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Indian intel warns Pakistan is developing supply of cheap DIY suicide IED drones for Kashmiris

So this is how they are going to do a false flag and blame Pakistan as they have already written an article about it. Dumb idiots.

Indian Intel agency has warned that Pakistan is overlooking the development of Do-it-yourself (DIY) small drone the size of a model airplane to be used to arm it with explosives to kill troops in the Kashmir and this drones might be provided to Pakistan backed terrorists and a new batch of infiltrators might be carrying them. Rudimentary man-in-the-loop remote controlled setup with a fixed forward-facing video camera and a single front-mounted propeller drones made locally are cheaper to manufacture and can’t be traced back to the country where it was supplied to if it was manufactured by a multinational company. Such kits for DIY projects are easily available for students projects and these drones can carry a single grenade that weighs only 180gms and drop it near troops or it can be packed with small quantities of IEDs which can severely injure troops often leading to death.

Indian Intel agency has warned that Pakistan is overlooking the development of Do-it-yourself (DIY) small drone the size of a model airplane to be used to arm it with explosives to kill troops in the Kashmir and this drones might be provided to Pakistan backed terrorists and a new batch of infiltrators might be carrying them. Rudimentary man-in-the-loop remote controlled setup with a fixed forward-facing video camera and a single front-mounted propeller drones made locally are cheaper to manufacture and can’t be traced back to the country where it was supplied to if it was manufactured by a multinational company. Such kits for DIY projects are easily available for students projects and these drones can carry a single grenade that weighs only 180gms and drop it near troops or it can be packed with small quantities of IEDs which can severely injure troops often leading to death.


Wow. Ingenious. With China next door and Turkey close by, I hope we can also become a drone factory. We need to mass-produce these drones and parts domestically.

I think Kashmir will be the first conflict zone in the world to heavily utilize small drone warfare in a mountainous region. It will have new and interesting implications.

What I find interesting is 3 things:

1. These drones sound like they will be DIY packages Pakistan supplies to Kashmiris who assemble and build the drones themselves. This should make it easier to smuggle in without getting noticed.

2. They will be cheap, disposable, one time use.

3. Some Kashmiris may already have these DIY drones.

India is carefully watching Israeli model as Palestine is being annexed. It's a big wake up call. I think Pakistan is slowly starting to adopt Iranian model out of necessity. Pakistan previously supplied weapons to Kashmiris but that was basically it. Now it seems like Pakistan is starting to supply more sophisticated weapons to Kashmiris in the form of these drones, the way Iran gives drones to Houthi rebels in Yemen. I wonder if Pakistan is considering giving missile technology to Kashmiris as well.

It would also greatly augment our ability to pick up terrorists sneaking in from Iran and Afghanistan.

This is a welcome development.
It would also greatly augment our ability to pick up terrorists sneaking in from Iran and Afghanistan.

In my opinion, Pakistan should never have been patrolling Frontier region by land in the first place. It should all have been done by drone to minimize casualties from surface IED's.

Good news is once we get drone program up and running, we will have ample opportunity to test out the effectiveness of our drones on many targets in Balochistan.
Advanced training, weapons(small arms, ATGMS etc etc) and even hacking skills are important for Kashmiris

Maybe PCF (Pakistan Cyber Force) and PDF (Pakistan Drone Force) could fall under a larger new asymmetric division parallel to Pakistan's military called PASF (Pakistan Asymmetric Forces) like Iran's IRGC.
We don't have to give it a name. We could leave it unnamed or just call it hasas idara or tashkeel or the institute etc.
Maybe PCF (Pakistan Cyber Force) and PDF (Pakistan Drone Force) could fall under a larger new asymmetric division parallel to Pakistan's military called PASF (Pakistan Asymmetric Forces) like Iran's IRGC.
Indian Intel agency has warned that Pakistan is overlooking the development of Do-it-yourself (DIY) small drone the size of a model airplane to be used to arm it with explosives to kill troops in the Kashmir and this drones might be provided to Pakistan backed terrorists and a new batch of infiltrators might be carrying them. Rudimentary man-in-the-loop remote controlled setup with a fixed forward-facing video camera and a single front-mounted propeller drones made locally are cheaper to manufacture and can’t be traced back to the country where it was supplied to if it was manufactured by a multinational company. Such kits for DIY projects are easily available for students projects and these drones can carry a single grenade that weighs only 180gms and drop it near troops or it can be packed with small quantities of IEDs which can severely injure troops often leading to death.

probably not true..
if Pakistan would have been doing it you would have seen results like soviet union...
after all, there are 3 dozens of militant organizations in more than half of india.

Pakistan is to afraid of repercussion in Sindh and Baluchistan
Wow. Ingenious. With China next door and Turkey close by, I hope we can also become a drone factory. We need to mass-produce these drones and parts domestically.

I hope this is just a matter of time
Indian Intel agency has warned that Pakistan is overlooking the development of Do-it-yourself (DIY) small drone the size of a model airplane to be used to arm it with explosives to kill troops in the Kashmir and this drones might be provided to Pakistan backed terrorists and a new batch of infiltrators might be carrying them. Rudimentary man-in-the-loop remote controlled setup with a fixed forward-facing video camera and a single front-mounted propeller drones made locally are cheaper to manufacture and can’t be traced back to the country where it was supplied to if it was manufactured by a multinational company. Such kits for DIY projects are easily available for students projects and these drones can carry a single grenade that weighs only 180gms and drop it near troops or it can be packed with small quantities of IEDs which can severely injure troops often leading to death.

Have noticed the language

Might be
Could be

Abay pagal ke puttar. Write something meaningful
Recently captured by India - 100% organic drone that does Ghutarghuonn and blends in with nature.

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