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AirBlue Commercial Aircraft Crashes in Islamabad

did the pilot not hear the Terrain avoidance system when he got too close? and considering that eye witness confirm the jet very very low over F-7.. the cockpit should have been blaring away warnings.. did he choose to ignore them??

This is a question needed to be answered.... what happened in the cockpit and why pilot went far enough..... was he getting extra instruction from control tower?

another aircraft using that runway or for some other reason they shut it down..
This point also needed clarification, why other a/c was prioratised, which resulted in last moment abondoning of ill fated a/c on LAST moment?
The other thread in aircraft crashes has a video on it, and makes my analysis invalid, apparently something very different happened.

However, as far as the prioritization is concerned its fairly normal, there was no emergency in the jet, it was in good shape and no medical emergency on board either.
The landing procedure the pilot was told to take has been done hundreds of times and I myself now recall being in a similar landing procedure, its fairly SOP. What the pilot did .. is not.

Apparently the pilot chose to or misunderstood the instructions for a circling approach and made a right turn.. at 2600 feet.. all the way .. he did suddenly seem to climb to 3000 feet before impact.. so there was a warning and evasive maneuvers made. So rule out any conspiracies as far as the anyone on the aircraft are concerned.
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I hope NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC Channel chooses this incident to be included on its superb show, AIR CRASH INVESTIGATIONS. This way the entire investigation will bear some credibility.
I must say some of the photographers went out of their way to take pictures of human remains, even peeling away the white chadur... This is highly disgusting conduct and not something you would expect of professionals.

Regarding the investigation, i hope it bears fruit and we discover the reason behind such a tragic event. I don't know much about aviation so the posts from Santro and others have been very helpful for me.
really a sad event....

The Last Status Updated By Late Bilal Jamaee
Of Youth Paliament who has Become a Victim of Plane Crash !! "Pakistan
is a country of Greens but now, country wants some Red from Greens....."
really sad
we cant even imagine how dere families are feeling at thz moment
Nope.. pilot error can do just that, Chaklala has only one runway (20) equipped with ILS, and that is on a northbound approach..
Now if there is another aircraft using that runway or for some other reason they shut it down.. the technique is for the pilot to shoot the ILS till he sees the airfield and reports to the tower that he is in sight..something that did happen. Once that is done.. he does what is called a circular final. Basically he breaks off at a 90 degree angle before the airfield to give himself separation and then makes a curved left handed approach to the other runway. Usually, in clear skies this maneuver is carried out well above the Margalla hills. In this case with bad weather the pilot decided to keep below the cloud base, however.. not only did he come too low.. he seemed to be fixated on keeping the runway in sight, since the aircraft is in continuous turn banking maybe 20 to 30 degrees, it gets fairly difficult for even the first-officer to spot anything meaningful out of the window.. and on this flight the FO was a nugget. So most likely he did not have a clue( and with such a senior pilot.. he would not dare exert an opinion).
Also, what is surprising in this case is that the 321 is a very VERY safe jet, with almost everything included to prevent such mistakes, did the pilot not hear the Terrain avoidance system when he got too close? and considering that eye witness confirm the jet very very low over F-7.. the cockpit should have been blaring away warnings.. did he choose to ignore them??

ISLAMABD has only one runway with the biggest disadvantage that it hasn’t got any parallel taxi track. The stack loads of planes that we generally see on many other international airports where planes are landing behind another in short span, is NOT possible at Islamabd airport.


When runway 30 is in use ( that most of the time is), after landing the big airliners go to the end of runway...then they back track from there and continue taxi back while remaining on the main runway and clear via Alpha (A) taxi track....once they are clear , only then the other aircraft can land...From landing , then taxi back all the way to A link, takes a lot of time ....it becomes a real pain in butt during heavy traffic periods....imagine you are number 4 in the sequence...you have to wait for 20 minutes....Had there been a parallel runway , they aircrafts could vacate the runway a minute after landing..Making runway available for the succeeding traffic.....It is another reason that we need a new airport with better infrastructure and improved runway layout.....


When there is excessive tailwind for runway 30, then the Runway 12 is used....For runway 12 landings, the pilot still comes for runway 30 and breaks off to right at point A...Once at point B, he turns left to parallel himself with the runway while keeping runway in sight all the time...When at point C, a 90 left turn is executed and short of point D , again a left turn and the pilot aligns his aircraft with the runway 12 and makes the landing......after landing, he goes till the end of runway, makes a clockwise turn back and clears the runway via a Alpha link....

Intially, i also came to the same conclusion but the timing of this crash in backdrop of various political issues e.g. cameron remarks, followed by hamid karzai remarks, wiki leaks, fake degrees, denying various court rulings, issuing visa to 400 americans plus more.

