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Yes: House of Sherifs will Rule us again: Nawaz league wins by Polls

Winter child gonna be a long long winter.
How many by elections N won against Q. State machinery makes the difference.
U better keep hope with Na ahil sharif and his crook daughter.
Son I am from Punjab I know how all by elections conduct. I know loosing one province govt now pressure coming at home front Punjab Govt every thing my winter child see is conspiracy. Son it's time to pay back Sharif clan will pay.
Ppl in Punjab always vote ruling party in by election and all DPO and DCO run the election campaign.they used when Q was in power PPP ruled in public jab and now sharifs. Its unfortunate but its reality only GE there is chance of change I hope this time Bajwa will ensure no rigging and state involvement for one party.
I told change is coming its gonna be a very long winter for sharif family. They bark on IK there is reason and reason is they gonna loose GE.
I can only hope what you are saying is true.
I too am from Lahore and a punjabi. I don't use the term punjabi, I would rather be called Pakistani. But just to give you the idea I too am familiar with the people and on ground situation.
I don't have hope.
And now imran has married the pink priestess , God knows what is going to happen.
It's all about perceptions. If they character assassinate imran. And show that they are the winning side. Bid very high prices for politicians then they easily win.
After all we ghada khor Lahori would sit in metro train, eat gadha ke qeema wala naan and vote for pmln.
Atleast the masses do sir.
I can hope I would be wrong and you are true.
Yes it will happen this filth of Gen Zia is ending this Yrs IA. We will see new era in Pak.

i don't want to sound like an old pessimist guy but this filth of Gen Zia has spread far and wide and has penetrated every section of the Pakistani society. The people we are fighting now are actually the creation of Gen Zia's filth.

P.s. I am not only talking about the political filth.
What a shame this corrupt guy is going to rule us again with all his mafia team. Maybe this is what we really deserve. "Hun Shair Bano":lol:

Eversince The Lahore Election I Have Lost Sympathy For The People Of Punjab.Now If A Woman Is Going To Deliver A Baby Outside A Hospital and Reveal Her Private Parts Before A Dozen Strangers,Then Sorry Lady You Asked For It.

Even Imran Niazi is Punjabi.

Sir Niazis Are Ancestrally Pashtuns Who Were Settled In Mianwali During Sher Shah Suri.Before That They Lived In Afghanistan
PML-N beats PTI in Chakwal by-poll by nearly 30,000 votes: unofficial results

The PML-N emerged victorious in a by-election held on a provincial assembly seat (PP-20) in Punjab's Chakwal district on Tuesday, unofficial and provisional results show.

According to unofficial results from all 227 polling stations, PML-N's Sultan Haider Ali Khan secured 75,934 votes as compared to the runner-up, Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) candidate Raja Tariq Mehmood Afzal who bagged 46,025 votes.

The PML-N candidate beat the PTI contestant by a margin of 29,909 votes.


A taster of what to expect in next elections. Nawaz league is celebrating and taunting Judiciary, Military and PTI. and it has earned the right because the people of Punjab cant think beyond this house of Sherif.

I think Nawaz Should invite the RSS and BJP leadership to his residence to celebrate.
but they did their thing
I mean PTI guy had the backing of PPP and PAT votes as well even if the newly formed Tehrik Labaik Ya Rasul Allah guy (with 16K votes) had supported PTI even then Nawaz league would have won. since the margin is about 29K

House of Sherif has ruled Punjab for well over 35 years. they pretty much own the lives of the people of this province, it is strange that they dont secure 200% votes.
I dont think PTI/ Imran has ignored Punjab, he cant make the dent in the Punjabi politics that Zulfiqar Bhutto made (although he himself was a feudal lord).

we truley deserve this family on us. since the people have spoken so lets recite together what Nawaz said inside India during Modi's inaguration
"why there is a meaningless line between our countries? what is the point when we have same culture, customs, food and interests?".


because if Judges react like CH Iftikhar would have done then Nawaz and Maryam will become political martyrs and this is planned by nawaz party to constantly insult the judges and army so that they are arrested and then Nawzz will claim that he was punished for speaking the "truth" and not for corruption

Exactly, its a catch 22 situation for "Establishment".
You want to get rid of NS.
Post Panama, he is not only present in "Govt" but now he expels PTI from opposition as well.
That what i'm saying all along here. If you want to defeat PMLN/NS, done it politically....with patience.
Nawaz Sharif, Bhuttos.........cannot be defeated by ISI, Establishment backing even in next 100 Years.

