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Iran backed Zainebiyoun brigade composed of Pakistani Shia guarding the Baghdad Damascus highway

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Turkey sends thousand of Syrian National Army men to die in Libya. For absolutely nothing. At least Iran backed Zainebiyoun bridgade don't lose any men to combat. They are merely stationed at Abu Kamal to guard the Baghdad Damascus highway. Easy Pasy.

Some are volunteers. Others do it for the money. They have a pretty easy job. Staying at a town to guard a highway. It's not like Turkey sending thousands of men to Libya to fight and die for nothing. These men do not see combat.

Assalam alaikum, Iranian brother. Please show proper flags.
bastardized filth . we should arrest their familes .
or eliminate them if they return .
That’s called collective punishment - we just got rid of the FCR in FATA, we are not returning to that in other parts of Pakistan.

Only those members of a family are responsible that knowingly assisted in breaking the laws of Pakistan, and if there are actual laws against such support.

The first focus should be calling on the GOP to pass legislation against such recruitment (against the recruit and recruiter). Work with the US, EU & international community to make such recruitment the subject of punitive sanctions internationally.

Once the laws are in place and this is raised diplomatically with the Iranian government and other world powers, then we can assess the result and take further steps.
And I’ll address Iranian members on this again - tell your regime to stop recruiting Pakistanis for your sectarian wars abroad.

Iran has a large enough population - send your own men and women to die in these pointless wars.

You are no friends of Pakistan or Pakistani Shia by engaging in this recruitment for sectarian conflicts.

Don’t care whether it is easy or not - Iranians need to send their own men and women. The Iranian regime is deliberately stoking the fires of sectarian conflict in Pakistan.

Iran would do what profits them... why is Pakistan tolerating it?
Pakistanis who serve Iran in places where we see worst of human crimes, shows it's war of hate.
What exactly Iran has done to instill so much hate among the hearts of Pakistanis?
Are you nuts?
They stopped being Pakistani the second they started serving another country.
Batman can clarify, but I think what he wanted to say was that Pakistanis are being killed by Turkey BECAUSE of Iranian recruitment and the inability of the Govt of Pakistan to stop Iran from recruiting Pakistanis.

I believe his criticism is for Iran and the GOP, and not Turkey.
why are you such a slave? get out of SAudi ***!
Let me hear what you have to say against Saudis? BTW, this is my regular question to every Saudi hater on pdf... and this question will not die here.
Iran would do what profits them... why is Pakistan tolerating it?
Pakistanis who serve Iran in places where we see worst of human crimes, shows it's war of hate.
What exactly Iran has done to instill so much hate among the hearts of Pakistanis?
See my post above yours for suggestions on what we should push for the GOP to do.
Iran would do what profits them... why is Pakistan tolerating it?
Pakistanis who serve Iran in places where we see worst of human crimes, shows it's war of hate.
What exactly Iran has done to instill so much hate among the hearts of Pakistanis?

I don't even believe the biggest enemy Pakistan faces is external. N league and PPP who looted our country and broke our political system are the biggest enemies. I am praying especially this Ramazan for all looted wealth to return. When we are internally weak, outsiders take advantage.

Historically KSA and UAE have had the most negative effect on Pakistan by supporting extremists and anti-Shia groups.

However with Liwa Zanabiyoun, Iran has surpassed even their record by overtly using Pakistanis in its sectarian wars. Indian-Iranian spy and terrorism network also bears mention. Furthermore the support of anti-Pakistan groups in Afghanistan, alhamdulilah, which has now failed for them.
Let me hear what you have to say against Saudis? BTW, this is my regular question to every Saudi hater on pdf... and this question will not die here.
Let’s deal with that question in its own thread. You are helping the discussion get hijacked.

Offer constructive suggestions on how best to stop Iranian recruitment of Pakistanis for sectarian conflicts abroad.
Let me hear what you have to say against Saudis? BTW, this is my regular question to every Saudi hater on pdf... and this question will not die here.
Honestly I am not against Saudis...I am against you being more Saudi than the Saudis themselves. Yet the call you Bakistani and pay you a fraction of what they would pay a white kaffir.
Saudis serve their own purpose fair enough but you I dont get
Let’s deal with that question in its own thread. You are helping the discussion get hijacked.

Offer constructive suggestions on how best to stop Iranian recruitment of Pakistanis for sectarian conflicts abroad.
What has saudi done for you personally that you love saudi more than Pakistan?
What has saudi done for you personally that you love saudi more than Pakistan?
Ummm ... are you sure you quoted the right person?

I haven’t said anything about the Saudis, other then state that this thread is getting hijacked because of the discussion over the Saudis and should focus on Iranian recruitment of Pakistanis.
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