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Youtube to be unblocked in 24 hours, tweets Malik

Great- YouTube didn't cared- and yet we have reopened it- just like amrika didnt cared and we reopened the supply line-
ISLAMABAD: The Pakistan Telecommunications Authority (PTA) has issued orders to unblock video sharing website Youtube.

The PTA has ordered all Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and IT companies to unblock Youtube immediately.

In a tweet Friday night, Interior Minister Rehman Malik said Youtube would be restored within 24 hours. “There was a great demand to unblock Youtube,” Malik tweeted.

The video sharing website had been blocked for over 100 days after violent protests over the posting of an anti-Islam film.

Speaking to Geo News, DG PTA said talks were underway with Google to remove blasphemous content from Youtube.

Prior to this, Youtube had been blocked in Pakistan in 2008 and 2010
Yeah Youtube working I play song there:chilli::bounce::taz:
On 7th of December Google has already made it clear that they wont remove the Blasphemy video..
So in effect Pakistan is bowing to a useless website..
Wow this is ******* epic ... youtube was unbanned today as per orders of Rehman Malik and it worked only 5 minutes and than was banned again on orders of Raja Pervaiz ... what kind of ullu ka patha he is ... can't fix electricity, can't fix railway, can't fix PIA, can't fix gas but only concerned about ******* banning youtube ...
Wow this is ******* epic ... youtube was unbanned today as per orders of Rehman Malik and it worked only 5 minutes and than was banned again on orders of Raja Pervaiz ... what kind of ullu ka patha he is ... can't fix electricity, can't fix railway, can't fix PIA, can't fix gas but only concerned about ******* banning youtube ...

At-least he can fix tubes
Welcome to Talibanistan! Darn! This government is not familiar with the word called priority. Non-issues are the issues and the issues are the non-issues!
they are going to firewall obscene, porno and offensive material.

there is more censorship in this sham democracy than musharraf time

They firewalled ovguide.com (friggin search engine). This democracy is a joke
All of you got trolled...
Youtube is blocked again by PM Raja..
Google refused to remove the offensive material despite repetetive requests by Gop.
Government is just trolling. They opened it for like and hour and closed it again

Spoke too soon, Banned again after opening it for 1 hour

May be Rahman Malik & Zardari want to watch some youtube videos :lol:

After watching them they ban it again :rofl::rofl:
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