If NS/Bhuttos are on our heads.....Its You "The Establishment" "The Military Establishment", Your Unglis in Political matters, Your interfrence likes of Faizabad Dharna's, which made people to think that "someone" want to "dictates" and hounding them towards a certain place, this makes them to revolt and "does" exactly the opposites what "Establishment" want them to do. Why, bcz they want "Independence" and any opportunity where they can rib to their so called Masters, they welcomed it with both hands.

Stop treating Ordinary People, the bloooo*y civilians like you treating them for last 70 years. They are more wise then you thinks of themselves.
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and Nawaz party is smart, it uses sectarianism, family and clan or feudalism etc whatever is suitable to the place.

this shareef tabar is so cunning & wicked ... they are even using Khulsoom Nawaz's illness for political gains & sympathy ... they are parasites of this country.

Your Unglis in Political matters, Your interfrence likes of Faizabad Dharna's, which made people to think that "someone" want to "dictates"

Source: PMLN fan page
A taster of what to expect in next elections. Nawaz league is celebrating and taunting Judiciary, Military and PTI. and it has earned the right because the people of Punjab cant think beyond this house of Sherif.

Well put. Problem is not Sharifs but awam of Punjab. Anyway congratulations to the winning candidate.
Around 75% Pakistani Population lives in Rural Areas..... and when you have whole country's Educational Budget less than the budget of Just one Metro Project in Lahore....what you expect from those people.....
PML-N and PPP don't need educator voters they need JIALAS likes these peoples....
The slave mentality and filth (corruption etc etc) is highest in Punjab and Sindh and these people will bear the brunt of the big war. Major cleansing will happen in these two provinces and dare I say, rightly so!
There are some votes you will never win. In our village in AJK people vote PPP because the majority of the community is jatt and the local PPP leader is Jatt and a muhajir.That is all that matters. They all hate the guy, seriously people hate him, but will vote for him because the other party in the local area is dominated by a Raja who isn't a muhajir.

These people will sit around for 5 years in the bazar, talking about politics, the state of the country, the state of the world, the terrible state of the roads, the lack of infrastructure locally, the poor standards of schooling, then will get up and vote PPP again, because the Raja will eat their babies and the jatt will shower them with rose petals apparently. We don't even have a PTI candidate in the area. People know there is no point standing.
Sir Niazis Are Ancestrally Pashtuns Who Were Settled In Mianwali During Sher Shah Suri.Before That They Lived In Afghanistan
Pmln leaders specially shahbaz sheriff pointedly call imran niazi instead of imran Khan.
As though being niazi is an insult. They try to make him not a Khan because people in kpk love him and consider him Khan.
How racist they are, one could simply marvel at their logic and superiority.
Can do anything for power.
Pakistan has been ruled by dictorship and civilian governments. Pakistan has not yet settled and decided it course. I really am not busied. I am an odinary person who just wanted good governance.
Let me tell you our basic problem.
Look when military dictators came, they do have unlimited powers to make reforms, and they do reforms too. But in doing so they need to legitimise themselves. In order to legitimise themselves they need politicians and so they make or buy them. They also are corrupt and of course the politicians who legitimise an illegitimate action, what can you expect from them.
Now the civilian government, the civilian government came and talk about democracy and rule of law.
But they don't deliver. They are awfully corrupt and to some extent have militant wings too.
You can say zardari was not charged but don't we know he is corrupt???
The politicians come and demand the right to rule yet they fail miserably. When they are held accountable they give examples of the dictators.
They ask the same immunity from corruption and inefficiency a dictator enjoys.
If you pm is not corrupt. No power in Pakistan can remove him (I am talking about today's pakistan) . It is very difficult for any dictator to justify interference now. The politicians warning right, left and centre is just a narrative they are developing .
Look pakistan is still ruled by a collaboration. Owing to our long history, one could understand that. After all army is dealing a lot in Baluchistan and fata. The only way you can uphold civilian supremacy is by dilevery. There is no other way. You can become a rebel and fight for democracy. But when you become a pm, your rule is worse then dictators.

