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Youtube to be unblocked in 24 hours, tweets Malik

y was it blocked in the first place.any particular reason or scandal i suppose ?
Ḥashshāshīn;3743039 said:
I've seen it... by accident! :P

If you don't mind me asking, what is the Jewish view on these matters? Similar to Islam?

Because of the blasphemous movie.

Depends on what sect you are, some are more strict than others.
No need to block pornography. This is our right and freedom what i want or want to see.
No need to impose personal belief or understanding on others.

Youtube opened in Pakistan it seems.

Not yet my good friend, its still blocked. They initially said that it would open by the end of december, but december is almost over, we are still waiting. As of now, we are using proxies to get through. Proxfree being one of many famous ones.... Just tried opening it, still blocked
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No orders issued to open YouTube: PTA spokesman

SLAMABAD: A spokesman of the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) on Monday clarified that it had not ordered to open the access of YouTube in Pakistan.

YouTube was blocked in Pakistan on the directives of the Prime Minister on the blasphemous movie uploaded issue.

Taking notice of the there are rumours that the government has opened the YouTube and the reports that some service providers and operators have opened the access of YouTube in Pakistan, the spokesman said,” Neither we have directed any service providers and operators to open YouTube nor PTA has received such instruction from the government.”

According to a PTA press release, the authority also took notice on the ticker appeared in electronic media and again directed the service providers and operators not to open the YouTube.

The PTA has initiated inquiry to check which service providers and operator have opened the access to YouTube and afterwards stern action will be taken against responsible, the spokesman said.

No orders issued to open YouTube: PTA spokesman | Pakistan | DAWN.COM
There is somthing else going on here surely, the movie in question was dealth with long ago, most of the Muslim world seems to have forgottn or moved on from it and yet YT in Pakistan is STILL banned!! Is this some attempt by the GoP to curb certain internet freedoms in Pakistan for whatever reason? The offical story doesn't sit right with me.
There is somthing else going on here surely, the movie in question was dealth with long ago, most of the Muslim world seems to have forgottn or moved on from it and yet YT in Pakistan is STILL banned!! Is this some attempt by the GoP to curb certain internet freedoms in Pakistan for whatever reason? The offical story doesn't sit right with me.
Election is coming ;)
they are going to firewall obscene, porno and offensive material.

there is more censorship in this sham democracy than musharraf time
One more way of wasting time....

Btw....the blasphamy content for which youtube was blocked,is still there.
Finally, and I just left Pakistan a few days ago xP
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