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What script does Languages in Pakistan use?

ahahahah bro balti means bucket in Urdu but has nothing to do with the Balti speaking people of Northern Pakistan, that's what the people are called.
No the words do not sound the same , beside 'tay' and 'ttay" differnce, Baalti for bucket has additional alif (edit: It seems Balti sahab has already corrected you)
Balti people = بلتی
Bucket = بالٹی
that was when british were ruling south asia, when Pakistan was born our leaders chose it themselves. British isnt involved in everything.
However the founding fathers IMHO made a strategic error by choosing Urdu. They knew that the lingua franca was Dari when Muslims were rulers and in order to suppress Muslims the British banned her and promoted "Hindustani". Pakistan would have been better off if Dari was chosen.
However the founding fathers IMHO made a strategic error by choosing Urdu. They knew that the lingua franca was Dari when Muslims were rulers and in order to suppress Muslims the British banned her and promoted "Hindustani". Pakistan would have been better off if Dari was chosen.

I agree. Around 70% if not more of our national poet aka Allama Iqbal's written works are in Dari. The purpose of Hindustani (Urdu and Hindi) was to 'Indianize' us thereby centralizing British control in the region. Even Non-Muslims from the Indus region such as the Sikhs used Dari as their court language. I wonder how the situation would have been had the Allama been alive to see Pakistan come into existence.
Are the languages similar? If you speak Urdu, can you understand much Persian?
Urdu is basically derived from Turkish word meaning army. In those days Turkish was also written in script similar to arabic. Later turkey switched to alphabets similar to latin. Rulers of subcontinent had people from different lingual backgrounds, which resulted in origination of this language. It has words from many languages and is capable of absorbing any foreign word. Those who understand Urdu may be able to decipher some words from Persian and Arabic.
However the founding fathers IMHO made a strategic error by choosing Urdu. They knew that the lingua franca was Dari when Muslims were rulers and in order to suppress Muslims the British banned her and promoted "Hindustani". Pakistan would have been better off if Dari was chosen.
IMHO as a man who is a student of IR it was one of the few great decisions they made.
IMHO as a man who is a student of IR it was one of the few great decisions they made.
Could you please elaborate? What are the benefits vs disadvantages?

Urdu is basically derived from Turkish word meaning army. In those days Turkish was also written in script similar to arabic. Later turkey switched to alphabets similar to latin. Rulers of subcontinent had people from different lingual backgrounds, which resulted in origination of this language. It has words from many languages and is capable of absorbing any foreign word. Those who understand Urdu may be able to decipher some words from Persian and Arabic.
Yes but go and speak Urdu in the Arab world or the Turkish world or the Persian world and see if the natives will comprehend; do this in Bharat and see the difference.
do this in Bharat and see the difference.

What's wrong with that? Get that stupid mentality out of labelling Urdu as Indian, no wonder many non Urdu Speaking people even refer to Urdu speakers as Indians/Hindus. What kind of stupid logic is that? We have a lot in common with North Indians, basically similar people with different religion. If you're a Punjabi, Urdu Speaker or a Sindhi then you have similarities with north Indians, the only Pakistanis different from Indians are Pushtuns, Baluch or Hazara(from Quetta) or some small ethnicities in remote northern Pakistan.
What's wrong with that? Get that stupid mentality out of labelling Urdu as Indian, no wonder many non Urdu Speaking people even refer to Urdu speakers as Indians/Hindus. What kind of stupid logic is that? We have a lot in common with North Indians, basically similar people with different religion. If you're a Punjabi, Urdu Speaker or a Sindhi then you have similarities with north Indians, the only Pakistanis different from Indians are Pushtuns, Baluch or Hazara(from Quetta) or some small ethnicities in remote northern Pakistan.
There is nothing wrong with Urdu as a language or being Indian. Neither is there anything wrong with have commonalities with North Indians. BUT the point is why use Urdu when Pakistan is separating from Bharat post British India? Why not make English the national language? The benefits of Dari would have been manifold more than Urdu.

I agree. Around 70% if not more of our national poet aka Allama Iqbal's written works are in Dari. The purpose of Hindustani (Urdu and Hindi) was to 'Indianize' us thereby centralizing British control in the region. Even Non-Muslims from the Indus region such as the Sikhs used Dari as their court language. I wonder how the situation would have been had the Allama been alive to see Pakistan come into existence.
I did not know that Sikhs used Dari as a court language.
There is nothing wrong with Urdu as a language or being Indian. Neither is there anything wrong with have commonalities with North Indians. BUT the point is why use Urdu when Pakistan is separating from Bharat post British India? Why not make English the national language? The benefits of Dari would have been manifold more than Urdu.

I did not know that Sikhs used Dari as a court language.

Yeah, Ranjit Singh made it the official court language even as per Sikh sources. For example

Though every inch a Punjabi who would prostrate before the Holy Granth written in Gurmukhi script every morning, Maharajah Ranjit Singh declared Persian as the language of the court. He even encouraged princes to learn foreign languages like English

page 127, Maharaja Ranjit Singh, the Last to Lay Arms By Kartar Singh Duggal

Important to note here is that Duggal does not refer to Farsi as a "foreign" language like English. Rather it was the literary and administrative language of the region for centuries before the British imposed Urdu. That is not to say that there is anything wrong with Urdu as a language, but personally I feel that with independence we should have sought to bring back our older administrative languages, rather than keep using a British imposed one.
Yeah, Ranjit Singh made it the official court language even as per Sikh sources. For example

page 127, Maharaja Ranjit Singh, the Last to Lay Arms By Kartar Singh Duggal

Important to note here is that Duggal does not refer to Farsi as a "foreign" language like English. Rather it was the literary and administrative language of the region for centuries before the British imposed Urdu. That is not to say that there is anything wrong with Urdu as a language, but personally I feel that with independence we should have sought to bring back our older administrative languages, rather than keep using a British imposed one.
I concur. There would have been so many benefits.
Could you please elaborate? What are the benefits vs disadvantages?

Yes but go and speak Urdu in the Arab world or the Turkish world or the Persian world and see if the natives will comprehend; do this in Bharat and see the difference.
I sometime wonder as to why our youth is so impulsive in writing, without seeing the context. I fail to find any relevance to my post in the response.
I sometime wonder as to why our youth is so impulsive in writing, without seeing the context. I fail to find any relevance to my post in the response.
Have you forgotten your youth?
Have you forgotten your youth?
It is the remembered youth which forces to pass on the experience. Nevertheless, our youth was not so disrespectful as of today's generation.

But unfortunately this is the culture in vogue and no one takes lessons from the history.
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The only thing left in this country uniting us is this language and now here are the posts in this thread.
Urdu was and is the language of muslims of sub-continent as a symbol of unity and brotherhood, it is not the property of urdu-speakers and doesnt belong to one ethinicity.
Famous urdu poets and writers weremostly Punjabis and Punjab has served urdu more than anyother province of british India.
And to that racist fellow i suggest you should better throw us (urdu-speakers) in the arabian sea then you will be happy i guess.
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