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Youtube to be unblocked in 24 hours, tweets Malik

Can you merge all the 6 youtube threads running at the moment?
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PM Ashraf orders to block Youtube again
Can you merge all the 6 youtube threads running at the moment?


Members should check first if similar threads are running already. It isn't that hard!!!!
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Thanks nuclear..
There are few more threads just popped up on same topic..

Banning things is the refuge of a weak mind that can neither tolerate... nor has the ability to ensure that his point of view and his way of life becomes that of the world. Banning things only shows the world we are intolerant and irrational. If thats the message we want to send fine. A lot of banned things find their way in Pakistan's markets anyway.

Another thing is the brainlessness of our government is actually affecting a great number of businessmen. For example... primarily video producers who find clients through youtube. I know such a video producer who has been affected.

It just shows a decline. Maybe if we had pulled youtube down across the world I would have said... wow... now I just think its a pathetic move. Pakistanis could have countered the propaganda.

Btw youtube has severely been misused... death threats in the past from some Indian thugs came from it... fun it seems because I think those same Indian thugs have had a role in uniting with their American-Canadian comrades and trying to pull down the Nationalists.

Still banning in Pakistan is not the solution and means no one will be there to present Pakistani viewpoint. Somehow block Indians from accessing it for even a week and I will appreciate it.
Kudos to PM Ashraf. Ok..! it's proved now.... PM Ashraf is more powerful than Rehman Malik.. :lol:
@haviZsultan You can post without bringing India too. You can get only one thank from one poster. No special prize.
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Try creating an anti wrstern wrbsite or upload videos denounving western soviety without any mention of any violence..
It will not only be blocked and deleted...also somebody might knock your door..
Pakistan dud the right thung and isnt the only country who filters internet.

Try creating an anti wrstern wrbsite or upload videos denounving western soviety without any mention of any violence..
It will not only be blocked and deleted...also somebody might knock your door..
Pakistan dud the right thung and isnt the only country who filters internet.
Try creating an anti wrstern wrbsite or upload videos denounving western soviety without any mention of any violence..
It will not only be blocked and deleted...also somebody might knock your door..
Pakistan dud the right thung and isnt the only country who filters internet.

Try creating an anti wrstern wrbsite or upload videos denounving western soviety without any mention of any violence..
It will not only be blocked and deleted...also somebody might knock your door..
Pakistan dud the right thung and isnt the only country who filters internet.

and they*west* are not our teachers simple, If they want to keep themselves blind from two side picture it's not needed that we follow the same path
Try creating an anti wrstern wrbsite or upload videos denounving western soviety without any mention of any violence..
It will not only be blocked and deleted...also somebody might knock your door..
Pakistan dud the right thung and isnt the only country who filters internet.

Try creating an anti wrstern wrbsite or upload videos denounving western soviety without any mention of any violence..
It will not only be blocked and deleted...also somebody might knock your door..
Pakistan dud the right thung and isnt the only country who filters internet.

This is very true... a friend tried an experiment. It was making fun of US with sons of an american idol guy being labelled a son of Obama and stuff like that :lol:

Instead any video calling for murder and violence against Pakistanis remains. Baloch Samachars have a presence... as well as the militant gang. People who know Pashto can also understand the meaning a special message of Hakimullah Mahseed praising support from Afghanistan, in some cases even taking names of some figures. I wonder what ISI does? Does it even monitor this?

Does it even try to protect Pakistani interests. Its going to be known as either an incompetent or complicit group unless it shows some skill at dealing with these issues. Currently its failing.

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