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Why so much hate for America lately?

Pakostan doesn't hate american people or them as a nation. We just want them out of afghanistan, and we want pakistan and china safe from any designs made by united states.

Im afraid, you misunderstand. China doesn't need Pakistan's protection. US and China have great relations. Much Much better than Pakistan and United states currently.

Afghanistan also has great relations with United States.

United states abandoned pakistan after 30 years of alliance and co-operation and has signed agreements with india our arch rival and existing threat. Not to mention united states threatens our prime stratrgic partner and ally People's republic of China. Its was now time to decide e8ther choose china/russia as full fledged allies or make friends with india/united states against russia and china. We simply calculated whats best for the region and above all best for pakistan.
The day united states abandons the plan to create trouble for china and russia that day pakistan will loose all hate towards united states.

Russia and China do not have an alliance, so a question of Pakistan Joining it does not rise at all. As far as I am aware, China is still committed to the "Non-Aligned Movement" which means no military alliances.
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What is your interest here -
Translation: "I say I'm ISI, why can't I peddle my lies without being challenged?"

...Evidently it shows how through out the ages your race has proved one, actually two things: interfering in others affairs - mischief making - and killing for the sake of worldy gain. How pathetic and low this is.
There are times I have to wonder whether criticism of "zionists" is really meant to be criticism of Pakistan or Pakistanis themselves - readers are simply supposed to "know" to make the appropriate substitution.
Im afraid, you misunderstand. China doesn't need Pakistan's protection. US and China have great relations. Much Much better than Pakistan and United states currently.

Afghanistan also has great relations with United States.

Russia and China do not have an alliance, so a question of Pakistan Joining it does not rise at all. As far as I am aware, China is still committed to the "Non-Aligned Movement" which means no military alliances.
That is what u believe. National interests of china, pakistan iran russia and afganistan are the same. Hence an allegence of interests. All usa has to do is abandon plans against china for us to have good relations. And all usa has todo for making us hate american government is move against china or pakistan. They usa have already blocked our mkney they owe us. Before that they blocked f16s twice. While they are arming india against china.

That is ur answer of why so much hate.
That is what u believe. National interests of china, pakistan iran russia and afganistan are the same. Hence an allegence of interests. All usa has to do is abandon plans against china for us to have good relations. And all usa has todo for making us hate american government is move against china or pakistan. They usa have already blocked our mkney they owe us. Before that they blocked f16s twice. While they are arming india against china.

That is ur answer of why so much hate.

So , you believe what i said "China doesnt need pakistan's protection " is incorrect? that is indeed laughable.
Pakistan is a small country. Most statistics put Pakistan at the bottom along with Iraq , Afghanistan , Somalia. Its indeed puzzling why that is since most of the countries have a reason for being at the bottom ( i,e they have been at war recently or are still at war). Pakistan is an odditity there.

maybe have a look at the Kissinger documents posted earlier in the thread ( post #24). Its America which encouraged China to join the United Nations. Its America which pushed for a permanent seat for China in the security council.. Yes they have differences. but its nothing like what you are portraying.
did you know that at one point, Taiwan was representing China?

Allegence of interest is something you have just made up. its not a real thing. really. it is not.
Interest of all these countries are also not the same. if they are.. can you provide a lit of these interest? maybe 5 ?
:rofl: what a stupid thread. Maybe u dont live here to know what America is upto. U live in a country that still has good relations with them and u dont get to know what they r upto worldwide. U need to spend more time in this forum so u should learn things more strategically so u will find yr answers yr looking for.

Yr still a very very new members here.
So , you believe what i said "China doesnt need pakistan's protection " is incorrect? that is indeed laughable.
Pakistan is a small country. Most statistics put Pakistan at the bottom along with Iraq , Afghanistan , Somalia. Its indeed puzzling why that is since most of the countries have a reason for being at the bottom ( i,e they have been at war recently or are still at war). Pakistan is an odditity there.

maybe have a look at the Kissinger documents posted earlier in the thread ( post #24). Its America which encouraged China to join the United Nations. Its America which pushed for a permanent seat for China in the security council.. Yes they have differences. but its nothing like what you are portraying.
did you know that at one point, Taiwan was representing China?

Allegence of interest is something you have just made up. its not a real thing. really. it is not.
Interest of all these countries are also not the same. if they are.. can you provide a lit of these interest? maybe 5 ?
Simple thing USA always backstabbing Pakistan in difficult situations @baapu and not a reliable and trusted partner at all @baapu :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::crazy::crazy::crazy:
Simple thing USA always backstabbing Pakistan in difficult situations @baapu and not a reliable and trusted partner at all @baapu :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::crazy::crazy::crazy:

When .. When was "always"?

When you say Backstabbing , for that it has to be where it said one thing to Pakistan, and yet did another? right thats the definition?
When .. When was "always"?

When you say Backstabbing , for that it has to be where it said one thing to Pakistan, and yet did another? right thats the definition?
65, 71, 90 1998, 2001 all the time USA backstabbing Pakistan, why are you blabbering without a logic @baapu :crazy::hitwall::crazy::hitwall::crazy::devil:
65, 71, 90 1998, 2001 all the time USA backstabbing Pakistan, why are you blabbering without a logic @baapu :crazy::hitwall::crazy::hitwall::crazy::devil:

Did you read the Kissinger documents?