I don’t think that there is any international or national conspiracy involved in this crash . Till now it looks a case of CFIT (controlled flight into terrain). Questions still loom that,

Why aircraft deviated so much from its course?

Why did the aircraft descend below the approach parameters?

The pilots had to fly the prescribed pattern while keeping the runway in sight all the time. In case they lose sight of runway, then they were supposed to break off the approach and climb to safe altitude or else divert to alternate airfield, Lahore in this case.

Were the pilots not visual with the runway? If not, then why they deviated from approach?

What were the pressures that did not let the Captain to decide to divert to Lahore? Why he pressed on despite deteriorated conditions at Islamabad.

Did captain ignore the GPWS ( ground proximity warning system) or was it unserviceable from the start ?

There are lot of questions that comes to ones mind. More than black box, i think it will be CVR ( cockpit voice recorder) that will help to answer many questions....

What were Captain and First officer discussing in cockpit with each other ?

What was Captains response to ATCs instructions?

Did First officer warn/ advised Captain about losing the visual contact with runway ?

Were all instructions deliberately ignored by Captain ?

Till the time we don’t have the CVR conversation, no one can be sure that what was going on in the cockpit minutes before impact. Till then we can all assume whatever we know in our capacity....But one thing is for sure that no one could have seen it comming. The aircraft was likely in clouds when the impact happend.

Allah may have mercy on all the departed souls.
Registration AP-BJB...the Airbus we lost today.... This aircraft was originally delivered in 2000, leased to airblue in 2006, 34,000 hours of total flying time with 13,500 flights.


The reporters at GEO TV are morons...they are just trying to twist the fact and trying to bring ANOs in and just trying to confuse masses with their gibberish reporting....

The crew was fresh...The above Airbus Registration AP-BJB came back to Karachi from Dubai this morning with no technical problems.....Captain Pervez and FO Muntajib who had a full nights rest, took over this aircraft for Khi – Isb trip....So to say that flight crew did not had rest or they violated the rules regarding rest is not right..... God bless their souls

You are right. Just moments after the crash some reporter of Geo came up with the ANO crap and tried to put all the blame on the CAA and party. And then there was chairman PALPA. i still remember MD PIA saying, "these (PALPA) people dont even have an iota of shame that they would spin out politics (to their benefit) even on such a huge tragedy."
There are lot of questions that comes to ones mind. More than black box, i think it will be CVR ( cockpit voice recorder) that will help to answer many questions....

What were Captain and First officer discussing in cockpit with each other ?

What was Captains response to ATCs instructions?

Did First officer warn/ advised Captain about losing the visual contact with runway ?

Were all instructions deliberately ignored by Captain ?

And to this point PPP govt. is hidding the facts....no voice recorder and no black box.

Question: i understand what the data recorders are but why govt. need to send the black box abroad?
Is it because only certified companies are allowed to down load it for the reason of tempering protection?
Hello everybody,
First of all I would like to tell you that I am quite a frequent visitor of PDF. I like to read all the topics that are posted here. For the past 20-30 days I became a member of PDF and I was banned seven times. All I did was replying to those people who disgraced india, Hinduism and hindus. I am not at all posting this post out of frustration. I will speak only the truth.

So here are my observations about PDF, Pakistanis and islam:

1. Moderators and admins of PDF are highly communal. They don’t ban their own fellow Pakistani muslims even if they post highly deterioratory remarks against india, hindus and Hinduism. I was enraged and gave them befitting replies though in a civilized manner.
A word of advice to mods and admins: Give a fair treatment to everybody. Your current behaviour speaks volume about your credibility. If you don’t want Indians to be a part of PDF then frankly say so. You call yourself a “musalmaan” then show some “eemaan” at least.

2. Our Pakistani friends are so naïve. It appears that either they don’t know the truth at all or simply don’t want to accept the truth. India is not your enemy at all. In recent years it is forced to do some activities that destabilize Pakistan. WHY?? Because it has now realised that it should play its enemy’s own dirty game to defeat it. This policy is necessary for its survival. Let Pakistan taste its own medicine.

3. Our Pakistani members post some highly biased articles that are based on various conspiracy theories and have no credibility at all and they feed their imaginations with it.
Why do you think that suddenly the entire world equates Pakistan with terror?? There must be some reasons behind it. Some of the world can be mad but the entire world cannot be mad. What do you people think??

4. Now-a-days our world is blessed with internet. Why can’t Pakistanis clear their doubt on various issues on the internet? Rather than posting illogical posts on PDF they can put internet on much better use by clearing their doubts on various conspiracy theories that sprout in their mind from a neutral source.

5. Pakistanis are a victim of general zia-ul-haq’s hate curriculum taught in their schools and madarsas. Your syllabus is filled with hateful and deterioratory remarks about india, hindus and Hinduism. You people have access to internet now. You should clear your doubts from a neutral source. Pakistani govt. has put the ban various sites for precisely this reason and not for the reasons given by them. They fear that the availability of truth will confuse their current generation and they will begin asking question over Pakistan govt.’s policies against india.

