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Youtube to be unblocked in 24 hours, tweets Malik

Opening and closing of youtube same day shows that there is no proper communication channel between different levels of government :angry:
Damn it Maulana Pervez Ashraf. First the free hand to savages on Ishq-e-Rasool Day and now youtube. This guy is hijacking a leftist political party. Maulana Fazl-ur-Rehman would have made a better Prime Minister than him, I bet.
Breaking news just coming in: Twitter blocked since 30 minutes ago in Pakistan and Rahman Malik tweets 15 minutes after blocking "tweeter will be blocked for few days"

Opening and closing of youtube same day shows that there is no proper communication channel between different levels of government :angry:

Is their a government to start with? It is a mutual agreement between the parties to get equal turns to loot the country.
Youtube has been blocked again on the orders of PM just few hours after Malik announced I can see that Azizi prediction was right now government is making Malik a goat ready for sacrifice well he deserved it worked really hard for it
Don't understand how theses stupids are Governing Pakistan..............they can't even take a simple decisions in professional manner.........minister tweet about a decision and then PM negate it........:hitwall:

PM Ashraf orders to block Youtube again - geo.tv

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Raja Pervez Ashraf has ordered PTA to block video sharing website Youtube once again after it was briefly restored on Saturday.

The decision to block Youtube was made after the clips of the anti-Islam film could still be viewed on the website. According to the PTA all Internet Service Providers (ISPs)had blocked the website.

Earlier on Saturday, PTA lifted the ban on Youtube.

In a tweet last night, Interior Minister Rehman Malik said Youtube would be restored within 24 hours. “There was a great demand to unblock Youtube,” Malik tweeted.

The video sharing website had been blocked after violent protests over the posting of an anti-Islam film.

Speaking to Geo News, DG PTA said talks were underway with Google to remove blasphemous content from Youtube.

Prior to this, Youtube has been blocked in Pakistan in 2008 and 2010
They should also put up demands of removing Baloch terrorist channel and violent videos of Baloch killing Pakistani soldiers..

Youtube hosts all sorts of anti Pakistan material,in contradiction to international regulations.
Don't understand how theses stupids are Governing Pakistan..............they can't even take a simple decisions in professional manner.........minister tweet about a decision and then PM negate it........:hitwall:

I think Raja Rental want to tell that he is powerful Prime Minister
how? is the movie blocked on youtube? no..it didn't make a difference.

And for that reason GOP shouldnt open youtube until its done.
If Google can listen to other governments but wants to treat a 500 million USD market like trash,then so be it...
Pakistan shouldnt blink,its the, who should blink,or face ban.
Simple as that.
And for that reason GOP shouldnt open youtube until its done.
If Google can listen to other governments but wants to treat a 500 million USD market like trash,then so be it...
Pakistan shouldnt blink,its the, who should blink,or face ban.
Simple as that.
It will never be taken off, never, pakistan should simply block all the anti-pakistani material on youtube, not the whole youtube, there is no point.
It will never be taken off, never, pakistan should simply block all the anti-pakistani material on youtube, not the whole youtube, there is no point.

Pakistan should? Being a country,a government..
Youtube shouldnt...a measly website out of many...

Good point.
Pakistan should? Being a country,a government..
Youtube shouldnt...a measly website out of many...

Good point.
many other muslim countries did, why can't pakistan? and please stop blaming youth for everything.
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