Have the civilian government able to solve baluchistan development issues.
Pm has not visited Baluchistan a single time. He didn't even care. Why why why.
Why not he address the issues instead of leaving it to the army because he simply don't care. ( please don't say they don't let him) .
Have you seen members of baluchistan parliament. They are all sardars, Molvis, totally corrupt and inefficient lot sitting.
They are so incapable they tgey have slots for 3500 jobs in Baluchistan from last 2 years. They are not able to hire people for those jobs. How inefficient can you be?
Then last government out of 66 people in Baluchistan assembly 65 are ministers ? Is this how civilian supremacy uphold?
A population of 1 caror people and these inefficient people cannot develop them even after 18th amendment??
They don't know how to govern. And they don't care. They don't give a damn. They just rule. They don't even dilever for face saving.
Go to sindh , a ruling federal party use all the water in their farms, unable to make a single infrastructure projects. Have destroyed the economic hub Karachi. The real injustice they do against Urdu speaking people. What kind of governance is this dude? If course punish them, they say punish the dictator. They say military or establishment is behind the scene .
If you have done something wrong only then one can conspire against you . If you are clean no one can conspire.
You can not have civilian supremacy in a jiffy. We are very much similar to turkey.
Edogan pushed military back but only only only with economic and social reforms. He did something which no one else can do.
In Pakistan if you want civilian supremacy then make politicians who are clean and efficient and then see who can touch them. The more they perform, the more military took a back seat. The more they perform the more army would go back.

When army cleared fata. They ask you to settle the fata. In history never before the people of fata want a merger with kpk. They are Pakistani ofcouse but want to live as tribals. When the army ask the civilian government to settle the areas, why don't they do it despite the will of the people?
Why did the pm was unable to make a single mention of kul bhushan yadev.
It would atleast give our narrative.
Why did we have poor forign office?
There are some rules regarding Afghanistan and India which army has reservations but does that give you right to be bad in forign office.
Did army stop you from doing police reforms?
Did army stop you from doing education reforms?
Did army stop you from giving right to local bodies?
It is simple as that if you are clean and can perform even at 50 percent army would be pushed back.
The only way to. Push army back is your performance.
Did army told you to destroy pia.
Did army say that do not privitize institutions that are burden.
It has become a passion for our media and politicans of ink to our own history.
Even if there is someone behind the scenes. If nawaz sheriff has his money trail, no one can touch him.
Even he say that lawyers are too expensive and justice is not available.
Don't you see how common people live. These people who work in our house for 5000 rupees. What would they have done.
Doesn't these politicians feel shame when they go for medical visas to UK.
They have home abroad in every country. They rome there freely.
You know our police. People are afraid from them. They are arrogant and thugs.
Why not they improve police.
Why not they bring transparency.

Lastly is there any end?
I mean a dictator come and go.
Then in us or other countries politicians come, take their tenure and go.
What would be the the limit of our country.
A person with his personal desire to be pm, continue to be pm again and again.
And then his childern , even if they are not capable.
Why have they kept the masses uneducated?
This tussle is really old.
When you are clean, no one can touch you.
When you perform no one can touch you.
When you are inefficient and in capable and corrupt you see plots every where.
That is why I think imran Khan can be a very powerful pm and can take big decisions which our country needs.
We need a decision to merge fata and to bring fata, Baluchistan and gb in development at par with other provinces.
Imran Khan knows too well the on ground situation which our politicans dont.
If establishment according to you blackmail civilian governments, then he cannot be blackmail. Say whatever you may, he is not corrupt.
He don't have any heir.
Plus he is very focused. He would be able to deal army well and if he dilevers can push army back. He even has the ability to take key decisions on our relationship with afghanistan and India.
This last part about imran Khan is my opinion.
Moral of the story is:
Civilian supremacy can only be achieved by performing have a clean track(which majority of politicians don't)
Only that politician has the right to punish Musharraf who has not done an NRO with him...

