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Youtube to be unblocked in 24 hours, tweets Malik

It would be such a relief ...no more use of those proxy softwares ...
n a message tweeted on Friday, Rehman Malik said that he chaired a high-level meeting with all stakeholders on youtube issue.

He said that notification in this regard is likely to be issued today.

Malik further said that those who had been pressing him to unblock the site should be happy now.

The minister hailed Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) for blocking anti-Islamic material.

“PTA is finalizing negotiations for acquiring powerful firewall softwatre to totally block pornographic and blasphemous material,” he said.

Youtube to be unblocked in 24 hours, tweets Malik - geo.tv
"PTA is finalizing negotiations for acquiring powerful firewall software to totally block pornographic material,”

many tears were shed...

good decision i guess... its easy to access youtube by installing a tiny software in ur laptop in pakistan but it would be nice to see it running again for educational purposes
Now that Bilawal Bhutto has joined active politics & will be spending more time in Pakistan... they better lift that ban on YouTube!!
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