6. Pakistani’s are highly misinformed about india. Yes there is poverty , lack of clean drinking water, ****** toilets; but we are fast improving. You should see the UN report that india is removing poverty at a great speed. Our population is great that’s why number of poor looks great on papers but if you compare this stat in percentage of population then this figure is better explained.

7. Pakistanis easily speak foul about hindus and Hinduism. But they themselves turn blind eye on the current state of crises in islam. Teachings of islam are highly misinterpreted. These maulvis and mullas spread wrong interpretations of islam. They do not encourage to ask questions about islam. All the answer is “what if I am praying and I fart??” types of questions.

8. Pakistanis are obsessed with the Saudis and Turks. Have these nations stood along with you even once in times of need?? You talk about Chinese as your best mate. China is a shrewd country, it is only using you. You people are so blinded by these short term benefits that it is harming you in longer run. If Saudis are the leaders of islam then why don’t they lead the Islamic world in so called “holy war” ?? Why do they give charity to terror organisations and let poor and ignorant muslims die in this “holy war” and they themselves live comfortably in their cosy homes.

9. About this so called Kashmir problem, why don’t you people refer from a neutral source to know about the history of this problem and not your history books? The king was a hindu and majority of the population was muslim. This was the precise reason why he asked for time. Had he wanted to join india, he would have joined immediately and might not asked for time. Kashmir would have joined Pakistan eventually but Pakistanis were impatient, they sent armed group to forcefully annex Kashmir and this resulted in king of Kashmir to agree to join india. Had india wanted to annex Kashmir then she would have send its forces much before Pakistanis and you might not be able to illegally occupy parts of Kashmir. And if you people love your Kashmir so much then why give askai chin to china? And also why the issue of Kashmir not raised upto early 1980’s? Pakistan suddenly realised the power of proxy war and begin destabilizing india to check her growth. This is also the reason why Chinese support you. You people are doing their job.

10. Terrorism has become an “organised sector” in Pakistan just like service sector in india and manufacturing sector in china. All the poor, unemployed, brainwashed youth are send to fight “holy war”. life is so much cheap in pakistan.

11. People, especially young generation, of Kashmir , are unemployed and they don’t have a vision of future for themselves. That’s why , in frustration, they indulge in stuffs like stone pelting on security forces for a mere payment is 100 rupees. And when chance of employment comes the same people are seen standing in lines to join armed forces. Indian troops were forced to carry slow genocide to save Kashmir and rightly so. It meant that slowly kiss all the young men so that there is nobody left to protest. There is nothing wrong in this, every country does this. No point getting enraged.

12. Wake up Pakistanis, india is not your enemy. It just want the current state of Kashmir to be made permanent. It is not even asking to return pakistan occupied Kashmir. This issue is ony kept alive because it ensures smooth running of terror sector and some people fill their pockets with money and also ensures the importance of the army is always there and they get more money out of budget.

13. Muslims have no right to abuse any religion for they shall be abused in return.

14. Islam is a barbaric religion. Teachings of islam spread intolerance.

15. The shadow of satanic religion of islam has covered the entire world. The world is truly standing on the brink of war against the evil of islam.

16. Muslims cannot be a part of civil society. They want to cut themselves from the mainstreams. That's why they want to carve out a separate nation from every nation.

17. Pakistan was created only because of the greed of power by muslim leaders and also by Jinnah. There was absolutely no other reason. Nehru war the mass leader and post of prime minister was to be offered to him and not Jinnah. Jinnah sensed this and together along with other religious groups he put forward the demand of creation of state of Pakistan.

18. Pakistan must realise that mixing religion with everything is harming them. Religion should be left alone for personal lives and not with general matters because practical approach is much better in handling them.


what a fcuking spammer of BR forum
xeric thanks for the visuals on the landing pattern.. exactly what I was trying to explain.
Hello guys I'm new and barely login to the forums but today, I found out those two U.S. Citizens who died in the crash were my dad's former boss' sister and her son who were somewhere from California,USA .Sadly, Former boss was also in that crash. May Allah forgive them and grant them Jannat. He was a really nice person and the owner of Hoffman Company.:cry::cry::cry:
Hello guys I'm new and barely login to the forums but today, I found out those two U.S. Citizens who died in the crash were my dad's former boss' sister and her son who were somewhere from California,USA .Sadly, Former boss was also in that crash. May Allah forgive them and grant them Jannat. He was a really nice person and the owner of Hoffman Company.:cry::cry::cry:

Ohhhh, Sad..My heart felt condolences to the departed souls.
It was due to poor visibility that the plane crashed, this is the time to realize how God is great.
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