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SSG Commandos will induct Turkish MPT 76 Special Forces Varient kaan 717

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Super Falcon

Jul 3, 2008
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United Arab Emirates
There are rumours from turkey I might be wrong that SSG Commandos of Pakistan army might get some KAAN 171 Assault rifle varient based on for special forces needs

These might come handy as they needed something like HK 417 these are in comparison same to HK 417 and in some ways better than HK 417

Our SSG deserves best and MKEK are doing good job in assault rifle market
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There are rumours from turkey I might be wrong that SSG Commandos of Pakistan army might get some KAAN 171 Assault rifle varient based on for special forces needs

These might come handy as they needed something like HK 417 these are in comparison same to HK 417 and in some ways better than HK 417
I won't be surprised if SSG gets phased plasma rifle in 40 watt range, for their limited use.The real issue is replacing the G3 and Type-56, for the entire infantry.....
I won't be surprised if SSG gets phased plasma rifle in 40 watt range, for their limited use.The real issue is replacing the G3 and Type-56, for the entire infantry.....
Yes but some day they have to do it mpt 76 looking good to do the job for infantry
SSG should also consider heavy machine gun of Sarsilmaz

with this special solution to carry extra ammo

huge firepower for a single machine gunner
All of these are copies of FN MAG and US SAW & Russian PK LMGs.
Check what SSG already uses.
Have they not already replaced their assualt rifles with the AK103 or someone from its kind?
There are rumours from turkey I might be wrong that SSG Commandos of Pakistan army might get some KAAN 171 Assault rifle varient based on for special forces needs

These might come handy as they needed something like HK 417 these are in comparison same to HK 417 and in some ways better than HK 417

Our SSG deserves best and MKEK are doing good job in assault rifle market
SSG uses 556 calibre. Why would they entirely switch their standard calibre? Makes absolutely no sense to go from a modern intermediate cartridge back to an older, larger and frankly less useful one (for CQB purposes). The only reason they might buy these is in specialized Rifleman roles in small numbers, otherwise it makes no sense for them to replace perfectly good M4s with these.

bas trials he tak hain. I mean she has been tested heavily, still to see something concrete. Noise was we purchased some Belarusian nonsense as a stop gap. I wish we would stop doing this.
Oh yes, the lousy vsk100.
Firstly, it’s not lousy. But it’s definitely not a solution. However the army hasn’t bought any of them. Only the FC, which is using it to replace even older Type 56s and G3s. So for them it might make sense due to the cheaper costs.

The army has stopped using G3 in most roles since years ago, it’s mainly Type 56-IIs and other modernized AKs now, however again they’re not a solution, just a stop gap; the army still needs a new rifle, and i suspect it will be a 7.62x39 calibre, with a second 7.62x51 calibre rifle being purchased in smaller numbers for specific roles where it’s still more useful, otherwise the x51 calibre needs to be phased out, it’s way too big for closer engagements, the weapons are too heavy and recoil is too strong.

What happened to the BW-20/21 program? Last I heard it was going into army trials.
Trials already ended, haven’t heard anything since, it seems like rifles are not a priority, other things are. I’m sure the army will get there eventually, I just hope it’s soon.
They were using a 7.62 chambered weapon a few years ago n they used it for 90% of WOT with great effect.
so if you belittle our guns why not SSG buy fn mag and us saw instead of mpt 76?

Army, FC & SSG with the same weapons.


As for MPT, its not even a machine gun.

And we do produce LMGs and HMGs.
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