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Yes: House of Sherifs will Rule us again: Nawaz league wins by Polls

lol to some extent. but if PTI is going to use idiots candidates like this one they are not going to win. In the end people of Chakwal were not going to go to Imran Khan for their problems but to this candidate and he was an idiot.
Who Imran Khan is an idiot?
This shows the failure of PTI to engage Punjab. Don't bash me but asses how much weight my words carry. It is not PML-N that won the election it is the candidate that PML-N chose.

Come on man don't bash Punjabis. PTI is not giving people what they want in Rural areas.
but they did their thing
I mean PTI guy had the backing of PPP and PAT votes as well even if the newly formed Tehrik Labaik Ya Rasul Allah guy (with 16K votes) had supported PTI even then Nawaz league would have won. since the margin is about 29K

House of Sherif has ruled Punjab for well over 35 years. they pretty much own the lives of the people of this province, it is strange that they dont secure 200% votes.
I dont think PTI/ Imran has ignored Punjab, he cant make the dent in the Punjabi politics that Zulfiqar Bhutto made (although he himself was a feudal lord).

we truley deserve this family on us. since the people have spoken so lets recite together what Nawaz said inside India during Modi's inaguration
"why there is a meaningless line between our countries? what is the point when we have same culture, customs, food and interests?".
what is mersai genetics? Merasi is singer so those DJ who play songs for your Ik is mirasi ny profession haha

Its those people in whose hearts mian ji's tooi resides. They do performances for mian ji even though mian ji doesn't want anything to do with them. as they 'mian ji munh wi na lande'. any self respecting individual that starts doing qasidas of mian ji's tooi

Dont make any sense. You are calling mirasi to others simply because they dont consider Imran as political messiah. Bashing them is not going to change their mind

are you Punjabi?
Is Chakwal in Punjab. mian ji's peo made Pakistan that why people vote for him. Who is Jinnah?
Thats not a big deal. By-elections are mostly won by ruling party.

I think PTI needs to focus on northern punjab and interior sindh while baluchistan is already an open battlefield for PMLN and nationalists.
this is true in normal circumstances but when a party is openly seen hostile to the state and its institutions, invites and hosts butcher of Gujrat and Kashmir to its wedding parties, curses Pak military during visiting India and its leader is exposed lying to the court and has dismal performance and even then it secures the votes of the same godforsaken people then yea.. May Allah have Mercy
You know I am right, The merasi genetics have been inserted into punjabi quom. Sindhi are equally dhari as well.
travel to interior sindh and you will forget the Israeli atrocities. the feudal lords own the lives of the peasants
rape , murder, extortion torture is a tool used with impunity and they are worshipped like gods
but they did their thing
I mean PTI guy had the backing of PPP and PAT votes as well even if the newly formed Tehrik Labaik Ya Rasul Allah guy (with 16K votes) had supported PTI even then Nawaz league would have won. since the margin is about 29K

House of Sherif has ruled Punjab for well over 35 years. they pretty much own the lives of the people of this province, it is strange that they dont secure 200% votes.
I dont think PTI/ Imran has ignored Punjab, he cant make the dent in the Punjabi politics that Zulfiqar Bhutto made (although he himself was a feudal lord).

we truley deserve this family on us. since the people have spoken so lets recite together what Nawaz said inside India during Modi's inaguration
"why there is a meaningless line between our countries? what is the point when we have same culture, customs, food and interests?".
In my halqa the PTI candidate last time was crook why would people vote for him. The people are concerened about their halqas and they want good candidates in their halqa and not every politicians in PML-N are bad. PTI has to be very choosy on it's candidates and has to stop giving tickets to those that are being randomly placed to the front with out doing back ground checks. It is not peoples fault they will always go for what is best for them. there is no nazriati vote in rural punjab. the vote belongs to candidates.
travel to interior sindh and you will forget the Israeli atrocities. the feudal lords own the lives of the peasants
rape , murder, extortion torture is a tool used with impunity and they are worshipped like gods

I don't understand why the judges are so lenient with them, their
corruption has come out, money laundering and contemp of court
but still judges are sleeping.
because if Judges react like CH Iftikhar would have done then Nawaz and Maryam will become political martyrs and this is planned by nawaz party to constantly insult the judges and army so that they are arrested and then Nawzz will claim that he was punished for speaking the "truth" and not for corruption
this is true in normal circumstances but when a party is openly seen hostile to the state and its institutions, invites and hosts butcher of Gujrat and Kashmir to its wedding parties, curses Pak military during visiting India and its leader is exposed lying to the court and has dismal performance and even then it secures the votes of the same godforsaken people then yea.. May Allah have Mercy
Are u aware of the fact that political engineering takes place before every general elections and that engineering's effects are felt right up to the point when the engineering for the next elections is complete, right now new engineering is taking place for 2018 elections, dont loose hope cause of this little by elections stunt( happened under parrameters of previous engineering), 2018 will see pmln take a big big blow.
sir you have no clue, I have witnessed it with my own eyes. those people are treated as subhuman
I mean literally in every sense. this form of democracy suits these thugs whether they are industrialists, money launderers or landlords , but army has no role here,
when I was young I used to wonder why Muslims of Spain didnt see the true face of Abu dawood or people f=of Bengal and Maysoor the true faces of Mir Sadiq and Mir Jafar but looking at their current incarnations in our political leadership , now I see why we cant see that , just like son of Prophet Noah's sons we will continue to deny what is being done to us and in the end we will blame the good people and our Creator for our fall.

this is the situation which brings me to this conclusion that no matter military operations our military conducts.. Taliban will eventually return because of this injustice and naked corruption by our leadership . Taliban movement was stunningly successful not because of support of ISI or CIA or Saudis.. but it came as an alternative solution and rough justice for the people of Afghanistan (and Pakistan in Sawat and FATA). this paragraph is beyond the scope of this thread but I see it as an explanation why I have no faith in current system where only rich, corrupt and powerful ONLY can buy the win in this bespoke Democracy. built for purpose for few hundred people to rule this country
By election always won by ruling party when state machine work for it does wonders. Let the GE come u will see real deal.

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