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World’s fifteen most powerful countries in 2012

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PERSIA lost to ALEXANDER............. and ALEXANDER wasn't able to conquer INDIA...... now PERSIA lost to ARABS.... so did INDIA.... INDIANS did not loose there culture and religion in order to bootpolish the arabs..... when the PARSIS fled IRAN ..... INDIA was the one to give them shelter.....ONLY PARSIS HAVE THE RIGHT TO BE PROUD OF PERSIAN CIVILLISATION.:smokin:
LMAO wherever we are at least we are not saying we will be superpower or we are brightest people.
besides Persian had first superpower on earth when was you a superpower?
you will always dream of being one.

Dayum.Iran scaring folks with a history textbook....
i doubt india will be together by 2050.
the sikhs and tamils want independence as do many others, they will probably get it by then.

once india becomes a threat to the US, watch the US interfere in india's internal affairs to make sure india never surpasses the US. one way is to fund and support separatist groups. its very easy to cause anarchy and chaos in india, much easier than other countries.

i wont be at all surprised to see india broken up into smaller countries like they were before the british invaded little 'indian' kingdoms and united them.
there is no such thing as an 'indian' in this world, its an imaginary race. just like there is no such thing as a 'soviet' anymore, only russian, ukranian, belarussian, etc.
there are sikhs, tamils, etc but no such thing as an 'indian'.
'indians' are made up people.

this is a historical fact.
PERSIA lost to ALEXANDER............. and ALEXANDER wasn't able to conquer INDIA...... now PERSIA lost to ARABS.... so did INDIA.... INDIANS did not loose there culture and religion in order to bootpolish the arabs..... when the PARSIS fled IRAN ..... INDIA was the one to give them shelter.....ONLY PARSIS HAVE THE RIGHT TO BE PROUD OF PERSIAN CIVILLISATION.:smokin:

I am not even a muslim, I am atheist and have s Zoroastrain name.
we still have our culture kiddo, that is why every year even the mullas celebrate nowruz, which is a Zoroastrian traditional.
i doubt india will be together by 2050.
the sikhs and tamils want independence as do many others, they will probably get it by then.

once india becomes a threat to the US, watch the US interfere in india's internal affairs to make sure india never surpasses the US. one way is to fund and support separatist groups. its very easy to cause anarchy and chaos in india, much easier than other countries.

i wont be at all surprised to see india broken up into smaller countries like they were before the british invaded little 'indian' kingdoms and united them.
there is no such thing as an 'indian' in this world, its an imaginary race. just like there is no such thing as a 'soviet' anymore, only russian, ukranian, belarussian, etc.
there are sikhs, tamils, etc but no such thing as an 'indian'.
'indians' are made up people.

this is a historical fact.

Exactly. There was no such thing as Indian nationalism before the colonialists created India.

Indian nationalism started in 1947.
i doubt india will be together by 2050.
the sikhs and tamils want independence as do many others, they will probably get it by then.

once india becomes a threat to the US, watch the US interfere in india's internal affairs to make sure india never surpasses the US. one way is to fund and support separatist groups. its very easy to cause anarchy and chaos in india, much easier than other countries.

i wont be at all surprised to see india broken up into smaller countries like they were before the british invaded little 'indian' kingdoms and united them.
there is no such thing as an 'indian' in this world, its an imaginary race. just like there is no such thing as a 'soviet' anymore, only russian, ukranian, belarussian, etc.
there are sikhs, tamils, etc but no such thing as an 'indian'.
'indians' are made up people.

this is a historical fact.

Thanks for the history lesson.As a token of appreciation, your house will be covered under Agni 5. Thank You.
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