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We(Israel) are not enemies of Pakistan and Pak should not be our enemy either - Netanyahu

Crazy old kook I am I went on 3 mile jog/walk in middle of snowstorm and then risked my life for you guys at PDF.

pakistan doesn't recongize Israel or Armenia. Idk why they fight other people's battles. KSA, iran, GCC, Azerbaijan all recognize and trade with India even though pakistan has dispute with India, so why can't pakistan recognize Isreal and Armenia??? What does not recogizing those countries get them?
1:Sympathy with Palestinians is one reason
2:Ummah concept which means brotherhood between muslims is another reason:lol:
3: And ofcourse @Solomon2

as for Armenia
1:Relations with turkey
2:khojely massacre
I wonder...which countries gave him this impression... or this reality...
most of the arab countries now believe Palestine should not be made because it threatens there govt via brotherhood and hamas
they favour single country israel
most arab country also recognize israel

Crazy old kook I am I went on 3 mile jog/walk in middle of snowstorm and then risked my life for you guys at PDF.

common im sitting 2 feets of snow here
So Pakistan if it so desires be a two tooth like a yahu and say we are with Palestinians and their rights as a state and this is not against anyone in particular. Tells you how they take everyone for a fool.
From the little I did to understand the orthodox Judaism, it became obvious to me that the hatred between the two groups was actually mutual (contrary to what I once used to naively think).

Unlike Christianity, which does not really prescribe any particular way of life (Deen) to its adherents, Judaism, just like Islam actually does, thus making the two religions ideological rivals. Also, if taken literally, the Old testament and Talmud in particular, are a lot harsher against the non adherents than the Islamic canonical texts are, even to the extent of their dehumanization at places. Top it with the fact that Judaism (orthodox), unlike Islam, is a non-proselytizing (at least not actively) religion which creates a very peculiar tribal mind set among its followers.

Furthermore, in the Jewish eschatological teachings (Zohar), Ishmaelites (and by extension all Muslims) are depicted as enemies, a majority of whom would fight Israel and the Jewish messiah, until they eventually get defeated.

Therefore, it does not take a genius to realize that religious Jews (who hold sway over the Israeli intelligence circles and decision making) can never consider a country like Pakistan a friendly state. Its up to Pakistanis to make up their mind as to what they expect to reap from any potential relationship with the Zionist state. Dare I say, losing the little protection and the sense of sovereignty we have maintained so far by keeping them at an arms length.
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Thanks but no thanks.
It's weird how even outside Israel the orthodox Jews are scared of Muslims.
I live I Manchester UK and Jews own central Manchester. Whenever I came across a jew while visiting central Manchester, I saw fear and suspicion in his eyes and behaviour.
I take pity on them for being scared of me when I mean no harm but only have ideological difference with them.
I have tried to be friendly with the, but they run away like a kid runs from a stranger after his mom told him never to talk to strangers. So problem is on their side, not ours.
Why should Pakistan be friendly to Israel at the cost of an important immediate bordering neighbour that we need cooperation with lol. Nice try.
Netanyahu is a f*cking cowardly dog and easily one of the worst human beings alive right now. Personally I think not recognizing Israel at all is stupid. Don't think we should be friendly towards them but should have some sort of formal communication. Besides Palestinians don't give two sh!ts about Pakistanis and nor do the Arab Ummah states. Heck they have ties with Israel to a great extent. We only disadvantage ourselves.
Crazy old kook I am I went on 3 mile jog/walk in middle of snowstorm and then risked my life for you guys at PDF.

why is it the bbc says im due for snow but all i get is bleeding rain in pendle . where about's is it snowing at your end ?
I am aware of these verses and there is a context to each and every one. Despite that, our history shows that Jews co-existed peacefully with Muslims (even prior to 48 in Palestine). Also, let me point out that prior to 48, Muslim scholars did not spend as much time on these verses as they do now due to the Palestine issue.

One can be very literal and on the basis of the scripture not do anything and always be suspicious. However, Islamic history shows the Muslims to have behaved in a manner contrary to that. The dealt with the Jews, they co-habited in the same neighborhoods, had the Jews serve in government, teaching, medicine etc. alongside Muslims.

Most posts here are not condoning what the Zionists do. What I am pointing out is that Zionism and Judaism are two separate streams and if the Jews engage with Muslims on a platform away from Zionist expansionist one, then there is hope.
what I dont understand then is why Hazrat Ali r.a chose to work for a Jewish employer? he worked in a farm of a Jew no? how does that reconcile? one can work for a jew, have trade with the jew , consult in legal matters and enter in legal issues as well but then be an enemy too? was the idea of a Muslim state a zero sum game? all Jews and/ or polytheists had to be eliminated? or if they paid the Jaziah tax where they exempt from that enmity?
Jews are ahle ketab (kuffar of book) like Christians. So there is no problem in having cooperation and trading with them as long as they haven’t occupied any Muslim state. However Quran says the most tricky people toward believers are the Jews [among kuffar ahle book] (because they previously killed their own prophets, they slayed their messengers, they changed their holy books etc... )

This is my best explanation about this Quranic/ Islamic matter, period.

Quran: Certainly you will find the most violent of people in enmity for those who believe (to be) the Jews and those who are polytheists, and you will certainly find the nearest in friendship to those who believe (to be) those who say: We are Christians; this is because there are priests and monks among them and because they do not behave proudly. [5:82]
We should only care about Palestine until Palestinians care about the Kashmir dispute.

Obviously the Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands is wrong. Thus we should recognize Israel until the two state solution is accepted.

It has to based on principle.
Well... at least this ummah countries... ain't selling Armement and Know-How that could destroy every Pakistani assets... in a war...
No they do worse. The fund ISIS to keep their Iranian neighbors checked on the checker board of ME. Lets be real. Hindus don't kill muslims as much as muslims kill everybody including muslims. Remember 12% or more of Indians pop is still muslim. Many more are agnostic who visit sufi shrine regardless of religion. Pakistan, use to have a 15% hindu population. now they are an endangered species that needs to be documented. Pretty soon, Shias, and Sufis will drop in numbers as well. Thanks to KSA and company. Leaving KSA and Turkey a lot of political power within the muslim nations.
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