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Yes: House of Sherifs will Rule us again: Nawaz league wins by Polls

I have said numerous time and will say again, People interested to win Punjab must learn from history even Jinnah's Muslim League had pathetic performance against Unionists Party. So, abusing Sharif & Co. is not going to fetch you votes from Punjab (except some Urban areas).
this point actually helps me to pose another question and answer myself

why PPP and PTI are not pointing out one of the Nawaz Sherifs controversial financiers.
who you ask
well Osma Bin Laden
come again?
yea, he financed Nawaz Sherif campaign against Benazir

so this must be told again and again to the nation and outside world that Nwaz wins from Islamic terrorists financing yes?

No, because PTI and PPP fear that doing so will backfire as considerable population in Pakistan has soft spot for Osama Bin Laden and Nawaz league will use this revelation to its advantage domestically saying that it was working for the benefit of Islam whereas PPP was a sell out to the West. the international media and other audience will dismiss it since Osama is irrelevant (only if Hafiz saeed is seen funding supporting Nawaz sherif will be a big no
no one in right frame of mind believes that PTI has a standing chance against pmln if shahbaz sharif survives.... it would be a miracle to retain KPK...... most people commenting are overseas and far away from reality
A taster of what to expect in next elections. Nawaz league is celebrating and taunting Judiciary, Military and PTI. and it has earned the right because the people of Punjab cant think beyond this house of Sherif.

I think Nawaz Should invite the RSS and BJP leadership to his residence to celebrate.

Sir Jee Calm Down

First of all, the candidate who won from Chakwal would have won regardless even if he ran as an Independent. Second, PML-N controls both the Provincial and Federal Government. In By Elections, sitting Government's tend to win. This is why PPP won almost all the By Elections in Punjab when they were held between 2008-2013 because the local constituents know that if they vote for an outsider, the district will be completely drained of all the development funds.

If PML-N was so confident that they could win the next Federal Elections, they would have called early elections. They know that their victory is far from secure, they know what their popularity is.
70% people not educated and divided by sects, casts...they have mastered the tech to get vote by selecting candidate of largest cast or sect according to area...rest they propagate it to get maximum votes for the candidate by exploiting his biradari.

A 20 grade retired civil servant, Punjab University Ex Head Librarian, was singing praises of Nawaz sharif. When I asked him, forget everything, just tell me about his failure to explain his finances. The usual reply, If he do corruption, he put it into infrastructure as well. By infrastructure,Punjab development. And we went into circle again and again. So it is not only uneducated, we should consider Middle and upper middle class. Inner lahore population and whatever exist outside lahore.
IK needs to talk to China and get a very large loan and just spend money on locals and get their votes. Only way to win.

How is PTI looking in Sidh?Perhaps if PTI dislodge PPP in Sindh they can take on Punjab.
IK needs to talk to China and get a very large loan and just spend money on locals and get their votes. Only way to win.

How is PTI looking in Sidh?Perhaps if PTI dislodge PPP in Sindh they can take on Punjab.
Sindh rural is slaved to the feudal system. in Karachi and Hyderabad PTI competes with MQM. its not easy
Don’t know if I cry or laugh;)
PTI failed to bring a vote taker and PMLN got the right candidate, even P D Siri got 16K supposed to be PML-N bank vote otherwise the margin of defeat over 50K for PTI, it’s a big margin:coffee:
The selective accountability only made PMLN more popular than ever. PMLN had first two military takeover which made inroad for the return of PMLN. And this selective accountability only strengthened the public support for PMLN for the third time.

If PMLN was allowed to govern this term uninterruptedly, then PMLN would have been history like PPP. Unfortunately, the main establishment never learn and if anything, Pakistan has now rogue PMLN leading Pakistan for the next term as well. :confused:
IK needs to talk to China and get a very large loan and just spend money on locals and get their votes. Only way to win.

How is PTI looking in Sidh?Perhaps if PTI dislodge PPP in Sindh they can take on Punjab.
Bhai..... Bhutto is still alive. Nobody can beat PPP in Sindh.
I have said numerous time and will say again, People interested to win Punjab must learn from history even Jinnah's Muslim League had pathetic performance against Unionists Party. So, abusing Sharif & Co. is not going to fetch you votes from Punjab (except some Urban areas).
so you mean in 100 years our people are not changed
if thats the case than we dont deserve freedom

A 20 grade retired civil servant, Punjab University Ex Head Librarian, was singing praises of Nawaz sharif. When I asked him, forget everything, just tell me about his failure to explain his finances. The usual reply, If he do corruption, he put it into infrastructure as well. By infrastructure,Punjab development. And we went into circle again and again. So it is not only uneducated, we should consider Middle and upper middle class. Inner lahore population and whatever exist outside lahore.
correct, its not education issue
he has support of educated mass more than the uneducated mass

IK needs to talk to China and get a very large loan and just spend money on locals and get their votes. Only way to win.

