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Youtube to be unblocked in 24 hours, tweets Malik

What does this recent unblocking and then immediate blocking of youtube indicate. Isn't it related to corruption? What kind of decision and stance is portrayed? They claim that after unblocking they found that all the stuff, due to which it was blocked, was still there. Couldn't they check it before?
Jao khaa hao PM ko
7th thread since yesterday..
You wont die without youtube,i am sure about that.
It was unblocked to see if youtubes racist channels were blocked by PTA, but they were not hence banned again.
You wont die without youtube,i am sure about that.

You wont die quitting UK . You wont die loosing your job , isnt it ? but wouldnt it make you sad or depressed.
Same applies to the person you replied . Internet is crap without youtube .
What does this recent unblocking and then immediate blocking of youtube indicate. Isn't it related to corruption? What kind of decision and stance is portrayed? They claim that after unblocking they found that all the stuff, due to which it was blocked, was still there. Couldn't they check it before?

It just show Pakistanis has changed their mind every weeks and every days, low quality senseless.
You wont die quitting UK . You wont die loosing your job , isnt it ? but wouldnt it make you sad or depressed.
Same applies to the person you replied . Internet is crap without youtube .

You wont die if you stop being an idiot.
Google 'virtual' and 'real'.
As you dont know the difference between virtual and real life.
Thats what internet does to addicts..you lose perception of reality.
lol just got this on fb

What an idiotic decision by the PM to block Youtube again. The ban did more harm than good. Why not just block the individual links to the offensive film rather than banning entire Youtube. The blocking of Youtube is just another way for politicians to support their political agendas. I think it should be unblocked ASAP.
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