doing so about which @Horus and @PanzerKiel hopefully know about hasn't upgraded itself in cyber warfare and something simple as wearing a mask. Is it possible that they might be fooling us they are really good at it?
Note: NO one literally no one should give a criticizing comment and only give a positive reply no matter how much you know.
plus no one to give an answer as ''The lions don't hide their faces'', etc. Do some research online because the threat is real.

And Admins kindly don't remove this thread for asking sensitive question. Just message me and I will remove the sensitive part of the question. It is really difficult to make a new non-sensitive thread. Thank you.

And for the lethality of the SSG:

Watch the video before Youtube removes them.
Allah o Akbar
Fi AmanAllah
Pakistan Zindabad

InshAllah there is no power on earth that can undo Pakistan.
Allah is with the one who is for Allah no matter how underfunded they are.
“Do not say that! How few are the Romans and how numerous are we ! 'An army's strength lies not in numbers of men but in Allah's help, and its weakness lies in being forsaken by Allah”
Khalid ibn al-Walid

@Horus , @PanzerKiel and others Kindly Reply with any information you know regarding the topic.
Plus also explain what exactly is the 'Covert Action Division' and 'Directorate S' or 'SS directorate'(there is a lot of confusion online) and what is the difference between these two?

@Irfan Baloch
@Big Tank
@Sine Nomine

P.S. What is Pakistan's approx equivalent of TIER 1? Is it Zarrar COY?


Actually---a lion does hide its face till the last moment when it pounces at the prey---.

A lion is a "stalker" by nature---.

There is no reason for the spec forces operators should be allowed to have display their photos on public forums or any other forum---.

As a matter of fact---all predators are stalkers---. They hide---they use camouflagee of nature and environment to conceal their presence/faces till they pounce on the prey.

I think that there is a little too much " show off " mentality in the pakistani spec forces---.
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Training Nigerian Snipers View attachment 706463
love the Nigerian poses lol

Actually---a lion does hide its face till the last moment when it pounces at the prey---.

A lion is a "stalker" by nature---.

There is no reason for the spec forces operators should be allowed to have display their photos on public forums or any other forum---.

As a matter of fact---all predators are stalkers---. They hide---they use camouflagee of nature and environment to conceal their presence/faces till they pounce on the prey.

I think that there is a little too much " show off " mentality in the pakistani spec forces---.
the British SAS and SBS are complete opposite of that, even their retired personnel dont show their faces except a few that came in the media limelight. all their pictures are on media are done by actors. few years back some of them posted their pictures with the tactical gear but their faces blocked with black blocks but were still told off for "showing off" due to showing some advanced gear.
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Actually---a lion does hide its face till the last moment when it pounces at the prey---.

A lion is a "stalker" by nature---.

There is no reason for the spec forces operators should be allowed to have display their photos on public forums or any other forum---.

As a matter of fact---all predators are stalkers---. They hide---they use camouflagee of nature and environment to conceal their presence/faces till they pounce on the prey.

I think that there is a little too much " show off " mentality in the pakistani spec forces---.
I do agree they show off too much. They should spend their time on range rather than social media.
No more pics of armed forces personal specially SF personal on social media. For at least the last one year.
Only controlled leaks. Policy being strictly enforced.
All offenders get an adverse at the very least.
I do agree they show off too much. They should spend their time on range rather than social media.
How else will our Leftain sahbs and Kaptaan sahbs get bachian??

Vice news tracked down Russian commandoes and Spetsnaz operators using facebook and other osint sources to triangulate their locations. They were fighting in Ukraine(Crimea), disavowed by their state. But were traced by Vice news lmao.

If Vice news can do that then imagine what our enemies with help of hostile intelligence can do.
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1.) Zarrar is the Tier 1 unit. It was set up on the lines of the British SAS, just like the US Delta Force was/is. Karrar is another unit that was created with American assistance specifically for the WOT. SOTF was yet another unit specifically for FATA ops (specific to the terrain, heli ops, etc.) Karrar has been absorbed into Zarrar now. Zarrar was perfectly capable of handling all roles but was a very small team reserved for HVTs, etc.