How is PTI looking in Sidh?Perhaps if PTI dislodge PPP in Sindh they can take on Punjab.
nope even if PTI wons in both KPK and sindh it still cannot form govt

its all punjab, punjab has more than 50% electrol votes
even if you just win 2/3 of punjab, that is more than enough for you to form govt with independents

Around 75% Pakistani Population lives in Rural Areas..... and when you have whole country's Educational Budget less than the budget of Just one Metro Project in Lahore....what you expect from those people.....
PML-N and PPP don't need educator voters they need JIALAS likes these peoples....
70% of punjab is educated more than any province
they won in cities last time as well when PTI brought so many jalsas in punjab
nope even if PTI wons in both KPK and sindh it still cannot form govt

its all punjab, punjab has more than 50% electrol votes
even if you just win 2/3 of punjab, that is more than enough for you to form govt with independents

70% of punjab is educated more than any province
they won in cities last time as well when PTI brought so many jalsas in punjab

I would actually argue, PTI has the best chance to win from Punjab. This time they are doing their homework, and the last few by elections that were held, their candidates lost from a margin of less than 10K votes. The rule of thumb is, the Government candidate starts with a lead of 30K votes in a by election, so in my opinion these were winning candidates. I can definitely see PTI winning from Punjab, if they give tickets to the right candidates.

The selective accountability only made PMLN more popular than ever. PMLN had first two military takeover which made inroad for the return of PMLN. And this selective accountability only strengthened the public support for PMLN for the third time.

If PMLN was allowed to govern this term uninterruptedly, then PMLN would have been history like PPP. Unfortunately, the main establishment never learn and if anything, Pakistan has now rogue PMLN leading Pakistan for the next term as well. :confused:

PML-N is going to loose, and loose big. This is why they are not going for early elections, because they know how unpopular they are. PPP was winning by elections till the end of their tenure. Its a lot easy to win elections when the local police and administration reports to you.
Punjab Sindh and Baluchistan are slave states to Chaudry waders and nawabs only kpk has some areas mostly peshawar, Mardan etc which have show true democratic by kick out all Those who looted in the past
Punjabi's will sell themselves for a plate of biryani or keema naan.
Mota Nawaja is openly hinting to becoming the next Mujibur Rehman
and his daughter is the next Sheikh Hasina.

I don't understand why the judges are so lenient with them, their
corruption has come out, money laundering and contemp of court
but still judges are sleeping.
Not All Punjabis
Bad, bad news ....
use burnol dude. That was a bad bad news for all insafiyans like you.

Punjab Sindh and Baluchistan are slave states to Chaudry waders and nawabs only kpk has some areas mostly peshawar, Mardan etc which have show true democratic by kick out all Those who looted in the past
I can understand your frustration dude.
So all are idiots except some PTI pockets in KPK. Salute to your retarded logic.

Who Imran Khan is an idiot?
No, IK isnt an Idiot.
He is a Tharki Play boy in his mid 60s.

Not All Punjabis
You mean all Punjabis are sold out except some Insafians Punajbi.

Bhai..... Bhutto is still alive. Nobody can beat PPP in Sindh.
PPP is a reality only in rural sindh.
PPP dont exists any where else. They are just an interior sindh party now.

Nation need practical change not just fake promises of change ..Leader should not use this slogan of change to fool awaam
IK and PTI has no other chooran to sell except the Chooran of so called "Naya Pakistan".

Imran khan has got vote bank in Punjab and has replaced PPP who used to be opposing force against PML(N) but not any more. You can not convince Punjabi people to vote for PTI by abusing them. Imran need to convince them that he is better option for them through performance in KPK where he got the opportunity
For PTI and IK , those who dont vote them are idiot, Patwari, sold out and jahil Awam.
Thats why people during elections, ordinary awam always kick PTI on their asssssssssssssssssssssss

this shareef tabar is so cunning & wicked ... they are even using Khulsoom Nawaz's illness for political gains & sympathy ... they are parasites of this country.
Stop watching BOL and ARY. you are badly suffering from Nawaz Phobia.
Get mature, and get normal please.

Well put. Problem is not Sharifs but awam of Punjab. Anyway congratulations to the winning candidate.
So People of Punjab are Problem.
I can only laugh on kids like who have so much inner hatred for people of Punjab.

Whats an alternate to democracy? Dictatorship is not the answer.
Democracy is the alternate to democracy.
If it isn't working double the dose.

Dont make any sense. You are calling mirasi to others simply because they dont consider Imran as political messiah. Bashing them is not going to change their mind

are you Punjabi?
That Guy was a typical Insafi, from whom any one who doesn't worship IK, is an idiot and a sold out patwari. Let them cry.

because if Judges react like CH Iftikhar would have done then Nawaz and Maryam will become political martyrs and this is planned by nawaz party to constantly insult the judges and army so that they are arrested and then Nawzz will claim that he was punished for speaking the "truth" and not for corruption
Judges and judiciary in Pakistan are nothing but puppits in the hands of men in uniform.
Judiciary has lost all its credibility, it nothing but a tool for arm twisting of bloody civilians.

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