You really don't want me to answer these back stabbing numbers.. trust me.. you dont want me to .
these are numbers fed to you by some Pakistani Generals and Mullah. the reality is completely different.
Translation: "I say I'm ISI, why can't I peddle my lies without being challenged?"

There are times I have to wonder whether criticism of "zionists" is really meant to be criticism of Pakistan or Pakistanis themselves - readers are simply supposed to "know" to make the appropriate substitution.

First sign of inferiority complex: trying to prove something out of nothing. You belong to a pathetic ill-willed whinging killer race and why you take such interest here on defence.pk forum clearly shows your weakness and a stubborness which can be traced back to your ancestral AskeNAZI forefathers of the Khazar tribe.

Did you read the Kissinger documents?

You really don't want me to answer these back stabbing numbers.. trust me.. you dont want me to .
these are numbers fed to you by some Pakistani Generals and Mullah. the reality is completely different.

What business is it of a zionist Indian hindu on all affairs Pakistan? Baapu boy, you need to learn how best to keep out your nose where it does not belong. Take a look at the atrocities the zionist Indian government and Indian armed forces are perpetrating and parpetuating against unarmed harmless civilians throughout zionist hindu occupied al-Hind and beyond. You could turn a blind eye to all the facts but this will only show your cowardly nature as a zionist hindu.
First sign of inferiority complex: trying to prove something out of nothing. You belong to a pathetic ill-willed whinging killer race and why you take such interest here on defence.pk forum clearly shows your weakness and a stubborness which can be traced back to your ancestral AskeNAZI forefathers of the Khazar tribe.

What business is it of a zionist Indian hindu on all affairs Pakistan? Baapu boy, you need to learn how best to keep out your nose where it does not belong. Take a look at the atrocities the zionist Indian government and Indian armed forces are perpetrating and parpetuating against unarmed harmless civilians throughout zionist hindu occupied al-Hind and beyond. You could turn a blind eye to all the facts but this will only show your cowardly nature as a zionist hindu.

Seriosly. pills? does that ring a bell?

I heard a new word here, can you tell me , explain .. what does "inferiority complex" mean. ? I mean we are going off topic . but. wth
:rofl: what a stupid thread. Maybe u dont live here to know what America is upto. U live in a country that still has good relations with them and u dont get to know what they r upto worldwide. U need to spend more time in this forum so u should learn things more strategically so u will find yr answers yr looking for.

Yr still a very very new members here.

It is obsessive behavior. Pakistan has shown a middle finger long ago to the Americans.

It is just that the Americans cannot get let go. Too bad the Americans can only beg to do more.

Did you read the Kissinger documents?

You really don't want me to answer these back stabbing numbers.. trust me.. you dont want me to .
these are numbers fed to you by some Pakistani Generals and Mullah. the reality is completely different.

Try harder to convince us. You are doing a pretty shitty job at the moment.

CIA is out.
It is obsessive behavior. Pakistan has shown a middle finger long ago to the Americans.
It is just that the Americans cannot get let go. Too bad the Americans can only beg to do more.
Try harder to convince us. You are doing a pretty shitty job at the moment.

CIA is out.

A lot of countries are not allies of US or don't condone US foreign policy behavior. I have not seen any country behave with such rabid fervor in its hate towards US.

someone mentioned 65, 71 and all the other wars with India. No one mentions that in these Wars it was the US that helped Pakistan attain peace with India.( India didnt stop advancing its forces because it ran out of ammunition, rather it was asked by US to do a ceasefire and return to prewar border ) In all this fervor there is only one loser. It is Pakistan.

US declared Pakistan as an ally ( a landmark hallmark of diplomacy which I dont think has been done in 50 years ), Who do you think would have been most upset? Who would start to use all its resources to denegrade US in Pakistan.

it would be two countries ( Hint: neither China nor Russia is one of those two countries ) and one Domestic institution, as that declaration also asked on the country to remain a modern democratic state.

10 years after that , the situation is the utter opposite. The result would be that US will start to take a neutral stance. Not right away, US still has that law in place. So US is still treating Pakistan gently. US civilian development programs still go on. But in the mid term( 15-20 ) years , I see Pakistan as an isolated country.

Its economy is stagnant, nay , devolving.
On the economy side there is hope. In about 5 years there will be great Industrialization. But that's another story. and its doesn't have a great ending.

So .. we carry on.

I wonder what life would be like without US to bail out Pakistan in the next war.

If you know a General , ask him what life would be like. Seriously.
Oh , right , I forgot Pakistan has the bomb now.

we'll see how that works out.
A lot of countries are not allies of US or don't condone US foreign policy behavior. I have not seen any country behave with such rabid fervor in its hate towards US.

You see the world through those glasses provided to you by your uncle tom. So you have a tunnel vision resulting in loss of natural vision.
You see the world through those glasses provided to you by your uncle tom. So you have a tunnel vision resulting in loss of natural vision.

natural vision is something you shouldn't rely on. really. its a fact. Science never rely on natural vision. It relies on instrumentation which provides a better understanding of things than natural vision. (e,g wearing pink glasses over eyes results in seeing things with a pink hue, and several colors disappear ).

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