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Upset with delay, Kabul shelves request for arms aid from Delhi

India is in support of the afghan government, US is in support of the afghan government, pakistan for some reasons is supporting anti-government agencies, thus trying to coerce the afghan government to tow it's line .... that is the difference.

my dear you are talking about decades old thingy. Pakistanis have fully supported current elections and the new presidency. So please bring in specific time periods and places if you really know what you are talking about.

Many years ago Pakistan played its cards just like every other player in Afghanistan.

I'll see if you will oppose Indian gov in case Nepal or Bhutan can lay claim on Indian lands, and make statements like some Afghanistanis leaders do against pak.

There is bad blood on all sides.

But unfortunately indians seems to be lapping up Afghanistani feet as if they are still living in Nadir Shah time.
Appeasing pakistan is definitely worth a try. The returns are enormous if the pakistanis dont make it a zero sum game.

However past tells us pakistan will choose non state actors as an instrument of foreign policy over cooperation.

An accidental withdrawal can convince, even the most hardcore of addicts, to seek a complete one with proper medical guidance and support. Because he has seen the severe agony, which will follow if he doesn't get the drug for whatever reasons in the future.
my dear you are talking about decades old thingy.

I'll see if you will oppose Indian gov in case Nepal or Bhutan can lay claim on Indian lands, and make statements like some Afghanistanis leaders do against pak.

There is bad blood on all sides.

But unfortunately indians seems to be lapping up Afghanistani feet as if they are still living in Nadir Shah time.
Indian relations with Neither Nepal nor Bhutan are based on coercion, Bhutan is voluntarily an Indian Protectorate, Nepal and India has shared good relation for most of it's history except for the maoist overtake and still all nepalis in India have equal employment opportunity, can travel without any visa restrictions like every other Indian citizen. Indian relations with both bhutan and Nepal are derrived from cooperation and not coercion.
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Please tell us about al Zulfikar, wasn't it formed by zulfikar ali bhutto's son to avenge his father who was killed by a megalomaniac dictator..... apart from that your justification of support taliban is quite poor, try again ... this time with maybe some content....

Yes it is the same Al Zulfiqar. And Afghan rulers like always supported it too.

As for poor justification. It is a very satisfying justification for us. More satisfying than your justification of supporting militant organizations like Mukti Bahini.
Quite expected..indian public sector defence industry cannot provide equipment on time to India itself..so better to look for china or Russia if u can afford it

Interesting IndianExpress.com article -- article here, excerpts below

Frustrated with India’s failure to deliver long-promised military aid, new Afghan President Ashraf Ghani has told New Delhi that he wishes to revisit his predecessor’s request for assistance, diplomatic sources have told The Indian Express. President Ghani’s decision to place Afghanistan’s arms-aid request on hold, the sources said, had been conveyed to negotiators from the Ministry of External Affairs earlier this month.

The freeze on the aid request, a government source in Kabul said, reflected President Ghani’s belief that the outreach to India would poison the country’s relationship with Pakistan, without yielding any dividends in return. -

Sushant Sareen, an analyst at the New Delhi-based think tank Vivekananda International Foundation, said the Afghan move showed President Ghani “is doing the same his predecessor first did, and betting on appeasing Pakistan”. “This should also be a lesson to us that delayed decisions mean lost opportunities,” he said.
India is in support of the afghan government, US is in support of the afghan government, pakistan for some reasons is supporting anti-government agencies, thus trying to coerce the afghan government to tow it's line .... that is the difference.
Sorry for bursting your ignorance bubble, but unlike Americans who have installed a puppet regime of minority group in Afghanistan, Pakistan values Afghanistan's best interests which can't be accomplished without the representation of the majority of the Afghan population in the national decision making. As for India ..........it's quite insignificant......just trying to shove its nose where it doesn't belong. Anything which India can do for Afghanistan, China can do it 100 times better.
Appeasing pakistan is definitely worth a try. The returns are enormous if the pakistanis dont make it a zero sum game.

However past tells us pakistan will choose non state actors as an instrument of foreign policy over cooperation.

History tells you a lot of things. Not least that you clearly don't understand it.

Of course, I know you will. :tup: I wish you the best.

The idea of a Sino Pak Saudi Turkish alliance to take on India is just laughable at best. In any case how is the re-arming of the good Taliban going?

