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2 Syrian jets shot down by Turkey

While "Çöpraktar" is not doing anything, Anka does everything and you, the followers, have finally learned that the bias cannot operate. You are so hard that you even stick the "Çöpraktar" logo on the targets hit by Anka. You'd better have a little shame
Does it matter whether the right hand or the left hand deliver the slap??? Each UAV has it's role...

TAI and Bayraktar roles are set by MSB. So, what's the point in being abusive?
No he chose freedom over American control. Every F35 is controlled from Lockheed martin. They have total access to the aircraft. Would you want that. Even UK wanted access to the codes and it was a bitter fight with america

F35s are not controlled by Lockheed. But access to the software is only accessible to them for national security purposes. Does not change the fact that with F35 turkey would be the only second country to have fifth gen capability

You have to remember Turkey was one of the starting members to build this aircraft. Erdogan in his stupidity threw that away to get favours from Putin.
Ok sure, a developing country with 0.1% GDP growth, rusty aircraft carrier and shitty obsolete military hardware as show even in India can project power in Middle East.... Russia doesn't attack not because it doesn't want to but because it can't. Turkey shot down a Russian jet and what was the reaction?
That's why Russia is 2nd in military ranking in the world? there rankings is based on air? no it's the reality. The GDP and anything else is secondary. When Turkey shot down Russian Jet or killed the Russian ambassador, Russians pulled Turkey away from US by a combination of smart diplomacy. They put pressure on Turkish economy, at the same time they said we forgive Turkey if it takes distance from USA, hence the S400 deal, cooperation in Syria, stepping out of F35 program etc.
Russia has a weak military? this is a joke. Russia is able to obliterate (from distance or by air) its rivals within Syria by all kind of modern weapons like hypersonic missiles. Russia is able to do so without attacking other countries and without activating NATO defence agreement. Recent days NATO said no to direct support for Turkey. This is not a jew conspiracy, Russia clearly takes step back when Israel attacks Syrian army, Syrian soil. Russia doesnt get attacked by Israel, all is well.

Dude. The russians are a thousands miles away from the scene of the action. A country which has a tug boat to drive its broken aircraft carrier. In a scenario where turkey and russia go to actual war in syria, the russians will pay a heavy price. The amount hardware to sustain a war against a Nato country miles away from your border who also controls the bhosphorous is immense.

Not to mention that if russia is dumb enough to launch bombs inside of turkey that is straight up article 5 nato and the americans will get involved

Nah russia should not think turkey is georgia or ukraine
While "Çöpraktar" is not doing anything, Anka does everything and you, the followers, have finally learned that the bias cannot operate. You are so hard that you even stick the "Çöpraktar" logo on the targets hit by Anka. You'd better have a little shame
Turkey is proud of both platforms. Bayraktars good for pkk and terrorist and anka is good for more conventional foe who have aa guns. Anka obviously is suited here better since it has to fly higher whereas baraktar is limited.
Why the salty attitude from you is puzzling unless you think anka is done by someone more politically aligned to you. Both platform have been supported by erdogan from scratch
Oh nice.

So you consider that as goodwill gesture ?

Not at all !!! A powerful and sovereign country like Turkey doesn’t need USA’s help. The cause of USA is it’s own selfish desire in the region, Turkey is a scapegoat. Turkey isn’t being given an umbrella, rather it is being bullied by all the advanced USA’s thingies based in Turkey itself !!!

This is what drove Turkey mad !! USA has no respect for boundaries when it comes to relations, neither do they believe in their limits !!!

Oh, and for the “to defend from Iran’s BM”, bro !!! Why the hell would iran fire BM on Turkey ? They have no serious beefs. The beef is between Iran and USA (USA being based in Turkey, A form of Augmented Reality), so just remove the devil, no use of those stupid Patriot systems.

In my humble opinion USA do not want to destroy Turkey. Not at the moment. They just want to remove Erdogan. Remember the failed military coup and the US reaction ?

Of course I could be wrong.
Russia doesn't attack not because it doesn't want to but because it can't. Turkey shot down a Russian jet and what was the reaction?
FETO Terror organisation hit that Russian jet and order came from USA . Russians know this. Russia is powerfull no doubt but war with Turkey for secret operation is totally different and they didnt fell in to this trap.
Does it matter whether the right hand or the left hand deliver the slap??? Each UAV has it's role...

TAI and Bayraktar roles are set by MSB. So, what's the point in being abusive?

If you transfer all the money to your groom and order 3 times the number of Anka, and you use a small number of Anka operations, you always have the meaning of swearing.
Have you lost your balance? Iranian weapons not fake? What are you on about? Are you blabbering? How that is relevant to this thread?

Turkey is using its air power to punish asad regime. Goes to show how air power is the critical in this day and age.

Yes and?
Good airpower is helpful. Turkey has a strong airforce. Turkish airlines also has an impressive fleet too. I am focusing on end goal and you are focusing on strategy. its all good. Lets see how this all plays out. We are surely in some veery interesting times.
If you transfer all the money to your groom and order 3 times the number of Anka, and you use a small number of Anka operations, you always have the meaning of swearing.
Bayraktar is alot cheaper and disposable whereas anka is valuable and not so disposable. Wow i knew kemalist are fcuked in the head but not to this extent. o_O
So tweep are claiming not only Turkey shoot down those aircrafts, TAF showed Syrian Airforce what is the difference between a 20th century airforce and a 21st century airforce

Hava-SOJ is on the way and will be a real game changer. They are being modified in TAI facilities at present. Aselsan is providing all strategic sensors for aircrafts. This system is specially designed to attack on anything emitting electromagnetic radiations.


Multi-int SIGINT/IMINT/COMINT special mission aircraft will be on the way
Ekran Alıntısı.JPG

4 Hava-SOJ aircrafts will be delivered in total !
Hava-SOJ is on the way and will be a real game changer. They are being modified in TAI facilities at present. Aselsan is providing all strategic sensors for aircrafts. This system is specially designed to attack on anything emitting electromagnetic radiations.


Multi-int SIGINT/IMINT/COMINT special mission aircraft will be on the way
View attachment 610540

4 Hava-SOJ aircrafts will be delivered in total !
Some heavy marketing going on there ;);)
ANKA COMINT/SIGINT aircraft is being operated by Turkish intelligence organisation (MIT)

Aksungur signal intelligence aircraft is on the way !

The people who wonder How Turkey converted Asad's SAM system into a sitting duck for MALE type drones will find their response If they check Turkish superior electronic warfare & jammer systems !

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