:rofl: You are an ordinary person :cheers:. Your post is exactly what I asked people to not write so we can have a sensible discussion. I can sum your post up in three lines. You spent 3-4 lines on the military rule, the rest you wrote books about the military and IK. Your post in summary:
1: We have had military rule, for the past 60 years. Who cares, they invent politicians.
2: A book on how bad the civilian government has been. Not the fact that the military doesn't allow a system to mature and one's policies to kick in with a full term. Every three years, they remove the one who decides to work a little.
3: Holly IK. The cure for all disease. The Jesus for the Pashtuns!!

What did I forget? The reality? Yea. The reality is at the voting stations where people that are actually ordinary are still looking for a proper civilian system and no matter how many times your military kicks them out under the pre-text of "corruption", the ordinary people relect them. While your military never allows anyone to hold the military accountable for even pennies......until your military and the judiciary is held accountable and they allow a system to be formed and governments to complete their tenures, this will continue like this. Worst case, a "Pakistani Spring" might pop up and break your nation like back in times. So learn to respect the lines and the people.
In my halqa the PTI candidate last time was crook

IK offered a change people went nuts for him, then he started hiring same trash people wanted to run from, please explain it to me why should I go out stand in line to vote for same trash I want out? Therefore, I am better off not bothering to vote and let's House of Nawaz rule us!!!!
There are many people in rural Punjab (and likely the rest of Pakistan) who will only vote for the same party as their forefathers did. Their mentality is that building roads is progress and goodwork done by PMLN. They will vote for the local candidate they know and who may build a road for them. They have no interest in education or healthcare.

IK will probably not win and Pakistan will be stuck with PMLN for the foreseeable future. Those who vote for them deserve them. Truly a sad future for the country.
:rofl: You are an ordinary person :cheers:. Your post is exactly what I asked people to not write so we can have a sensible discussion. I can sum your post up in three lines. You spent 3-4 lines on the military rule, the rest you wrote books about the military and IK. Your post in summary:
1: We have had military rule, for the past 60 years. Who cares, they invent politicians.
2: A book on how bad the civilian government has been. Not the fact that the military doesn't allow a system to mature and one's policies to kick in with a full term. Every three years, they remove the one who decides to work a little.
3: Holly IK. The cure for all disease. The Jesus for the Pashtuns!!

What did I forget? The reality? Yea. The reality is at the voting stations where people that are actually ordinary are still looking for a proper civilian system and no matter how many times your military kicks them out under the pre-text of "corruption", the ordinary people relect them. While your military never allows anyone to hold the military accountable for even pennies......until your military and the judiciary is held accountable and they allow a system to be formed and governments to complete their tenures, this will continue like this. Worst case, a "Pakistani Spring" might pop up and break your nation like back in times. So learn to respect the lines and the people.
Not everything is perfect.
We have a unique type of system .
If you want civilian rule, nobody is going to give these politicians the civilian rule . They have to earn it. Not with words but with deeds.
If you are clean no one can touch you.
OK I may be wrong, but only a clean person can held army accountable.
The problem is that both sides blame each other while claiming they themselves are saints. Both are wrong , but if you really want to held the powerful accountable , bring the leadership who can do.
Come on dude, you live in Pakistan, not US or Europe or Canada.
Do you really think that all a common man want is civilian supremacy?
They would elect a murderer if he is able to control the prices of commodities.
What do you expect.
This is 2017.
There is certainly interference. You have to discuss some issues with military. But but if you are clean, no one can touch you. These cases against sherif's are genuine.

Now tell me did establishment tell the government not to take action against 300 childern raped and filmed 2 years back? How that issue was hushed up...
Was establisment behind the no capture of 12 rapist who raped 12 girls during 2017. Not a single rapist caught. Then establishment made you kill the protesters right.
Now if judiciary punish the politicians who are responsible. He would definitely say that establishment and judiciary is challenging the civilian supremacy.
You want civilian rule instead of dictatorship. Difference between civilian rule and dictorship is that dictators are not accountable. That's why people fought and remove them. But do you think that even in democracy the leaders are not accountable. Is this type of domcraship you need. The basic difference between civilian and military rule is accountability. If the institutions do accountability then there is a conspiracy .
If anybody is conspiring against your civilian rulers, if they are clean and come clean our of accountability. Only then they can also do accountability of the other party.
You want the ideal system. We have to work towards that. We cannot have in a day.
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If that happened, and Nawazsharif became the prime minister, then not a single institution of Pakistan will remain standing at her feet.

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