We will win in Afghanistan. This entire opportunity that you folks pounced on is unsustainable, and to echo Horus' words, we will all rejoice when Indian interference in Afghanistan is brutally and absolutely put to an end.
@Irfan Baloch Good Taliban is a Dead Taliban..... Negotiating with taliban or any other terror organisation is just defeatist mentality...

Any country that aids/promotes such scums should think twice what they are about to unleash on their neighbors...Wont be long when these scums turn back and bite the hand that feeds them............But YOU already know that!

While these people are deplorable. There is a harsh reality to be learnt (yet again) from this war. In Afghanistan foreign powers cannot impose their will, maybe for a time being through unsustainable methods. In the end, the equilibrium state returns with twice the impact force.

The Afghans and the US aren't fools, there are some very good reasons why they are now negotiating.

The actual war and the war advertised on TV are worlds apart, as you know already.
AQ and ISIS not gonna die that easily.Even according to the US calculation the war with ISIS will remain like this for at least next 30 years.

That means they intend to destroy the region further. Of all the countries on earth. America is the most sickening, motives and methods like ISIS, only difference is that they wear suits and ties.

The Middle East is a region destined to be destroyed by global players, as if it wasn't bad enough already.
so much for not interfering into their internal affairs.

Any Pakistani who claims we don't want to interfere with Afghanistan's internal affairs is lying through his teeth.

We will interfere if there's a reason for us to do so. And Afghanistan has given us more reasons than anyone.
Afghanistan has been a source of trouble for us since the 60's, we're only human and look out for our own interests, bleeding because of Afghanistan is not in our national interest.
Please enlighten us the reason to unleash 40K fighters in 1994-96 against najibullah, aid taliban with military advisors and militia, during raid on kabul in 94, assassination of Ahmed Shah Massoud, Rabbani, Abdul Haq, Airlift of Konduz, Aiding a abetting a genocidal Taliban regime throughout it's pillage of afghans, arming taliban despite genocide of hazaras and Ubeks.... What did the afghans do to pakistan to deserve the most evil regime ever known to the modern world... Please tell us how had infighting afghan mujhahideens risked your interests that deserved the gift called Taliban?

You and I know very well what came before the taliban. And I'm not talking about Najibullah or the Soviets. The chaos when the Najibullah government fell saw no less atrocities than the taliban rule. Zia was a fool to set up and use this sort of ideology in both countries. His biggest error was installing this sort of thing within the ranks of the PA.
History tells you a lot of things. Not least that you clearly don't understand it.

We will win in Afghanistan. This entire opportunity that you folks pounced on is unsustainable, and to echo Horus' words, we will all rejoice when Indian interference in Afghanistan is brutally and absolutely put to an end.

If you had said ''diplomatically'' instead of ''brutally'' I'd have entertained your hysterical assertion that pakistanis learn from history better than us. Tell us something new other than just hyperbole.
That is a view, maybe I am naive, but I think sovereignty of a-stan should be respected, no country should be anyone's backyard.... alignment of foreign policy should be out of co-operation and not coercion.

I think the day we can separate ourselves from Afghanistan and not have their internal politics affect us so adversely, we can leave them to their own devices and let them fight each other if they have to.

You have to realise that while we don't respect their sovereignty in some matters and interfere, but they do not respect ours and naturally what they do there and their goals affects us greatly. Many major issues in either country can be called an Af-Pak problems.
If you had said ''diplomatically'' instead of ''brutally'' I'd have entertained your hysterical assertion that pakistanis learn from history better than us. Tell us something new other than just hyperbole.

Sorry, no, brutally indeed, I wan't to see those who made us bleed destroyed.


edit: I made this my view the day I saw Ziarat residency burn on the news. Revenge is not the idea, it's to make sure that there is never a way for us to be hurt like that again.
Indian relations with Neither Nepal nor Bhutan are based on coercion, Bhutan is voluntarily an Indian Protectorate, Nepal and India has shared good relation for most of it's history except for the maoist overtake and still all nepalis in India have equal employment opportunity, can travel without any visa restrictions like every other Indian citizen. Indian relations with both bhutan and Nepal are derrived from cooperation and not coercion.

your response shows bro that you have not studied the region fully.
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