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Upset with delay, Kabul shelves request for arms aid from Delhi

Of course, I know you will. :tup: I wish you the best.

The idea of a Sino Pak Saudi Turkish alliance to take on India is just laughable at best. In any case how is the re-arming of the good Taliban going?
very good

so good that I just laughed my Butt off about 5 stories high

Afghan President Ghani invites Taliban to join peace process

BEIJING: Afghanistan's new president invited the Taliban to join in a peace process backed by the international community on Friday, an unusual direct reference to the insurgents who have stepped up attacks in an attempt to bring down his month-old government.


eat your hat and your heart buddy

@Irfan Baloch how can you this much sure about the Indian involvement in Terrorism?
After LTTE Ilepisode I dont think they will encourage that
yes but some Indian think tanks point towards successful east Pakistan subversion through the proxy Mukti bahani
unless there is a serious set back in the Afghan based operation or the costs become too high or there is a major policy change, India would keep reigniting the Baloch Insurgency. helps in a broader narrative of Pakistan being a failed state so why stop?
@Irfan Baloch Good Taliban is a Dead Taliban..... Negotiating with taliban or any other terror organisation is just defeatist mentality...

Any country that aids/promotes such scums should think twice what they are about to unleash on their neighbors...Wont be long when these scums turn back and bite the hand that feeds them............But YOU already know that!
@Irfan Baloch Good Taliban is a Dead Taliban..... Negotiating with taliban or any other terror organisation is just defeatist mentality...

Any country that aids/promotes such scums should think twice what they are about to unleash on their neighbors...
Yankee doodle did that just now just like like the red coats did that century ago.
you got to negotiate with those who are not part of global Jihadi network Caliphate terrorists.

we negotiated too and this helped where people surrendered along with their followers.. rest are being droned and bombed as we speak

as much you and I hate it

Haqqani, hikmatyar
Abdul Sayaf
Mullah Omar etc are all Afghan natives, leaders, have massive following and have a say as major stakeholders

Northern Alliance leaders lost the opportunity handed over to them by occupation forces for 10 years and they blew it due to their narrow minded, bigoted mentality towards Pashtons and their corruption and mismanagement.

the Afghan taliban and their Islamist Pahston allies have lost a lot and wont be as clueless and stupid as they were pre Afghan invasion they already distanced themselves from AQ and ISIS .. the only real culprits are Pakistani Taliban that need to be brought down because their support for AQ and ISIS is open and unflinching
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This is Indo-Afghan plot. Afghanistan will appease Pakistan to take Pakistani money and to burden Pakistani economy. This blackmailing will not work. I request Pakistan Army to invade Afghanistan immediately and bring martial law there. This is the only solution to attain peace in Asia.

You are not funny.
very good

so good that I just laughed my Butt off about 5 stories high

Afghan President Ghani invites Taliban to join peace process

BEIJING: Afghanistan's new president invited the Taliban to join in a peace process backed by the international community on Friday, an unusual direct reference to the insurgents who have stepped up attacks in an attempt to bring down his month-old government.


eat your hat and your heart buddy

yes but some Indian think tanks point towards successful east Pakistan subversion through the proxy Mukti bahani
unless there is a serious set back in the Afghan based operation or the costs become too high or there is a major policy change, India would keep reigniting the Baloch Insurgency. helps in a broader narrative of Pakistan being a failed state so why stop?

I cant agree with that.
A reluctant Indira helped Bengalis only after they flocked in 10 million in our territory and start to pressurising our economy.Operation Chenghis khan was the main reason of Indian attack.
As a veteran expert in terrorism related issues you know how we nurtured Kachin rebels and LTTE.Both of them become a head ache to the entire region after that.
But except some minor fireworks we cant see these Baloch insurgency.
About failed state narrative .I think you know who is real culprit not us.You should blame the sponsors of those yahoos.
Nurturing terrorism will only cause the backlash.That is a universal truth .India and we Indians learned it in a hardway when it claims two of our Prime Minister.

Yankee doodle did that just now just like like the red coats did that century ago.
you got to negotiate with those who are not part of global Jihadi network Caliphate terrorists.

we negotiated too and this helped where people surrendered along with their followers.. rest are being droned and bombed as we speak

as much you and I hate it

Haqqani, hikmatyar
Abdul Sayaf
Mullah Omar etc are all Afghan natives, leaders, have massive following and have a say as major stakeholders

Northern Alliance leaders lost the opportunity handed over to them by occupation forces for 10 years and they blew it due to their narrow minded, bigoted mentality towards Pashtons and their corruption and mismanagement.

the Afghan taliban and their Islamist Pahston allies have lost a lot and wont be as clueless and stupid as they were pre Afghan invasion they already distanced themselves from AQ and ISIS .. the only real culprits are Pakistani Taliban that need to be brought down because their support for AQ and ISIS is open and unflinching

But now there is some reports about the Talibans support for the Caliphate.
then they will share their fate like AQ and ISIS
I have no sympathy with them

AQ and ISIS not gonna die that easily.Even according to the US calculation the war with ISIS will remain like this for at least next 30 years.
AQ and ISIS not gonna die that easily.Even according to the US calculation the war with ISIS will remain like this for at least next 30 years.
which brings us to to uneasy questions where we dont agree

fix the causes that give these scumbags an excuse to exist. be fair in your dealing and this war will be won.
look why poor areas have higher crime rate and disillusioned youth? because criminals use the poverty, deprivation and injustice as an excuse to break the law and get recruits. fix the causes and the people loose appeal in crime and criminals.

I wont go any further just to keep this thread on topic but you got the idea

failing that

lets continue to fire fight for a very long time.
which brings us to to uneasy questions where we dont agree

fix the causes that give these scumbags an excuse to exist. be fair in your dealing and this war will be won.
look why poor areas have higher crime rate and disillusioned youth? because criminals use the poverty, deprivation and injustice as an excuse to break the law and get recruits. fix the causes and the people loose appeal in crime and criminals.

I wont go any further just to keep this thread on topic but you got the idea

failing that

lets continue to fire fight for a very long time.

ISIS is not our subcontinent product .That is a product of some western nations and Arabnations.We dont have any sayin it.
You are right.No more off topic.
Appeasing pakistan is definitely worth a try. The returns are enormous if the pakistanis dont make it a zero sum game.

However past tells us pakistan will choose non state actors as an instrument of foreign policy over cooperation.

Ahmadzai roughly can be considered as a Pakistani taliban in power in Afghanistan only if our govt clever enough to corperate with him and even help him having possible peace deals with the talibs.
on time to indians apna MMRCA nhi lety aid kesy time per deen gay :lol:
Haqqani, hikmatyar
Abdul Sayaf
Mullah Omar etc are all Afghan natives, leaders, have massive following and have a say as major stakeholders
Well, they, wont have such following when they are six feet under? will they...

All we are asking is, take these nice people out.... thats it...
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