2.) An SSG commando can gain skills in various specialties. Courses are run at the Special Operations School and elsewhere (even abroad.) However, some tend to stick to their (very difficult) specializations, like the "frog men" of Musa Coy or the "anti terrorists" of Zarrar. Jack of all trades, master of some ;)

3.) Zarrar, like any Tier 1 unit, is perfectly capable of fighting any enemy force --- however, not in the conventional sense. Read up on JSOC missions --- one can assume that any other worthy Tier 1 unit would have the same mission set, except in our case we are mostly operating internally or in the region (vs. on different continents.)
Actually our delta force equlant are the "black storks".
They sit on the top of the pyramid.
No more pics of armed forces personal specially SF personal on social media. For at least the last one year.
Only controlled leaks. Policy being strictly enforced.
All offenders get an adverse at the very least.
Assalam o Alaikum
@R Wing and @Reichmarshal Can you kindly tell me what you do? I mean do you study or are you in the Military(Spec Ops, Intel, etc.). Give me just a simple hint if you want to keep the reality hidden.
P.S. Where did you get all of this information from? Any sources you can share?
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Assalam o Alaikum
@R Wing and @Reichmarshal Can you kindly tell me what you do? I mean do you study or are you in the Military(Spec Ops, Intel, etc.). Give me just a simple hint if you want to keep the reality hidden.
P.S. Where did you get all of this information from? Any sources you can share?
you don't ask such questions from anyone on this forum ----

Bhai, problem kia hai, i see you are wandering Spec Ops threads asking questions, lets settle the issue once for all & shoot away you your questions...lets see if i can answer them in meaningful way
How else will our Leftain sahbs and Kaptaan sahbs get bachian??

Vice news tracked down Russian commandoes and Spetsnaz operators using facebook and other osint sources to triangulate their locations. They were fighting in Ukraine(Crimea), disavowed by their state. But were traced by Vice news lmao.

If Vice news can do that then imagine what our enemies with help of hostile intelligence can do.

Lol yess. Bachian and then those wannabe pAk AmRy fAnX cLub groups on fb with cringe.

Seriously some SSG capt was an online celebrity posting his filtered candy cam videos almost every day. Fangirls were all crazy for him. Cannot believe that this shit was tolerated for a year bc
you don't ask such questions from anyone on this forum ----

Bhai, problem kia hai, i see you are wandering Spec Ops threads asking questions, lets settle the issue once for all & shoot away you your questions...lets see if i can answer them in meaningful way
Assalam o Alaikum
Well my curiosty about SSG never ends so I might start annoying you.:p::p::p:
But for now the question is that whether Zarrar is the best unit of SSG or not???
In reality I am just a young kid kind of you know AlhamdUllilah ______________________________ about SSG
and i want real satisfying answers
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Assalam o Alaikum
Well my curiosty about SSG never ends so I meet start annoying you.:p::p::p:
But for now the question is that whether Zarrar is the best unit of SSG or not???
In reality I am just a young kid kind of you know ______________________________ about SSG
and i want real satisfying answers
Define 'best', a definition which is acceptable to you
Foxtrot Bhaiya actually I mean the most elite, the most trained, the most dangerous, the most used, etc.View attachment 719535
each Group is best at what they do, though the competition exists b/w each but ultimately each is best to their own domain...

High Altitude Mountain Warfare to LoC cross border attacks, HALO Paratroopers / Pathfinders to Anti Terrorism Unit, each group works in their own domain & trains to achieve peak performance in that domain.....

Musa Company is the designated Frogman Team & they train specifically for ambitious assualt that doesn't mean that Powindah will not have Frogman,
Foxtrot Bhaiya actually I mean the most elite, the most trained, the most dangerous, the most used, etc.View attachment 719535
If you are looking for a counter part to US Spec Ops Tier 1 groups like Seal Team or CAG then SSG itself is the counter part to these units

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